Sunday, March 27, 2011
Thank Goodness it's over!
Well the weekend didn't go how I had planned. Got hit with a kidney stone late Friday night. All I can say is.....OH MY! I finally passed it earlier today. This is the first one that I had ever had and I can say I really don't want anymore of them!!! Luckily I was able to pass it on my own here at home. Now on to the rest of the weekend...of course I didn't get any quilting done. I really didn't do anything but cry and pace the floor. Hunter and Cocoa had a nice day of playing in the yard on Saturday. She is so funny and I love to watch them play together. Oh, Hunter named the other two goats....Sweetie and Fudge! I don't have a clue how he come up with those but he did.
These goats in this photo belong to a friend of ours. They have a bunch of them and Hunter loves going down there to play with them. He just climbs over the fence and runs around with them. They love it too!
After a busy day of playing with the farm animals, Hunter got some snuggle time with Smokey. Smokey is my baby, he is the sweetest little dog and he follows me everywhere that I go. If I get up to go to the bathroom he goes with me. Since the weather has turned off cold again, I had to put Smokey and Jazz some clothes back on, they freeze, especially Jazz.
Richard worked on the house. It killed me that I was not able to go out there and work too, I am really getting anxious to get this stuff done. He got the girls room done and it is now ready for tape, mud and sanding. Their room is the same size as Andrew's, 16x20, it is just a mirrored image of his.
Hopefully tomorrow things will be back to normal. I had planned on getting the customer binding finished and delivered to her on Monday but since my problem with the kidney stone I didn't even touch it. I tried but I just could not sit there long enough to get anything done. We will see how it goes tomorrow... Kristie
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Meet the Girls!
Our little farm got a couple new additions today! We've had Cocoa, our milk goat for a while and love being able to have fresh milk. She and Hunter are big buddies too, he takes her out in the yard and she plays with him like she is a dog or something. It is soooooo cute! Anyway, here are the new additions that made their way on our farm this evening... They are Lamancha goats just like Cocoa. They have great tasting milk. Haven't named them yet, but Hunter is thinking of names for them. I love how excited he gets over getting new farm animals.
Here is Cocoa, making sure that they know she is "the boss". The lighter goat that we got is her full sister and the darker one is some kin to her too. I'll get better photos of them all tomorrow when it is daylight.
Here is Festus way up in a tree. Not sure why but he was up there when we got back home.
Richard and I have been working our butts off in the house the past few days. This is what we finished today. This is Andrew's room. We got all the sheetrock up on the ceiling and walls and it is ready for the mud and sanding. Hopefully I will start taping the seams next week and Richard will go behind me mudding and sanding. This room is fairly big, it measures 16x20. The ceiling is angled with the roof. On the short end the ceiling is 7ft and the tall wall behind the headboard is a 12ft wall. I really got excited about getting this much of it done today so we had Andrew's bed stored out there (as you can see from all the dust on it) that I just had to set the bed frame up to see how it would look in this room.
We also got a few other things done out there too, but they were just small things. He did finally get my frame put back together for me. I think I will quilt a baby quilt of mine on it first just to make sure that nothing is out of whack on it from moving it. I have 2 customer quilt that I need to get done. If everything works out as I plan, I will start on those by the middle of the week.
I did get some hand sewing done today on a customer binding. I should have that ready to be delivered by Monday. I love working on binding, I find it really relaxing.
And now I will leave you with a photo of Donkey! He is sleeping with his big butt stuck in a lamp shade. This is Andrew's lamp, I'm sure he will be pleased to know that Donkey got his "butt crud" on it! LOL!!!
Have a great weekend!!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Well I still have not decided which pattern that I will make with my scraps that I pulled yesterday. Just really haven't had much time to think about it today. I did get these goodies in the mail today. Last week I placed an order with Connecting Threads. I got these two kits that were on sale and a spool of orange thread. I needed some pumpkin color thread for a Halloween quilt that I want to quilt later. I don't have plans, as of right now, to work on either of these kits so I just put them away for later.
