I know it's been about 10 days since I posted last but sometimes life just gets in the way. Anyway, I want to show you this little project that I just finished. My dear friend, Annie sent me the pentagon shapes to make a ball or ornament. These pentagons are 1" I decided to make a little ball for my 6 month old niece. So I dug out some bright fabric scraps and got to work.
I love English Paper Piecing but I had never worked with this shape before. So here is the final product. :) A cute little ball just perfect for her tiny hands.
She loves it! It is her new favorite toy! :)
I snapped a few more photos of the Fall leaves. Most of the leaves have fallen but I took some anyway... This is what I see when I walk out the front door...
This is the view facing the house. You can see the roof of my house and the roof of the old storage building/stalls.
This is the road to mom's....isn't it beautiful with all of the trees and fallen leaves...
Another view...
The road that goes down into the field where the pond is...
More photos going to mom's...
I love living where we do, it's so peaceful and private...
Don't forget to check out my other blog...Kristie's Pantry to see what I've been up to.
Let me take you on a walk! I've mentioned before that if I walk through the woods that my mom is close by. I can't see her house from mine and it takes a few minutes longer if I drive but if I walk, it's just a few short minutes. Hunter and I walked to her house and I took the camera along. This is our "new" driveway. We had it done a few years ago but we don't really use it yet because we need to do a little more work to it and get several loads of gravel on it. You can also see that I got the corner of the tractor in the photo. :)
To the left of the that driveway is one area where the horses like to roam. The horse were not in sight on the way to mom's.
Going on up the driveway. It's hard to really tell but it is a little steep.
Another view of the woods where the horses like to roam. You can tell that they stay in this area a lot because all of the underbrush and leaves are gone.
Getting close to the top...
When you get almost to the top, you cut down the hill to the left. Hunter also rides this trail with the 4 wheeler to visit with mom.
Here he is in front of me...
The beautiful woods...
A lot of the leaves have already fallen...
We are getting closer...if you look close you can see the roof of mom's house and the pool...
The beautiful sky...
Getting closer...
The field...mom enjoys walking the field, Hunter rides the 4 wheeler down there a lot and not to mention the horses love it as well. You can't see all of the field but there is also a pond and apple trees down there.
We spent some time with mom and headed back home....back up the hill on the trail...
Still heading home...
The woods are so peaceful...
The sun was shining on this nice Fall day...
We start back down the driveway, you can see the brown roof which is my house and the other building is an outbuilding.
I hope you enjoyed our little walk through the woods. :) I love living out in the country. This is an old photo but I have been prepping more Orange Peels to work on during the evenings. I love these little things.
Trying to get things ready for cold weather. Shew...the forecast is saying Sunday morning that it could be down in the 20's!!!! :( Yuck! Go check out my other blog...Kristie's Pantry to see what we have been cooking and eating!!!!
Good News!!!! I started a second blog to go along with my quilting blog! I will be posting on BOTH blogs! My second blog is called, Kristie's Pantry. It is all about my cooking, canning, freezing, stocking the pantry and stretching the dollar!
Here is a sneak peak at one of the photos in my first post! Please go check it out, SHARE it and FOLLOW me!!!! Help me get this out there!
My first post is titled..."16 pounds of Chicken...32 Meals"
I haven't been doing a very good job of blogging lately. Things have just been crazy around here and I haven't been feeling the best in the world either....low potassium and high BP which is due from stress. I just need to deal with stress a little better I guess. LOL! Anyway, I had another hexagon class the other day!!! I wasn't feeling the best in the world but I tried not to let that show. Hunter went with me to help me carry my stuff and help me get things set up. He was such a big help. The class went very well. I just can't tell you how much that I enjoy these classes. Here I am doing a little one-on-one demonstration.
Everyone caught on really well.
I don't think I got a photo of everyone. :(
If you look real close you will see we had a tiny little one in class. He was only 4 weeks old and such a good baby. He had a head full of hair too. He slept all most the whole time and only woke up to nurse. :) It was a great class and as you can see in this photo even the other ladies were very helpful. I think in this photo they were discussing "knots"
One thing that I have discovered in these classes is that everyone ties knots differently. I've had some that have never tied a knot in thread, some are lefties, some do a normal knot and I do a quilter's knot. Some wanted to learn the quilter's knot, so we worked on that as well.
After the class I came home and went straight to bed. LOL! It was lot's of fun and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I have another class that will be scheduled real soon. Please stay with me, I have a lot more to blog about and get things caught up. :)