Saturday, June 13, 2009
Internet Service Out
Hi there! This is miniaturequilter, Kristie has asked me to post for her as her internet service is out. She has shipped most of the fabric yard sale items out and will ship the rest out on Monday and will respond to emails as soon as it is turned back on (hopefully midweek)! Thanks for your understanding!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Working On Some Quilting!
I must say that the Online Yard Sale has been a huge success!!! Thank you all very much!!! You all are truly amazing! Every dime counts and we are determined to raise his money for the trip! He has to have the $2100 by October 1st but his trip is not until March! :( But I think with lots of work we can do it! Actually right now he is out at my mom's house cutting her grass for more money! :) He is determined to do his part. Don't forget to check out my Online Yard Sale because I added a few more fabrics today!
It has been a long weekend! I guess with the stress of the trip and the sorting of fabrics and books to sell, my house is a disaster! I worked on it a little bit earlier and then a couple of Andrew's friends stopped by! You can't clean house with 3 teenagers and a 6 yr old in the house! So I sent them all outside!! Hehehehehe!
Then I decided that I needed to do a little quilting!!! I loaded this top on the frame the other day and just got around to the quilting!

The quilting design is called "Icy Stream" and I love it!!! It is very tight quilting, 1 inch and less apart! I really love the look of it after it has been washed, because it has that old-fashioned crinkly look to it! Anyway, I only got about half of it quilted before I had to start supper!
This is what Richard has sawed and worked on this weekend! He started cutting and putting up our siding! It is hard to tell much about it from the photo but it is pine board that the edges are cut on a 45 degree angle (so the water can't get behind them). After the wood dries out, it will shrink and there will be a gap between boards. We then fill the gaps in with a caulking cement stuff that is colored and in the end it will look more like old-fashion hand-hued logs! Hard to explain, I know! :)