Tomorrow I have plans to get my frame put back together. I have 2 customer quilts that I need to get quilted. But I think after I get it put back together I will quilt a very small one of mine before I do the customer quilts. I know the last time that I took the frame down and moved it, I had to do a lot of adjusting so that is why I want to do one mine so if any adjusting needs to be done it will be on mine.
Here are a few photos of Andrew and his new toy! He is so excited with his truck. As you can see in the photos it was raining and his truck was a little dirty.
Here he is taking me and Hunter for a ride.
And here, he is getting ready to take mom and Chantal for a ride too.
Oh and here is Donkey, holding down all the papers on the table! LOL! Silly cat!
I made a decision late last night to go on a diet! :( I know they are not fun but I would like to get rid of about 30lbs. I've really enjoyed taking walks the past few evenings so that will certainly help, not only with losing weight but also getting the strength back in my hip and leg. I did put on several pounds this past year after my fall because I was not able to walk. And trust me....laying flat on your back makes your butt grow!! LOL!
Here are a few photos of Andrew and his new toy! He is so excited with his truck. As you can see in the photos it was raining and his truck was a little dirty.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Pulling Fabrics...
I really didn't get anything accomplished today. I wanted to get my quilting frame put back together but that didn't happen. :( Richard wanted me to go with him to pick up a truck part so I did. I do enjoy spending all the extra time with him but picking up truck parts is just not my thing. LOL! Anyway, while we were out we stopped by the grocery store. After we got back home he wanted me to sit out there and talk to him while he worked on the truck....he is such a big baby. :)
I did manage to pull some fabric from my scrap basket for a throw for the couch. I know I have a million quilts that I could use but I'm just in the mood to make something simple and to use up some scraps too. I'm thinking either a "Puss In the Corner" or a "Churn Dash" not really sure yet. My scrap basket has pieces that are smaller than a fat quarter but are still too big to cut up for strings or small squares. Hopefully I can decide on which pattern that I want to do and start cutting tomorrow.
This evening Richard wanted us to go on another walk....see why I love this man. :) Anyway, we had a nice little walk but by the time we got back my hip was burning pretty good but it's all better now. Here is the sun setting over top of our house.
A photo of Hunter while on our walk. See his little machine gun that he made by nailing together some scrap pieces of wood....such an imagination. He is fascinated by anything that has to do with the military and the whole time we were walking he was pretending he was a Marine...just like Richard.
And on the way back down the driveway I snapped this photo of Festus taking it easy.
I'm loving this warm weather but tomorrow it is supposed to turn cool and start raining the rest of the week. :( Probably no more walks this week.
I did manage to pull some fabric from my scrap basket for a throw for the couch. I know I have a million quilts that I could use but I'm just in the mood to make something simple and to use up some scraps too. I'm thinking either a "Puss In the Corner" or a "Churn Dash" not really sure yet. My scrap basket has pieces that are smaller than a fat quarter but are still too big to cut up for strings or small squares. Hopefully I can decide on which pattern that I want to do and start cutting tomorrow.
This evening Richard wanted us to go on another walk....see why I love this man. :) Anyway, we had a nice little walk but by the time we got back my hip was burning pretty good but it's all better now. Here is the sun setting over top of our house.
A photo of Hunter while on our walk. See his little machine gun that he made by nailing together some scrap pieces of wood....such an imagination. He is fascinated by anything that has to do with the military and the whole time we were walking he was pretending he was a Marine...just like Richard.
And on the way back down the driveway I snapped this photo of Festus taking it easy.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
What a day!
Yesterday I finally got the top all sewn together! So that makes me 31 tops that need quilted. :( But I'll eventually get them quilted. I think I will add a simple border to this before I quilt it but I'll have to dig through my stash to see what I have. When I add the border it will make it a queen size quilt. I like nice big quilts.
Also yesterday evening, Richard, Hunter and I took a walk in the woods. A nice little walk in the other direction from where I went the other day. It is so peaceful and relaxing here in the woods.
Today Richard's sister, Vanessa had a minor surgery. So we went to Pikeville hospital to visit her. She is always there when he needs her so we wanted to be there for her. She is such a sweet person and is always one to count on.
This was about a 65 mile drive from the house. While we were there we stopped by the lookout in Pikeville. You can read about it here on this sign.
