I finally got my turtle quilt top ready to quilt. I love it!!! This is for my dear friend, Kay. She is giving this as a gift for her 1st great grandson. :) She picked out the fabrics and I sewed it together. A cute pattern for a little boy.
I love how it turned out and I will probably make another one as everyone around here is having babies. :)
It is a very simple pattern, just squares and half square triangles but for some reason I messed it up twice. First it was the head that I had messed up and then tonight I realized that I had the shell messed up. I think I need to start paying more attention. I've just had a lot on my mind lately. So I had to quickly pick it out and redo it.
I also finished this top too. It is hard to see in the photo but it has white strips between the stacked coins and a white border. I'll show the quilt in color after I give it as a gift. :)
I have also been working on a few burp cloths for my sister. :)
Finished up a few more of my hexies. I think I have a little over 90 of them right now.
Before I close, please remember Richard in your prayers. He has to go for some testing soon and I'm praying that all is well. Kristie
I just finished up this baby quilt top! I have 2 with deadlines and this is NOT one of them! LOL! This one is totally different from my usual, it is a little more modern that what I usually work with. I have lots of bright colored and novelty scraps that are going to be making their way into baby quilts!
It seems like everyone around here is pregnant! I'm always in need of baby quilts to sell or to give as gifts so I am stocking up on them. Here is another one in the works! The photo is black and white but the quilt is not! It is going to be a gift and I know as soon as she sees the colors she would know it was for her. So right now it has to stay a secret in black and white. :) It will have white strips between the rows and then white borders.
It's been another long day. I received a letter in the mail today from my bank stating that my card had been compromised and that they would be issuing me a new card and pin within 2 weeks. I called the bank about it as I got to thinking that if it had been compromised I didn't want to wait 2 weeks for a new card, just cancel it NOW! So I'm talking to the lady at the bank and she is going over incoming charges from my card and we find one that came in today. :( A charge out of New Mexico for $322!!!! This is not what I needed today. It's not like I have $322 extra to just not worry about it. I'm stressed to the max right now. :( I've been praying about it all day, praying for strength, patience and understanding. Kristie
I've been slowly working on my hexies waiting at the hospital and doctor appointments. I have a little stack of them so I decided to put them up on my wall to see about how many more that I will need to get the size quilt that I want. So right now I have 74 of these finished and I'm thinking that I will need 400-500 total. :( I still have a long way to go, but I'm not in a hurry.
Of course I will mix my colors up better once I start sewing them all together. My hexies are 1.5" this is a nice mindless project to work on.
Hunter is doing okay with his arm and the soreness is starting to go away from the rest of his body from his fall. He is getting a little depressed as he is a very active boy and his brace limits his activity somewhat. Richard worked Friday night so when he got home Saturday morning he slept for a few hours and then we surprised Hunter with a day out to cheer him up a little bit. Saturday was "Airport Day" at our little airport about an hour away. They also had a car show! He loves classic cars so he had a wonderful time.
Here are a few of the little planes. They were giving rides but they stopped selling tickets before we got there so he didn't get to ride. He had a wonderful time anyway. Nothing major just a little something to take his mind of his arm for a bit.
Richard works tomorrow night so I hope to get some sewing time in. I have 2 baby quilts that need to be done soon so I hope to at least get one of them ready to quilt tomorrow. Kristie
Shew...in my last post I mentioned that so much had been going on, mom had been in the hospital, I had been sick, Hunter had strep throat and so on. It never ends.... Tuesday evening after school I was sewing, Richard and Andrew were outside working on a vehicle and Hunter was being Hunter. He was climbing a tree and fell. He fell about 8ft landed on some underbrush and a barbed wire fence. I'm sewing away and Andrew runs in the house and says, "MOMMY, HUNTER FELL AND BROKE HIS WRIST" Of course, I start running and screaming as I get outside Richard is coming out of the woods trying to walk Hunter out and all I can see is that his hand is dangling. :( Richard takes him straight to the Jeep and grab my purse and run for the Jeep. Meanwhile I am yelling for Andrew to unplug my iron and lock the doors. In the excitement, we run off and leave Andrew by accident. LOL! When Hunter fell he fell about 8ft and landed on his left side. He was having pain in his hip, ribs, head, and his arm. On the way to the hospital he was on the verge of passing out, he was real sweaty, pale and having some trouble breathing. Thank God that Richard and Andrew were home with me when this happened.
