I have some photos of the boys! I get out of the shower and I catch them both doing something that they shouldn't be. Here is Hunter, eating ice cream....right out of the bucket, no bowl!!!

And here is Andrew, drinking Dt Pepsi right out of the 2 liter bottle. What is it about boys???

I got some good mail today!! Gina, sent me a package! Actually I needed her help on a project that I am working on. I'll tell all of the details on that when I get it finished. But in the package she added 2 quilting magazines from the UK. They have some beautiful quilts and wonderful fabrics in them. I really enjoyed looking at them.

I also got to work a little bit on my Civil War Diary Quilt today!!! I made 2 blocks. This first one is called "Alarming Conditions" It is actually the first block in the first row. I don't know what it was about this block but it took me 2 hours to finish it. I HATE Y-seams! It wasn't really a hard block but I just kept messing it up! Anyway it is done, not perfect, but done.

This second block is called "Conscript Law" First row, block 3. A very simple block! I am loving making these blocks!
These two blocks take me up to 45 blocks! 45 down and 76 more to go!!!! I may try to do a few more tomorrow!!!!
Mom and Chantal are at Virginia Beach for the week! I just talked to them and they seem to be having a great time! They will be back on Saturday. I am dog watching for them! Chantal has a teacup poodle, actually you can see her sitting on the couch in the photo with Hunter's ice cream. Her name is Zoey and she and Donkey love to play together!