Well my belly is full and I am miserable! But that is how it goes during Thanksgiving! We had a nice dinner at my mom's with the family. My dear sister did most of the cooking. I felt so bad, I thought we had planned on doing most of it early this morning and have dinner at 4pm. She started getting nervous, I guess, this was her first big dinner to cook. She stayed up until 3am this morning cooking! When I went out there this morning she had the turkey in the oven and most everything already done! All I had to do was the dressing and the potatoes. She did a wonderful job and I am very proud of her.
My brother and his family came for dinner too, so that made it really nice. Of course we all catered to mom. She wasn't feeling the best but tried not to say anything. We all tried to make sure that the kids did not bump her shoulder but you could tell she was happy to have the grandkids there.
So after dinner I came back home and got a little restless. Did a little bit of sewing but nothing major. I'm restless but too tired to do much. I can't really show the big photo of this project until after Christmas but this will be a gift. Can't wait to get it finished and quilted.

Even though I have had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the family, I'm still a little sad. This has been on my mind all day. If you have read my blog for a while you will remember my precious old mule, JIM.
He passed away last Thanksgiving. I miss him so much! He was my big baby. If you remember most of the time we didn't even have him in a fence, he just wandered around the farm, yard and anywhere he wanted to go. He loved Honeycomb cereal, animal crackers and Chicken McNugget Happy Meals! Yep, he loved to eat that stuff. People would laugh at me for feeding him that stuff but he loved it. I will never forget that wonderful old mule. I can remember several years ago, I went through a really bad depression and all I wanted to do was cry and stay home. I would sit outside in the yard in a chair and he would stand or lay down beside me and I would pet or brush him and tell him all of my troubles. It was almost like he understood everything I was telling him. I know he didn't really but I do think that he sensed that something was wrong and it made me feel better that he was there with me. I would stay out there for hours.

I rode him all over this country here. He was my trusty ride! There was no place that we wouldn't go. He was also trained to work, we used him to pull logs to the sawmill and pull beams to the house spot when we started building. He loved to work and seemed to feel very proud to do it.

I miss him very much and he is buried in a very special spot here on our farm. I also have put back one of his mule shoes to hang over the front door on my new house when we get it finished. He will never be forgotten. It is funny how an animal has that much of an impact on someone but everyone loved him from miles around.
Okay, enough crying, Hunter is starting to ask me what is wrong...
I will probably head on to bed soon, I have alot to do for the weekend. We are having Thanksgiving dinner with Richard's family on Saturday. And I need to get some quilting done before Christmas gets here.