I'm sure most of you are thinking...Don King??? Well what do you think? Do you see a resemblance? LOL! This is my little Smokey and he needs a haircut in the worst way! We thought he looked like Don King, a troll or maybe one of those old pencil toppers that had the hair. What do you think? Do we have a celebrity lookalike??? LOL!

Last night was Friday Night Sew-In and I got a couple of things accomplished. I did get the binding finished on this HUGE quilt for mom. She was very happy to get it and it was finally finished. It has the softest muslin on the back and is so soft.

I also got this little wall hanging loaded on the frame. I thought I would get it quilted last night because it was so small but I was wrong. First I tried to use invisible thread and that was a mess. I couldn't see to thread my machine and then I needed to adjust my tension for that and I really didn't want to mess with that last night, so I just changed the thread!!! Now the purple thread looks great but it is a different weight than I usually use and the bobbin is not perfect. So today I will adjust it a little and hopefully get it done!!!

And not to leave out Jazz and Donkey....Jazz all clean and brushed after his bath.

And my precious Donkey....as you can see he can't get comfortable. He has a tube on both sides so it makes it hard for him to lay. He is still fevered but not as bad as he was. He is eating good so that makes me happy. He goes back to the vet on Monday to have it flushed out again.

Have to go to the grocery store. :( Richard will be taking me since our road is soooooo slick and it makes me too nervous to drive when it is like this. But I also don't like him going to the store with me. When he does we end up getting very little on my list, more junk food and he is always in a hurry! Anyone else have a husband like this????
Oh my goodness, you certainly do have a lookalike in your midst! Too funny!My husband also finds "extra" things we "need" when we go to Costco and you know how stuff there always comes in BIG packages! Good luck with your shopping trip. Nice job on your FNSI projects.
Congratulations on finishing your mom's quilt. I know how hard you have been working on it!
That is some crazy hair!!! Jazz looks beautiful! and it is good to see Donkey! With all the crazy positions that that cat has slept in you would think that he could sleep anywhere!! Poor guy!
I like for Andy to go with me to the grocery store to unload the buggy and to pay but I hate for him to go because he is so SLOW! He wants to look at everything and compare prices to see if he can find cheaper stuff! There are some things that I will buy storebrand and somethings I wont, he will be grabbing up off brand tuna and stuff cause he's cheap!!
tee hee on the hair...
Honeyman loves to go to the grocery store. We alway buy a lot more stuff when he goes. But I am the one saying I am ready lets go! I just hate grocery shopping!
Poor Donkey, Every time I see him with that cone it just breaks my heart.
I am so happy that you finished your moms quilt. Good job!
That is so funny! A Don King in your midst...I sure hope Donkey is OK!!
That hair is just too FuNNy! And it does look like Don King! Congrats on your FNSI work.. you accomplished a lot!
OMG!!! lol He really is a look alike!!! Way to go on finishing the binding and loading a quilt!!! Hope Donkey is feeling better. :)
What a great look alike! And yes, I dont let Todd or the kids go grocery shopping with me anymore....we spend way to much money for way too much junk:)
Have a good day
DH and the kids went to the grocery store with me Monday night (never go with DH since we dated!) and I only got what was on my list. I thought I did good... usually I find other things I 'forgot' to add and end up getting too much stuff.
Love the hair photo, and poor Donkey not getting comfy. Hope he mends quickly. Love the quilts and I remember the 75 number from a while ago - you are doing a great job getting those quilted!
If my DH goes, he starts griping about how much stuff costs..and then he wants to leave. And, we usually end up with a bunch of Little Debbie stuff that he doesn't need to eat!
It´s me that is like Richard and my DH is like you, he just buys what is on the list so it is best that he goes and I am left at home:)
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