Let's just say....I AM SCARED TO DEATH OF HEIGHTS!!! I really get freaked out! As you can see it is pretty high.
Last year we went to "The Breaks" and it was higher up but I did pretty good there. I think my problem today was that this cage thing was not on a flat ground underneath! Here you can see Richard and Hunter on it and Hunter crawled to the edge! LOL!
Richard took this photo from the edge. You can see the river and the tiny cars below.
I started out on it and freaked out!!! Had a panic attack, started crying, and couldn't breathe! Richard took this photo of my big butt hoofing it back to the truck!!! Took me a good 45 minutes to calm down. I'm fine and can laugh about it all now.
It's been a long day and I am really tired. I think I will go to bed early tonight. Hope it is a beautiful week. I just love this nice weather!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Got a few little things done...
Hunter had a friend over to spend the night last night. They have had such a great time and I must say he is a very well behaved little boy too. They spent the evening playing outside and then came in and played video games really late. I went to bed a little after 11pm and they were still going strong.
Anyway....I did accomplish a little bit of sewing last night. I got the binding sewn on this. Not sure what I will do with it but at least it is completely finished.

I also got the applique pieces stitched down on this runner. Now I just need to get it quilted and the binding on it. This was a fun little kit from Connecting Threads that I got on clearance.
Also got this book in the mail yesterday. I know it is an older book but I still like it. There is a website called and you trade books and it costs nothing but the postage or you can buy book credits to purchase books if you don't want to trade which is really cheap, something like $3.50 a book. If you are not a member you should really check it out.
Today I hope to get the other 5 blocks cut out and pieced for my Signs of Spring quilt so that I can get that top finished and move on to something else.
Richard is out in the house hanging more drywall. It is a slow process when it is just one person doing it. But he is a trooper and will get it all done sooner or later.
Anyway....I did accomplish a little bit of sewing last night. I got the binding sewn on this. Not sure what I will do with it but at least it is completely finished.
I also got the applique pieces stitched down on this runner. Now I just need to get it quilted and the binding on it. This was a fun little kit from Connecting Threads that I got on clearance.
Richard is out in the house hanging more drywall. It is a slow process when it is just one person doing it. But he is a trooper and will get it all done sooner or later.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Around the Farm and Through the Woods...
This is a very photo heavy post!! This morning after I finally got good and awake with a ton of coffee, I decided to go spend some special time with my outside babies. The weather was so nice outside that it turned into quite a morning...
I was first greeted with Bruno, our outside dog...

Then Festus...
Walked on down to see Cocoa, the milk goat...
On the way to see some other animals, I stopped to take a photo of Hunter's little play spot...I love seeing things like this.
On up to see Autumn. She is still eating her hay and this is not a good photo of her but this is the only one that I could get that she wasn't trying to eat my camera.
In the other fence is Storm and Sapheria, they are munching on hay too.
And Jingle Bells and Bullet, having their morning hay too...
It was so nice outside that I decided to go on around...Richard's log pile. These logs are for the rest of siding for our house...
A pile of lumber and the sawmill in the background...
Just a photo of my gravel road and the blue sky...
Yummy green grass coming up in the pasture...
Then I turned and decided to walk down the old logging road and through the woods...
Lovely spring flowers coming up in the woods...
The relaxing sight and sounds of the water...
More water... I had to stop and take another break here...
Lot's of rocks and moss...
Almost back home...
So that was my morning...I really enjoyed getting out like that since I didn't get to do it much last year but I really should not have went as far as I did, because by the time I got back home my hip was burning and my leg throbbing. So I have taken it easy the rest of the day and no I did not work on my other 5 quilt blocks that I wanted to get done.
I was first greeted with Bruno, our outside dog...
Then Festus...
Hunter will be having a friend staying over tomorrow night, so maybe I can work on something quilty while they are playing.
Hope you enjoyed the walk...
Signs Of Spring Blocks...
I'm getting a slow start this morning. Been up since 5:30am, got Hunter ready and off to school, Richard up and out the door, but just seems like I can't get woke up. So I'm sipping extra coffee this morning. Richard went to pick up the rest of our drywall. We had to pick it up in two trips because there was just too much to haul in one load on the trailer that we have. So he should be back in a hour or two. I'm getting really excited seeing the drywall going up.
