I haven't been on the computer alot this weekend because it keeps going off. This is the longest that I have been able to stay on it, usually after about 2 minutes it will go off, so I guess I will be calling the computer repair people tomorrow.
I have done a little bit of sewing. I have been working on Step 4 of the OC. I have about 10 blocks sewn together and 20 more to go. I still need to iron step 2 and 3!!!!

Tomorrow is Quilt Guild and we will be starting a mystery quilt there. We are doing it in two parts. This will be my first quilt that I have made with the guild so I am a little nervous. I don't even know what the fabric will look like. We had the kits made from WV Quilts Store. I'm sure I will have more to tell you on this tomorrow.
Well I did survive the cleaning that mom and I did the other day. I was so tired and I want to thank everyone for listening to me whine!!!!
I think I will spend the evening working on my OC, before I have to pack up my machine and things for Guild. I really need to finish my Mini Swap Quilt, it needs to be mailed out before the end of the month. All I need to do is quilt it and I think I am just going to quilt in the ditch, so that won't take very long since it is only a 20 inch square.

I love your blocks. Yippeeee! Had a good Mother's Day here too. Glad you did the same. I want clue 5 posted now....hehehehehe
I think you don´t have to be nervous, you are a great quilter.
I love love your blocks, Kristie! I'm glad you are feeling better and enjoying Mother's day.
The day is almost over...so this wish is late...but "Happy Mother's Day" anyway. It is a joy ( most of the time) to be a Mother...as I think most Mothers would agree.
Have a fun Monday!
Amelia in Oklahoma
Your blocks look great, and you are way ahead of me! Happy Mother's day!
Sounds like you are having a good day. Our Mother's Day is in March so it's just an ordinary day for me.
love and hugs xxx
I've just finished my half-squares...blocks will be next.
Are you having the computer looked at? How frustrating is that!!
You are going to start another mystery quilt? You are a brave woman!
Your OC blocks look great! I can't wait to see the finished quilt! Enjoy your guild meeting!
Lots of sewing makes for a Happy day. Glad you were able to get some sewing done. Can't wait to hear about your guild meeting.
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