Anyway here is what has been going on...
I want to say a big THANK YOU to Gina and Amelia. Gina sent a huge box of Tea for my Mom! Mom has been on this big tea drinking kick lately. She also sent me a wonderful quilt magazine! And Amelia...Thanks so much for the card! So nice to know that I have been missed, you are such a sweetie!!! I had photos of both, but for some reason my camera choked on them so I don't have photos to show of them.
Here is my Booty Swap Mini quilt that I made for Mel. I just got it mailed out this morning. I hope she likes it! It doesn't look square in the photo but it is straight. I even sewed on some beading. They are hard to see but the little dots in the cream are seed beads. It was very fun to make.

And here is the lovely quilt that I recieved in the swap from Jill Tacy! It is truly beautiful!!! Love the colors and she did a wonderful job! The tag that pulls out of the heart is "A Mother's Heart" poem. I love it and it really matches well in my house!

She also made me this set of 6 napkins! They are very nice and also threw in some recipes!! Such nice and talented lady! Thanks a bunch, Jill, I love them!

Here are some Civil War Diary blocks that I have made since I posted last! I now have a total of 41! So now only 80 more to go!!!!!

Also in the mail was a surpise package from Jill, (the other Jill) :) Beautiful Moda charms and a bag of chocolates that I have to say are almost gone already!!! Thanks a bunch! I have a perfect pattern to use the charms in! Very sweet of you!

I guess that is all for now... I need to go back home and get Hunter in the bed! He has his first kindergarten field trip tomorrow. I will be following the bus to go with him. They are going to a Science Center, then stopping by Paintsville Lake for a nature walk and a picnic lunch! I'm sure he will have a blast but I will be sooooo tired.
Please, don't forget about me, hopefully, I will be up and running again within the next few weeks!!!!!
What rotten luck with the computer! Isn't that the way it usually goes with machines...they break just after the warranty goes out.
So glad to hear from you...figured you were still without a computer. Good luck in shopping for one and being able to get what you want/need and not have to spend a small fortune on it. All of the sewn blocks are stunning. I know I would get a lot more done if I did not mess on the computer...but I enjoy reading other blogs is sort of like visiting with your girl friends...even if they are many miles away.
Take care - remember we in blog world love you and miss you when we don't get a daily dose of the happenings in your neck of the woods.
I'm glad you are still OK. You've got so much sewing done, mind you I'm not surprised.
Thanks for letting me know that the box of tea got to you. I hope that your mum enjoys them all.
love and hugs xxx
Wow! Lots to see...looks like you have been really busy!! Slow are making ME tired!!
Great to hear from you, Kristie. We have all missed you. Glad you have been so productive though. I am jealous! Take care, and hurry up and get that computer so we can keep up with what you are doing!
Forget about you? Nevaaaaaa!!!! You are missed more than you know. I got all my clues done too. You have really been getting a lot done. Maybe I should get rid of my computer? Nahhhh...just can't do it.....
Hope you back up and running soon!
I see that you keep busy while away from the computer! HOLY MOLY!!! I sure miss you and can't wait to read all your new posts on a new computer!! Take care of yourself!
Forget about you! Oh, please :0) Love all your blocks! that's one reason I don't post very much. As slow as I type and dealing with picture up loads; it really cuts into the little time I get to quilt. Wrists are still a little tender but am back to work full time but still can't rotary cut :0( Soon, I hope!
I check every day to see if you're back and here you are even though it's temporary. Good for you to get so much done. Keep taking advantage of blogless time!
Wow! You have been busy! Bad news about the computer!! Hope you get sorted soon.
Wow - amazing what we can do when we don't compute...but hope you are back up and running with a new machine soon...
What they NEED to do is design a sewing machine with internet access so we can sew and surf and blog all at the same time!!!
We've missed you so much Kristie!! It's too bad your computer had to go down to give you more sewing time. Hopefully in the next few weeks you'll have a new computer and be back to blogging. I can't wait to hear about all the things the boys are doing this summer and all the sewing you've been doing. I'm sure you're getting a ton done. I haven't touched my machine in a week or so, it's giving me withdrawl symptoms!
Wow! You have been very busy! That sucks about your PC, but now you can get a new one and a better warranty! ;) You're welcome for your prezzies! I am glad that you like them and sorry they were late! They sat on my kitchen table for weeks... :(
I promise I won´t forget about you. You have been very productive these last days. As always the fabrics in the Civil War Diary blocks are beautiful.
I love those civil war diary blocks, gorgeous!!
you sure have been busy, thanks for sharing. That’s bad luck with the computer; they should last longer than that.
Hello Hello...I just recieved a very beautiful wonderfully stitched mini quilt from you!!!! (so you were my booty swap partner...I have been just dying to know who had me :o) The quilt is just beautiful and the colors are perfect!!! thank you so much...I am going to blog about it asap :o)
~simply stork~
p.s. boy you are one busy bee :o)
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