So we get to the emergency room and we are getting Hunter out when Andrew pulls in....that is when I realized that we had forgotten him. LOL! They took him straight in as he did not look well. They did lots of scans, x-rays and cleaned up his cuts and in the end he broke his wrist. A clean break....snapped both bones.
The bandage on his finger is for a cut from the barb wire. He is a very lucky little boy! As you may have guessed Hunter is a very active little guy that loves being outside. He worries me sick! Yesterday he had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon to follow up. He said that no surgery was needed and he has to go back in 2 weeks for a check up and wear the brace for a total of 4 weeks. My dear friend, Kay baked a delicious cake for us. She said she just wanted to brighten our day a little. It was a Coco-Cola Cake. Very good...rich but good. :) As you can see in the photo that I dug into it with a spoon. LOL! I just needed some CHOCOLATE after all that has been going on. :)
I haven't had a chance to read blogs lately so please don't give up on me, I will get to them soon. I did sew a little today. I just needed to sew and try to relieve some stress. I worked on my turtle quilt but didn't get a photo of it. I will post it next time. I also pinned some burp cloths together and then I cut out another baby quilt and started sewing it together. Here it is up on my design wall.
Just a very quick and simple strip quilt. This is very different from what I usually work on. I have the strips sewn but I don't have the rows sewn together yet. This is only half of it on the wall and the other half has the same fabrics in it so it just continue this pattern. After I get it all sewn together, I will cut down the white sides to the size that I want and it will be ready for quilting. It seems like everyone around here is having babies!
That is all for now....I'm going to wash another load of laundry and get back to sewing. Kristie
Well, it's been well over a month since I last posted. It has been a long month! I will not bore you with every little detail but there were a few things that kept me away from blogging.
Mom was in the hospital with what could have been a near fatal allergic reaction to something and they still don't know what it was unless it was some antibiotics that she had been taking. Mom has been very sick for several months and had been on 6 sets of antibiotics back-to-back. She is on the mend but still weak and not her old self yet.
I have been a little under the weather also but so have my boys! :( Hunter has had strep throat but is feeling much better now. Andrew went to a football game last night and got very sick on his way home. We are thinking maybe a touch of food poisoning. :( He had a rough night but feeling a little better today.
Some good news too....my precious sister is pregnant!!! I couldn't be any happier if it were my own! This is really great news as getting pregnant was questionable. I'll not go into details as it is a little personal but I am just over the moon. The whole family is so excited! I'm praying so hard that things go well for her and the baby. Don't laugh but I told her that I was pretty sure it is a boy! LOL! She is somewhere around 8 weeks so we don't have a clue of it's gender yet. :)
I have already started making some burp cloths for her. I'll post some photos of those later. Her best friend is also pregnant. My sister, Chantal should be due sometime in April and her best friend is due this December. Her friend is having a girl. So I am in the process of making a quilt for her too. I can't wait to get started on making quilts for my sister. I guess whatever I would make now would have to be gender neutral.
I also worked on some hexies while everything was going on. Not a lot of progress to show on those.
Tonight I started piecing a baby quilt for a dear friend of mine. She picked out the fabrics and pattern for it. It will go to her 1st great grandson! How exciting is that? So I was sewing away and thinking that it was looking pretty good until Hunter walked in and informed me that I had messed up it's head! LOL! I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. I stopped sewing for the night and I will pick it out and redo it tomorrow.
Also more good news! Richard will be changing jobs in October!!!!! I always stress over change of any kind but this is a good change. He loves his job where he is now but he had the opportunity to better himself so he accepted the job. This job will be more pay, more hours, a better opportunity to move up and also better benefits! This is something that we had been praying about for a few months. Not praying for the new job just praying for whatever was the Lord's will. He starts October 6th but he is also going to work at his current job as PRN so that will probably be a day or two extra a pay period from that too.
I guess that is all for tonight as it is nearly 1am!