So I recently acquired another Featherweight!!! Don't you just love these little machines? I've had her for a couple of weeks now and these photos are from when I was cleaning and oiling her up. She is a 1950 Singer Featherweight with the serial # AJ927023.
She sews like a dream! Very smooth and her decals are very nice too. They are not as worn as the ones on my other Featherweight.
As much as I love her, I'm thinking that after I sew on her for a few weeks, I might just put her up for adoption! Why? Because I already have another one and I just can't see keeping two of them right now so I will probably sell her.
Isn't she pretty?
Right now I have her on my dining table so I will probably sew on her a lot over the next few days.
I just couldn't wait to share photos of her with you all.... :) Kristie
Just wanted to check in, not sure if anyone even missed me! LOL! Oh life is crazy right now and I haven't even been quilting! I'll tell you more about that in a bit. First off, I dear friend of Richard's brought me this wonderful treadle cabinet! :) It was stored in an old building. He brought it out a few days ago and I was so pleased. Richard just sort of "rolled his eyes" because I think he knew that it meant that I would have to find a machine to go in it! LOL! Here are a few quick photos of it and I haven't even cleaned it up yet. I love the detail on the sides!
Beautiful drawer fronts! Also all of the iron work underneath is in perfect shape. No cracks or breaks, just dirty!
I also found all of this stuff in one of the drawers. Not everything thing in there is sewing related but still it is fun to find.
I'll take more photos of it once I get it cleaned. Hopefully I can find an old treadle head for nearly nothing. :( So no on to my reason for not quilting....HUNTER! Shewww....the poor little guy is having a hard time with his foot. It has been right at a month and it is getting worse, not better. He has gone from crutches to a boot. It is to the point that I have made a doctor appointment with another specialist just to double check everything. It is a long story and I'm not trying to say anything really bad about his current doctor but I am his mother and I know when things are getting worse and not better. Anyway, the fastest that the other specialist can see him is April 23rd. Please say a prayer for him, he is going crazy with this. He is a very active child and he can walk on it at the moment but not very long (and I'm not even sure he should be walking on it) He is going to school and I am trying to do all of my housework and such while he is gone because once he gets home I spend all evening trying to keep him occupied with something so that he doesn't get so depressed. That leave very little time for quilting. As much as I love quilting, my family does come first. I did get away this past Saturday to go with my mom, Chantal (my sister) and her friend Crystal to look for Chantal's wedding dress. She found one and she looks so beautiful! She had us all crying! We also found the bridesmaid's dresses, those are also ordered. I am her matron of honor and her friend is the bridesmaid. She isn't having a huge wedding, just a very nice simple one. Her colors are White, Silver and Watermelon. Oh and they have set the date for October 5th, that is 5 days before she turns 29. I am doing all of her flowers and decorations so I will be pretty busy with that too. I'm sure I will be very busy with all of that. Oh btw....this is MY dress that I will be wearing, I guess I can show you it, just not hers. :) I'll just say that she looks like a princess in hers. I guess that is all for now, have to go start on the laundry!!! Kristie