Last night I actually did some sewing! I mentioned in my last post that I had a UFO that had all of the blocks pieced, they just needed to be sewn together into a top. Well....I started sewing them into rows last night. This one is called "Signs Of Spring" a very simple pattern to do so the blocks go together quickly. I had an odd amount of blocks....43, so I did a 6x7 setting with one block leftover. I had all of the rows laid out and just wasn't happy with the size, so I have decided that hopefully today I will make 5 more blocks so that I can make it 6x8 and add a border. That will make is bed size. Not sure what fabric I will use on the border but I'm thinking that I will just make a simple straight border. I have already moved some of my yardage out to the new house so I may have some trouble finding a border fabric that I like for it.

As you can see Donkey and Jazz loved the quilt! This is when I was laying them out and I just couldn't keep them off of it. Donkey is doing so much better. He still walks a little odd, like he is a little humped up in the back end and stiff. He has almost gained all of his weight back too. And Jazz, he is as wild as ever! As you can see in the photo he needs brushed! You can brush him out and he just starts rolling around and messes it all up again.
It is supposed to be near 70 today! So I'm hoping I can get myself good and awake and spend a little time outside with my animals! I do miss not getting to spend time with them when it is colder.
Last night I actually did some sewing! I mentioned in my last post that I had a UFO that had all of the blocks pieced, they just needed to be sewn together into a top. Well....I started sewing them into rows last night. This one is called "Signs Of Spring" a very simple pattern to do so the blocks go together quickly. I had an odd amount of blocks....43, so I did a 6x7 setting with one block leftover. I had all of the rows laid out and just wasn't happy with the size, so I have decided that hopefully today I will make 5 more blocks so that I can make it 6x8 and add a border. That will make is bed size. Not sure what fabric I will use on the border but I'm thinking that I will just make a simple straight border. I have already moved some of my yardage out to the new house so I may have some trouble finding a border fabric that I like for it.
As you can see Donkey and Jazz loved the quilt! This is when I was laying them out and I just couldn't keep them off of it. Donkey is doing so much better. He still walks a little odd, like he is a little humped up in the back end and stiff. He has almost gained all of his weight back too. And Jazz, he is as wild as ever! As you can see in the photo he needs brushed! You can brush him out and he just starts rolling around and messes it all up again.
It is supposed to be near 70 today! So I'm hoping I can get myself good and awake and spend a little time outside with my animals! I do miss not getting to spend time with them when it is colder.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
This and That...
I got my customer quilt quilted and off the frame at the last minute. I still need to do the binding on it and it will be ready to be picked up. Got my frame took apart and moved to the new house, but still need to put it back together again and get back to quilting. I have a few more customer quilts to do.
I did get my new couch and chair on Saturday! I was so excited since this was the first new set that I had gotten in 17+ years! I just wish that I was moving it in the new house and not in here but hopefully in a few more months I can move it out to the house.
Well.....Andrew turned 18 on the 24th of Feb. He is still in high school and doing great, still making the honor roll. Already enrolled in college for Fall. He needed something dependable to drive back and forth to school in the Fall so here is what he got yesterday!!!! A Nissan Frontier! He loves it and he bought it with HIS own money!!! I'll post photos of him with his truck as soon as I can catch him home! Hehehehe! All he wants to do is drive. I'm sure all of that will change when he has to fill it back up with gas again.
As far as quilting.....I have a big mess right now. Trying to sort through some of this stuff and move part of it on out to the house. Well, I'm moving quilting stuff that I don't think I will need for a while. Finding some things that I didn't remember having, so that is sort of fun. I have found a zillion UFO's! :( Some of them that I want to finish and others that I'm not sure about. I did find one that has all of the blocks pieced they just need to be sewn together into a quilt top, so I may work on that.
I did get my new couch and chair on Saturday! I was so excited since this was the first new set that I had gotten in 17+ years! I just wish that I was moving it in the new house and not in here but hopefully in a few more months I can move it out to the house.

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