Do you procrastinate? I am the worst at doing that and then I start to panic at the last minute. I'm not in panic mode yet but I will be by tomorrow morning. LOL! Here is what I have gotten myself into...I'm sure a lot of you are sick of hearing about the new house but that is what is going on in my life right now. We still have a few months before we will be moving in (hopefully). All of my old furniture will be going in the house except for the couch. A couple of months ago, while I was out with mom, I found a couch and chair that I really loved and wanted for the house, but just wasn't ready for that yet. But now it was on sale this past week, like on a really good sale! LOL! Long story short....It comes in tomorrow and we will be picking it up! I am sooooo excited about it! This will be my first NEW couch and chair in about 17 years. I usually take mom's old ones when she changes hers. So you can understand how excited that I am to get this one. Here is a photo of it on their website. I'm only getting the couch and chair, but I love how they have it all set up here for the photo.

So here is where I procrastinate...I still have not cleared out my living room!! LOL!! My quilting frame and machine are in my living room too! My frame and machine will have to be moved out to the new house, in my new sewing room. Which is fine, I can quilt out there just the same, but the funny thing is....I still have a quilt on the frame! This is a customer quilt, that is almost the same as the one that I did a few weeks ago for the same lady. I have it about half quilted so I guess that is what I will be doing late tonight after everyone else goes to bed. I've known all week that this needed to be done but I just kept putting it off. If I get this done tonight we can clear everything out of here early in the morning. She said that their truck did not run until around noon.

While Richard and I were out today, we found a really good deal on some tile. I'm not real crazy about gray but I can live with it. So we picked this up for bathroom #3! Picked it up at the surplus for 49 cents a square foot! Total cost for that bathroom tile.......$21.

Okay...Richard is in bed with a migraine, Hunter is playing video games, so I had better get my butt back to quilting!!!
Your new sofa and chair are very pretty!!! I know you must be excited.
We had sofas very similar to that in the past and I loved them!
We'll be downsizing our furniture and donating some of it here in Minneapolis and putting a little in storage in GA.
Very nice couch and chair. I hope you get the quilt done and all moved out in time for the new ones.
Your new sofa looks kinda like mine! LOL! You are going to love it.
We must all have the same taste because that is my living room sofa also :o) GMTA!~
Ooohh! That sofa is really pretty! I know you will get done what needs to get done! All of this is going to be SO worth it when yall move in and get settled. and btw..I sure dont get tired of hearing about the house!! I think its exciting for all of us!
I don't get tired of hearing about the house either! I can't wait to see move in pictures and how you set up your sewing room!
I hope that you were able to get everything done and cleaned up for the couch and chair!!
Love ur new couch&chair!
I do not like to put things off ,Im a I'd rather be an hr. early ,than a min. late person. lol
Was wonderful to hear from your Mom:o)
Have agreat wk.end!
NO, not me...never procratinated in my life!!! Snort!!! Very pretty new couch...lovely, Kristie!!
Your new couch looks great and I am not tired of hearing about your every day life.
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