My last 11 blocks are finished! I finally have all 121 Civil War Love Letter blocks finished!!!! Now, I just have to do the sashings!!! :( I know that I am so close to having this top finished but I think I will work on some other projects before I jump in and finish the sashings. I just need a break from so much Pinks and Browns. Don't get me wrong, I love the color combination that I used but after 121 blocks of the same colors, I get a little tired of seeing so much of it. But it does feel great to have the done.

I also started working back on my Civil War Diary quilt! I had 55 of those blocks done before I stopped and started the Love Letter quilt. So now I have done 6 more of those for a total of 61, I am halfway done with this one, since I need a total of 121 blocks for it too. This one I am doing in different colors of Civil War Repros. I am loving this quilt too.

I have been recieving several packages of blue fabrics in the mail to add to my Nearly Insane quilt!!! I am getting a good varity of blues to use so I will start making more of those blocks. I figure that I will work on it at the sametime that I work on my CWD quilt, that way I will not get so burned out on them. Quilters are some of the nicest people that I know! I have recieved blue fabrics from....Sharon, Nancy, Kris, Cindy, Trish, Gina, Adris, and Chantal (not my sister but a wonderful quilter from Belgium) Thank you all for the fabrics!!! I promise I will put them to good use!!!!!
And last but not least we had a terrible thing happen last weekend!!! Now you all know that I live out in the middle of nowhere and my mom and sister lives on the property that connects to mine. I can't see her house from mine but I can walk through the woods and be there in about 4 minutes. Anyway, we are very secluded here. Anyway, mom and Chantal have two outside dogs that they keep in two seperate fences. They are those 10x12 chainlink fence things for dogs. Now these two dogs were great dogs, very friendly and Liddy was some type of terrier and Reese was a mix breed but they were both smaller dogs...anyway, Chantal called and said she went out to feed and Liddy got up and started walking toward her and fell over and started jerking like she was having a siezure. She got her out and brought her inside, all the vets at this time were closed, Liddy, had suffered like this for several hours before she passed away. She had bitten her tongue until she had blood everywhere and even bit mom. Richard went out there and he said, she had all the symptoms of rabies but not the foaming from the mouth. Liddy had died that night and then they noticed that Reese was doing the samething. Now, Reese had a litter of puppies that were 3 weeks old. But the only difference in Liddy and Reese, Reese was foaming at the mouth. So we started to panic!!!! Reese and her 5 puppies died that night. 7am on Sunday morning, the vet called, he said to bring Liddy's body in so that they could test for rabies!!!!! We really started to panic because mom had been bitten!!!! So anyway, in the end we got the results back on Wednesday, and it was NOT rabies, but ANTI-FREEZE POISONING!!!! We were just totally shocked and very MAD!!! That someone would do that to those dogs, like I said, we live out in the middle of nowhere, with no neighbors but each other and to think that someone had to come on her property to poisoned those poor dogs!!! Then we got to thinking....Our Fred, the bassethound passed away not too long ago, although we were not with him when he died, but I can't help but wonder if he died from the samething!!!! Now I worry about my horses!