Monday, March 30, 2009
Only 5 blocks!

Monday, March 23, 2009
The Beginning Of Another One! :)
I missed quilt guild this morning because I overslept! I really wanted to go because I had missed the past few meetings. Maybe next time! :)
She does wonderful work! I have had her as a partner in a few swaps and her work is truly beautiful!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
New baby chicks and Labels
Richard has worked most of the day today disking the gardens. I have been out and about most of the day. Just walking around the farm and I did take a little ride on Ole Jim, the mule. I rode around the fence lines to check for repairs. It was so nice!
Last night and this morning, I worked on some quilt labels. I sewed on 5 of them. These were gifts from my new friend, Jacky!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Another Quilt Top!
Yesterday morning when Richard got up for work he was urinating blood. I insisted that he go to the doctor. He had to drop his coal truck off to have some work done on it so I picked him up yesterday evening. Took him to Urgent Care, they did a urine test and said "no infection but positive for blood" Well, duh! Said that he probably had a kidney stone and sent him straight to the ER. Now our little local hospital is a JOKE, but I was lucky to get him to go anywhere. After sitting there for several hours they came in and said..." No infection but we will put you on an antibiotic anyway. They also said that no tumors or kidney stones turned up on the CT Scan. Told him they didn't have a clue where the blood was coming from but go home and if it does stop soon to come back! Now can you believe that? You don't bleed for no reason!! He is not having any pain or anything but like I said you don't bleed for no reason!
Anyway, I had to go to the grocery store and stuff today because I was just too busy yesterday. When I got back Richard decided to plow the garden! He got ours plowed and mom's too! He will disk it up tonight or tomorrow. Can't wait to start planting some vegetables! If you look closely in the background you can see the roof of the house!
This is what I did Thursday! My ex-husband's niece is having a baby in June, and her shower is in April so I jumped in and made a quick baby quilt. (Giggle, his family still like me and THEY are good people) I still need to do the quilting on it but at least the top and binding are done.
Friday, March 20, 2009
New Addition To The Family!
Signs of Spring! Today is the first day of Spring and Beauma had her foal this morning!! We had moved her in another lot and stall waiting the birth of the new foal. She had been in there for a few weeks now, but in the night she had gotten out and got back in the pasture where she stayed before. Luckily no other horses where in there. My sister was picking Andrew up to take him to school this morning. As they were leaving, they called to say that Beauma was out and back in the pasture. So I got dressed and when I got out there she stood up! When she stood up the colt was hanging out. It's head was sticking out!!! I was sooooo excited! I ran back in to get the video camera and phone! I guess she just wanted to have her colt where she was comfortable and what was familiar to her!
All went well and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl at 7:47am this morning! Her name is "Saphira" Richard had picked that name out when we bred her. He got the name from the movie "Eragon" "Saphira" is the name of the dragon in the movie!
So here is my new "Grandbaby!"
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Another Finish!
Got the binding done on my other quilt. This one is a scrap "Jacob's Ladder" It is one of my older quilts, just glad that it is done! One more for the pile!
I am getting ready to start a baby quilt. I have several baby tops but I looked through them and I didn't see anything that really suited a boy. My ex-husband's niece is having a baby boy in June, but her shower is in April. Funny I guess, but his family still likes me! :) That makes it good for my oldest son! Anyway, I need to get this baby quilt done. I'm not going to do anything fancy, just a simple "sawtooth star" I'll post a photo when I finish it. I have the fabrics ready but have not started cutting them yet.
Beauma, our mare, still has not had her colt. :( She still has about 15 days until her due date, but just like a woman the due date really doesn't mean anything. She will have it when she is good and ready, I guess, but I am just anxious for the new baby!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Antique Tiles
Speaking of my friend Lisa, we send a lot of little packages back and forth. Fabrics, patterns, and things like that. Well in my box of goodies that I got the other day was this cute little bracelet! Isn't it so cute!?! I really like it!

I did manage to sew down some binding on this quilt while on the couch or in the bed. I know it is bright but I still like it. The pattern is called "Antique Tiles" very simple to do.
I ended up putting a white binding on it, because I did not have anymore of the orange fabric left. That is going to be the problem with a lot of my quilts. The tops have been made for many years and I don't have some of the same fabrics so I will just have to use some of the plain background fabrics or make scrap binding for some of the scrap quilts.
Now I think I am off to take a nap!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sick Babies and Birthday Surprises!
Yesterday was my 37th birthday! Yep, I'm that old! :) Here is a photo of my cake! I tried to tell them that I did not need a cake but they would not listen.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Chinese Coins and Excitment On The Farm!
Saturday we had to make a trip to town, we stopped by Tractor Supply and Hunter found a basket for Strawberries. He wanted to plant and grow them so I could not turn him down, it's not like it was a toy or something and it was only $5. When we got home we got the seeds planted and now we just have to wait to see if they grow. He was a very happy little boy!
Here is a quilt that I had started probably 10 yrs ago and finished the piecing last year. Just one of those UFO's that I kept putting off doing. Not a fancy quilt but still a nice one, it is called "Chinese Coins" It measures to be a full-size bed quilt. I love the heavy quilting that she did on it not a bad job for $20 huh? Anyway, I have the binding attached to the front now and need to sew it down on the backside. Hopefully I can work on that on and off this week!
I have spent a lot of time outside this weekend. It has been so nice and near 80 degrees! Here is the maple tree that is in my front yard, it is starting to bud out! The animals are loving this weather! Speaking of animals....
I mentioned the other day about Beauma our mare that is about to foal. Well she is due around April 2 so by that she has 25 more days but.....she should have it SOON! I know I am going into great detail but this is just life on a farm. Her vulva is VERY relaxed and she lost her mucus plug earlier today. So just like a woman the birth should come fairly soon. If she has it tomorrow she will have it on my birthday!! :) Here are some photos of her today.
Here you can see how big her belly is! She is miserable!
And if you look real close in this photo you can see that her teats are waxing! Another sign that the birth is near.
This is the proud "Dad To Be" his name is Bullet!
While I was out taking photos, I took this one of Storm too! He is my baby! This is the one that the boys won on during the horse show in the "racking" class.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
It's Done!
Now I guess I need to clean up my sewing area and start something else. I really want to start a new quilt but maybe I should finish some UFO's! I guess I will have to wait and see which mood hits me!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Thrifty Shopping!
While I was in Paintsville I stopped at Walmart! They were just putting out their "March Quilt Of The Month" patterns and fabrics. What I love about these fabrics is that they are only $2 a yard! Here is the pattern...

A nice Springy looking pattern and the quilt measures 83x99. I bought the fabrics that it required and it was $22 for fabric for the top and the binding! Now how thrifty is that???
As I was waiting for my fabric to be cut I looked around a bit more...and found these. They were in the $2.44 per yard section and I bought 1/2 yrd of each of them! Just a little something extra to add into my stash.