It is almost midnight, but I think I am going to make my first Dear Jane block!!!! That would be a great way to end the night! Wish me luck!!!!
Oh!!!! I almost forgot! Bullet bred Beauma today!!!! So we will wait about 3 months and have an ultrasound done to see if we will have a new little colt!!!!
I haven't sewn at all today! I had actually planned on doing some sewing tonight but with all of this I'm just too nervous! Maybe this weekend! Oh and Mom is coming home tomorrow!!!! I'm sooooo glad, I miss her!
I also picked up these dinner napkins, I thought I would throw in with my scraps. They are not store bought dinner napkins, they are just regular quilting fabric that someone has hemmed the edges to make napkins. You can tell that the fabric has never been washed or used. There is a set of 6 of these for .25 also.
So far today that is all...now I have to go outside and get Jingle Bells out of his stall and take him for a walk. He is doing fine since his surgery on Saturday but he has to be walked so that he doesn't get too stiff.
I can't believe that I actually started something and finished it in the same day. Maybe that is what I needed to get me back in the grove! I just love this Bucket Tote! It was really easy to make, actually easier than what I thought it would be. I may make another one for Mom for Mother's Day! Now I will spend the rest of the evening cleaning up my mess.
I mentioned the other night about the Dear Jane quilt! Thank you all for all the information and advice. You all have been very helpful. I do believe that I will try the Dear Jane quilt. I love working on my Civil War quilt and I think both of them would be beautiful to display in the new house...if we ever get it finished. I am in no big hurry to finish either one and don't think I will even try to set a deadline. Well, maybe I will....let's just say "I want to have them both finished within the next 5 years" :)
And last I will leave you with another photo of Donkey, he is asleep in his little house. :)
The projects that I have piled out that I am working on are:
~ Civil War Diary Quilt
~ Orange Crush Mystery
~ Miniature Booty Swap
~ Bucket Tote
~ Storm At Sea Wallhanging
~ Couch Caddy
And several other little things that I have been playing around with! Richard swears that I have "Quilter's ADHD" He says that I quilt all the time and can't concentrate on just one project! That is probably why I have such a mess!
The boys and I have been watching some tv, we are having heavy rain and thunderstorms so there is not alot else to do. Andrew decided to watch "Hitman" on Pay-Per-View. I'm not much into it, but the boys seem to like it! Well....I take that back...his girlfriend just called and now he is off to his room to talk to her! Hmmm...I guess he is at the age that girlfriends come before Mommy!!!!!
I talked to Mom today and she will be home the 25th! I can't wait to see her! I miss her so much! She sounded so tired, she said she had 12 extra people to cook for today! I can't imagine, I get tired trying to cook for the 4 of us!
Oh and as you all know Fridays are my shopping day! Chantal had the day off so she went with me. We had a great time even though we had to pay bills and grocery shop! We also stopped at a new "junk store" that they just opened up in town last week. She bought 2 beach bags that still had the tags on them and I bought some books...like I need anymore but I have almost as many romance novels as I do fabric! But it was nice spending the day with her!