Finally....I got this beautiful quilt off of the frame! This is a customer quilt, actually it belongs to my aunt. I think it is beautiful!
It took me a while to get it finished as I had a couple of issues. The outer blocks had some fullness from the bias triangles in them. I tried my best to work the fullness in but it was still hard. LOL!
Anyway it's finished and beautiful! I will be loading another quilt on the frame this morning. :) It is one of mine. Nothing fancy just one out of the pile that needs quilted. :) Don't remember the name...Indian Summer or Indian Stars...something. I will have to look. :)
One of my favorite quilt tops has been quilted! I call this quilt, Sweet Annie because the fabric was sent to me by a dear friend and her name is Annie. I can't put into words how much I cherish our friendship and I believe with all of my heart that the Lord put her in my life. So with that being said, this quilt is one that I will keep and cherish for myself. I was excited to get it quilted.
Sometimes a simple design is so striking especially with two color quilts.
Now I need to get the binding sewn on but first I need to finish the binding on the tumbler quilt since I already have it started.
I have a customer quilt on the frame now, actually it belongs to my aunt and I've had it forever. Actually it was next in line to be quilted when my old longarm broke down. It is a really pretty quilt. I can't wait to post it.
I also need to take a few days to finish up a baby quilt for our niece, Katie. Katie had her baby boy a few days ago and named him Keagan. He was born 5 weeks early and is in the NICU but doing well. The quilt that she wanted for him was a simple design. The pic that she sent me was a chevron fabric with an applique elephant and his name both down in the lower corner. I have the applique pieces cut out but I need to square up the backing and sew the applique pieces down then quilt it. It really shouldn't take too long. I also have some soft minky to back it with. I'll post pics on that as I am working on it.
Garden news.... :( It's sad. LOL! No pics right now but the lower garden looks horrible and is not doing well at all. I'm thinking that the only thing that will do much of anything in that one is the cucumbers and some cabbage. The upper garden (the bigger one) is doing pretty good. The corn is about knee high. The potatoes are looking good but needs more dirt pulled up around them. The Jade bush beans are doing well and I have beans on but they are not ready yet. The Greasy Beans have vines going everywhere and they will produce a little later than the Jades. I'm anxious for the greasy beans as in my opinion those are the best green beans in the world! The sweet potatoes are not looking real great but they are hanging on.
After Church I plan on finishing up Deb's quilt and loading another one on.
Let me catch you up on what I have been doing. I've been playing around with my longarm. I found out that a fellow blogger, Dora also has a Nolting longarm so she has given me lots of hints and tips with this machine.
After quilting the Minnie Mouse panel I loaded on a lap size Tumbler quilt. This one measures 54x70.
This is an up close pic of it.
This is the back. I used a panto called, Lush Leaves.
Yesterday we had to take Hunter for his monthly trip to the orthodontist which is a 3 hour and 20 minute round trip. :( So while Richard was driving I worked on the binding on the Minnie Mouse panel that I quilted for my niece a few days ago. Now I am working on the binding on the Tumbler quilt. I will probably load a quilt top that belongs to my aunt on the frame sometime today. It is a very pretty quilt. I'll post pics of it while I am working on it.
Another pic of my big girl! :) We are taking some time to get to know each other. She sure is different than my other one. All is going well. I've had a few thread breaks but that is probably user error...maybe going too fast for the speed that I have her set on or whatever....we will get it figured out. Nothing major at all and all machines are different.
I loaded an old printed sheet on the frame and decided to practice some of my panto designs. This is one of my new designs that I have. It is called Mint Julep and is 13" wide. I love it! I used dark thread so that I could see my stitches better while practicing.
Practicing another design. This is an old one that I have. It is called Ground Cover.
Then I loaded a Minnie Mouse panel on the frame and quilted it up. I think I will give it to my niece, Addison. She loves Minnie Mouse. I need to add some binding on it and call it done. I used the Mint Julep design on it.
I think I will load a small quilt on the frame today and try something that actually has seams. LOL! I had a wonderful weekend with my dear quilting friend, Kris. I really hated to see her go. Sadly on the way home they had an accident. They are all okay but shew....I sure felt bad. Praise God for watching over them as it could have been so much worse.
This big girl came to live with me yesterday!!! I can't tell you how excited that I am. If you have been reading my blog for a while you know that my mid-arm broke down a year or two ago.
This baby is a Nolting with a 30" throat space almost 3 times the size of my old one. It also sets on a 14ft frame and my other was 12ft.
Here is the funny part....I'm only 5ft tall and do you see that step stool in front of it? Hehehe....I have to get up on it to be able to see the needle real well on the front of the machine. I can get to the back and see the panto stuff just fine and those handles are's just the front side that I have trouble with. :) I will be getting a larger step stool or a rolling stool for it soon. This frame does not lower so I will just have to get a step stool or something. :)
My quilting friend, Kris and her family are in for the weekend from South Dakota. They had a little over a 20 hour drive to my place here in KY. I am soooo enjoying this visit! Yesterday we played around with the frame and had a little "show and tell" with quilts. She brought several with her and let me tell you they are just beautiful. I now have several more quilts that I will be adding to my list to make. No pics as I just was too excited about everything that I forgot to get the camera out. :) Here is a pic of one end of my front porch. I so enjoy having my coffee out here during the mornings after Richard leaves for work. The birds are singing and I get to watch the my county life.
That's all for now....I'll try to get some pics today to post. :)