Where to start????? I sure hope you all remember me! :) It has been a while! I will try to cut this
internet story as short as possible! It has been a mess! I have NOT had phone or
Internet for a while now. Today was their deadline to have it on by 4:30pm. So Friday at 4pm I got my phone working but not the
internet! They kept telling me that I had
internet sevice but I did NOT! So this morning, I find out that they need to replace ports and add more ports, not really sure what that means but needless to say that my
DSL would not work without it. So they put me on temporary DIAL-UP until they get all of that fixed!!! :( I did not remember how slow that dial-up was until I started trying to use it. Hopefully, it will not be too long until I get my
DSL back, in the meantime, I will have to deal with dial-up! :(
This have been a very busy Summer! I really don't know where to start! Let's see....Hunter is doing fine and so is Richard. Andrew hurt his shoulder weightlifting at school. Now we are trying to avoid surgery! :( He messed up the
rotator cuff and something else in there, so
everytime he tries to move his shoulder it wants to pop out of socket and pop out the back! :( Very painful for him! So tons of doctor appointments and has physical therapy 3 times a week after school! Now to add to it he has to have his wisdom teeth cut out on Friday! So I have really been staying busy with him. So if you don't mind say a little prayer for him...
Been working on the house
sooooooooooooo much! I will have to dig photos out of it to show the progress. Trying to get
a lot done on it before Winter!
Now on to the animals....do you remember Gertie the fainting goat? Well.....Gertie got out of her goat pen, got in the horse pasture......fainted.......and was trampled to death!!! :( So I lost her!
Saphera, the colt, got kicked in the eye by her mother. Vet thought she would loose the eye completely and at one point it was on the verge of rupturing! Anyway, she is doing better now, she does have some vision loss and it looks a little cloudy but at least the bad part is over. Now on to
Dozer, the Great Dane, pup that Andrew got. He got sick and had
pneumonia, almost died, was taking breathing
treatments around the clock and thankfully, pulled through.
Now on the some photos!!!!! :)
First here are a few photos of some vegetables that I put up....blackberries, HOT HOT HOT peppers, and okra! Put up lots more but didn't get photos of them...

Here are a few of my quilts that I have quilted. Been quilting for others too, so that is keeping me busy! :)