Not alot of major sewing yesterday but I did finish these two Dear Jane blocks. At 5 inches the pieces are very small. Don't look too close at them, I am trying to learn how to do turn needle applique! :) Of course, I'm not that good at it, but I guess the only way that I will get good at it, is to just keep doing it. My points look terrible but at least they are done. I may redo these later after I get a little better at it.

Here is a photo I took of my oldest son, Andrew. He was goofing around last night in Richard's hard hat. Seems like I don't post alot of photos of him on my blog, but being 15 he hates having his photo taken. Hunter on the other hand, loves being in front of the camera!
Andrew is a very good boy, I love both of my boys with all of my heart and I hope that they always know that. He has always been a straight "A" student and I think he will really go far in life. I am very proud of him. But as you can see in the photo he is still a typical teenage boy....see the stain on his shirt!!!! :) Why is it that they can never hit their mouth? :)
Anyway.....back to my plans....spend time with mom, clean house!!!!! I would love to get the house all cleaned so that I can sew most of the day tomorrow, but it never happens that way does it? Of course I will probably spend half of the day trying to get the boys to clean their rooms....they go back to school on Monday so I would like for them to be clean before they start back.
Richard got to work yesterday and today but will be off tomorrow and I'm not sure about Friday yet. Then hopefully things will pick back up after the first of the year!!!!
Well, I had better get started cleaning and plan on thawing out some ribs for supper tonight!!!!