Didn't sleep very well last night, woke up about 2am with some throbbing in my right leg again. I know I seem to complain alot about it but it is so much better than it was to start with. When I think back to how bad it was months ago, this is nothing. Anyway, I didn't get up, just flipped and flopped trying to find a comfortable way to lay. Then we finally got up around 6am.
I started quilting on my UGLY flannel quilt today. Like I said in my previous post this was pieced about 12 years ago from some flannel scraps that someone had given me. It will be very warm when it is finished. I am quilting it with some large loose leaves, a very quick panto to quilt. At this point, I just want to hurry and get it off of the frame so that I can load a couple of Christmas gifts on to quilt. I only quilted 3 passes with the machine before I stopped.

After I did that little bit of quilting, Hunter got up and I was sleepy. Richard was gone so Hunter and I got back in the bed to snuggle and fell asleep. It felt really good to nap but I really didn't mean to sleep that long. When I woke up I realized that I didn't have much time to get the desserts ready for dinner with Richard's family. So the next few hours was spent in a whirlwind of fixing desserts and everyone getting showers and getting ready to go. Dinner was at 3pm and we made it just in time!!!! Whew!
We had a nice late Thanksgiving dinner. I took my camera but forgot to take any photos we were all too busy talking and eating. It was nice to be with everyone again.
So this evening I haven't done anything major, I did start cutting out for Bonnie's mystery quilt (Quiltville) I'm getting a late start on it and will probably stay behind on it because I have so much other sewing that needs to be done before Christmas. I always love her mystery quilts but this one probably will not get done until after the new year.
Here are some of the pieces that I have cut so far. I have my browns laying out to be cut next and I still need to cut some more pinks.

I probably will not cut anymore out tonight since it is getting late and I just don't want to clean up the mess. I think I will just kick back and enjoy the rest of the evening with the family in front of the big cozy fire we have going in the fireplace. It is supposed to get down to 20 degrees tonight so I will probably throw some extra quilts one all the beds.
Good for you with what you accomplished. Getting started is half the battle....I would know...LOL
What desserts did you take? I'll bet they were yummy.
I am glad to hear that you are getting better. It takes awhile to recover.
I love your fabrics for the cotton boll. I am planning on starting mine soon. Figured I would get a couple of steps into it and make sure I want to do it.
Glad to hear that you had a good time with Richard's family! Your fabric looks great! I have some pinks that you don't have, I would love to swap some with you!
Pretty design on the flannel quilt.
Bonnie's mystery quilt looks like fun, the fabrics you have are beautiful.♥
Sounds like you had a pretty good day in spite of the pain at 2AM. Good job on the quilting and cutting! :)
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