The boys are officially out of school as of Friday! So we will have a busy Summer! Hopefully a fun filled one! Last night we went fishing at the Lake! Got several bites but Richard is the only one that caught anything. He caught a 4lb catfish, sorry no photo but it is already in the freezer!!! We fished until about 10pm last night, and it was lots of fun spending time with the family!!!
It has been a long weekend! I guess with the stress of the trip and the sorting of fabrics and books to sell, my house is a disaster! I worked on it a little bit earlier and then a couple of Andrew's friends stopped by! You can't clean house with 3 teenagers and a 6 yr old in the house! So I sent them all outside!! Hehehehehe!
Then I decided that I needed to do a little quilting!!! I loaded this top on the frame the other day and just got around to the quilting!
The quilting design is called "Icy Stream" and I love it!!! It is very tight quilting, 1 inch and less apart! I really love the look of it after it has been washed, because it has that old-fashioned crinkly look to it! Anyway, I only got about half of it quilted before I had to start supper!
This is what Richard has sawed and worked on this weekend! He started cutting and putting up our siding! It is hard to tell much about it from the photo but it is pine board that the edges are cut on a 45 degree angle (so the water can't get behind them). After the wood dries out, it will shrink and there will be a gap between boards. We then fill the gaps in with a caulking cement stuff that is colored and in the end it will look more like old-fashion hand-hued logs! Hard to explain, I know! :)
The boys are officially out of school as of Friday! So we will have a busy Summer! Hopefully a fun filled one! Last night we went fishing at the Lake! Got several bites but Richard is the only one that caught anything. He caught a 4lb catfish, sorry no photo but it is already in the freezer!!! We fished until about 10pm last night, and it was lots of fun spending time with the family!!!
Added More Fabrics to the Yard Sale!
First off, I want to thank you for all of your interest with my "Online Yard Sale" So far it has been a great success!!! When Andrew came home from school on Friday, I told him what I had done and how things were going with it and he was sooooooooo excited!!!
Later in the summer I am going to sort through my stuff here at the house and have a yard sale! Not online of course! :) I have lots of junk that I could live without! :)
Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I have added more fabrics on the "Online Yard Sale"
Thanks so much for your interest and help!!!
Later in the summer I am going to sort through my stuff here at the house and have a yard sale! Not online of course! :) I have lots of junk that I could live without! :)
Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I have added more fabrics on the "Online Yard Sale"
Thanks so much for your interest and help!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Online Yard Sale!!!!
Okay ladies, I'm on a mission! I probably should have waited yesterday before I wrote that post! I was stressed, upset and mad.....stressed that I needed $2100, upset because I'm not rich, and mad because of his real dad!!!
I always try to teach my kids to do the right thing and I push them to do the best that they can do. I always tell them that there IS NOTHING THAT THEY CANNOT DO, IF THEY TRY HARD ENOUGH! But yes, I know even sometimes that statement has it's limits!
I started PRAYING about it! I asked the Lord that if it was meant for Andrew to go on this trip, to give me the strength and the know how to raise this money! I know that it is not just going to drop in my lap! So.......
I called the school and talked to the teacher that was over this. She said that they would plan some bake sales, car washes and other things to help raise money! I told her to just let me know and I would do whatever I could to help! Of course, this money will be divided between all the kids that are going, but every dime helps!!! So I felt better after that phone call!
When Andrew got home yesterday, he called my brother first and John said that he had a trailer load of cinder blocks that he had to pick up in a few weeks. He told Andrew he would pay him to help unload them and help him lay block! He is building a garage!!! So those blocks are heavy, but a little hard work never hurt anyone! John, told him that he would pay him $10 per hour!! Tonight he plans on making a few more phone calls!
I never asked my mom, but I guess deep down I knew that she would help with what she could. She called and told Andrew last night that she would throw in $500!!!!! I thought the boy would cry!
So here is my plan!!!! I set up another blog to have an ONLINE YARD SALE!!!! Right now, I have some fabrics and quilt books on there, but I will probably add some quilts too. I just have to get some out and photograph them!
I do not have a bank account or credit cards!!! Which for me is a good thing! :) But I will be accepting cash, checks and money orders! All proceeds will go to Andrew's trip! I do plan on keeping a running total on my sidebar as to where he is at on the money!
I will do my best to ship in a timely manner!
Please pass the link on to others! Every quilter loves her fabric and book stash, but right now Andrew's trip is more important to me! I also plan on doing machine quilting for others at a VERY REASONABLE PRICE!!!
I will also add the link to my sidebar!!! It is called " PASS IT ON!
Last but not least, I want to Thank You all for your prayers, kind words, and suggestions!!! It really means a lot to me!
I always try to teach my kids to do the right thing and I push them to do the best that they can do. I always tell them that there IS NOTHING THAT THEY CANNOT DO, IF THEY TRY HARD ENOUGH! But yes, I know even sometimes that statement has it's limits!
I started PRAYING about it! I asked the Lord that if it was meant for Andrew to go on this trip, to give me the strength and the know how to raise this money! I know that it is not just going to drop in my lap! So.......
I called the school and talked to the teacher that was over this. She said that they would plan some bake sales, car washes and other things to help raise money! I told her to just let me know and I would do whatever I could to help! Of course, this money will be divided between all the kids that are going, but every dime helps!!! So I felt better after that phone call!
When Andrew got home yesterday, he called my brother first and John said that he had a trailer load of cinder blocks that he had to pick up in a few weeks. He told Andrew he would pay him to help unload them and help him lay block! He is building a garage!!! So those blocks are heavy, but a little hard work never hurt anyone! John, told him that he would pay him $10 per hour!! Tonight he plans on making a few more phone calls!
I never asked my mom, but I guess deep down I knew that she would help with what she could. She called and told Andrew last night that she would throw in $500!!!!! I thought the boy would cry!
So here is my plan!!!! I set up another blog to have an ONLINE YARD SALE!!!! Right now, I have some fabrics and quilt books on there, but I will probably add some quilts too. I just have to get some out and photograph them!
I do not have a bank account or credit cards!!! Which for me is a good thing! :) But I will be accepting cash, checks and money orders! All proceeds will go to Andrew's trip! I do plan on keeping a running total on my sidebar as to where he is at on the money!
I will do my best to ship in a timely manner!
Please pass the link on to others! Every quilter loves her fabric and book stash, but right now Andrew's trip is more important to me! I also plan on doing machine quilting for others at a VERY REASONABLE PRICE!!!
I will also add the link to my sidebar!!! It is called " PASS IT ON!
Last but not least, I want to Thank You all for your prayers, kind words, and suggestions!!! It really means a lot to me!
I'm working on it!
Just wanted to drop in and say Thank You to everyone for your support! I am working on something today that will help raise a little bit of money. I'll be back later to let you all in on it!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
As a mother, like most mothers, I would do anything in my power to make my children happy. I love my children dearly and I am very proud of them. Andrew, my 16yr old son, is a very good kid! I have never had the first problem out of him, very well mannered and respectful young man. Makes EXCELLENT grades in school and has always had a 4.0 GPA. So yesterday he comes home with papers that say due to his excellent grades, attendance, and the fact that he never gets in trouble he has the chance to go on a school trip!!! Which all sounds wonderful until I found out that he needs $2100!!!!!! This is a chance of a lifetime for him! Just a handful of the students can go on a 9 day trip to ITALY, FRANCE AND THE SWISS ALPS!!!!

They have a huge itinerary! Some of the places they will visit are the Vatican City, the Colosseum and several other places in Rome.

Then a train ride through the Swiss Alps....
Then to Florence, Italy...
Board a night train to Paris! There it will be the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral and a bunch of other places there.
So here is why I am stressed... first off, I can't stand for my kids to be very far away from me. A couple of years ago, he went to Branson Missouri for 2 days, I never went to bed and cried the whole time! :) Silly, I'm sure but I am very protective! Richard says that I need to cut my apron strings! :)

They have a huge itinerary! Some of the places they will visit are the Vatican City, the Colosseum and several other places in Rome.

Then a train ride through the Swiss Alps....

Then the other reason is....I don't have a clue how I am going to come up with $2100! By October 1st! He was so excited last night, he was on the internet for hours looking at photos! I just had to walk in the other room and cry! I just can't figure out how I can come up with the money for him! So this morning after Richard went to work and the boys left for school, I did what I dreaded soooooo bad.......I called my ex-husband (Andrew's real dad) I told him all about it and asked if he could come up with half. His exact words were "SORRY, ABOUT HIS LUCK BUT I CAN'T HELP!"
So now you see why I am stressed! Let's just say I could write a book on his "DAD" right now!
*****Oh, I forgot to mention that Andrew did offer to work odd jobs this summer to help out! See he is a good kid!!! :)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Gertie The Fainting Goat!
Anyone who knows me well, knows how much I love my farm animals! They bring me such joy and relaxation. Look at the little gift that my brother, John brought me this morning! :) She is a Fainting Goat! He has some of them and a couple of months ago one had twins! He asked if I wanted one so I asked for the female. These little goats are so cute and fun! When scared they faint!!!!
She only stands about 14 inches at the back! Right now she is still in her little cage but this evening I will put her in her own little pen until she gets more used to being here and then I will turn her out....well maybe....if she would wonder off too far I'm afraid the coyotes will eat her! So I may keep her in her pen.
We have spent the past few hours making friends! I have named her "Gertie Mae" Hehehehe! Why that name? Well, when I was little my grandparents had a little goat and her name was Gertie Mae! :)
Here is a little Youtube video to show you how they faint! Hehehehe! I'm sure in the coming months I will hav plenty of my own fainting videos to show you! :)
Here is a little Youtube video to show you how they faint! Hehehehe! I'm sure in the coming months I will hav plenty of my own fainting videos to show you! :)
Monday, June 1, 2009
My First Customer Quilt!
This is the first quilt that I have quilted for someone else and boy was I nervous!!! :) When Lisa came down to visit in April she brought this beautiful quilt top for me to quilt!

Lisa did such a wonderful job on the piecing and the fabrics are truly beautiful! I sure hope she likes it! It is hard to see in the photos but the quilting is done in a "HONEY" colored thread, it looks great with those fabrics!
My oldest son, Andrew is a very thrifty young man. He always works and saves his money for special things that he wants. So he is always doing little odd jobs and has a fairly regular income for a 16 yr old boy. He cuts a lot of grass or once he clear cut a hillside for a man, just things like that to make money. Anyway, he loves his animals so we told him a while back that as long as he takes care of them and buys the feed for them then he can have a few. So first it was chickens, he has somewhere around 30. Next he wanted a Beagle to rabbit hunt with, so he got that. Then a few months back he decided he wanted a Great Dane! So he started working and saving before the pups were even born. Yesterday evening he got to go pick up his pup! So here he is........
He has named him DOZER! He is only 5 weeks old and as you can see he is already bigger than the poodle. The father of this pup weighs 180 lb!!! The mother weighs 150 lb before she was bred! So this little guy should be huge!
All I can say is....I'm glad we live on a farm and this dog can run loose! Somehow I don't think my house would survive with him inside!
Now off to finish supper before the boys get home from school!!!
Lisa did such a wonderful job on the piecing and the fabrics are truly beautiful! I sure hope she likes it! It is hard to see in the photos but the quilting is done in a "HONEY" colored thread, it looks great with those fabrics!
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