I am sooooo tired of all this rain! More to come tonight! Actually they are saying severe thunderstorms and 1-3 inches of rain through tomorrow. That will be horrible considering the ground is already soaked.
Yesterday there was a little break in the rain so I thought I would go out an clean the flowerbed. I wanted to add more mulch in there and I needed to clean it up nicely first.

So here I was pulling weeds (the things around the tree stump are actually flowers, not weeds :) Anyway, I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, there are always lizards that stay around that tree stump so I didn't think much about it, then I almost stepped on it! A SNAKE!!! Not a poisonous one but still scared me enough to almost wet my pants. :) So back inside I went!

This morning, I had to do my grocery shopping and I ran by the thrift store. First off I got this shoebox full of thread on WOOD spools so it is old. There are 89 vintage spools and I only paid $2! I think I will put them in some BIG jars or something to display them.

And I bought 10 more 6000yd spools for my quilting machine. All 10 spools are new and were in plastic, I just took it off for the photo to show the colors. It is made by the same company that makes Signature thread. I tried it before in my quilting machine and it worked great. So each spool has 6000 yds and she charged me 2/$1.oo. I am soooo happy with them.

I wanted to put another quilt on the frame but I will not get to today. Hunter has a friend coming home with him from school to spend the night. So I will be busy with them! :)
And this photo is for Lisa! This is my little Smokey, he weighs about 4lbs. He needs to be groomed, his hair is so long on top that I had to put it up with a ponytail holder. :) When Lisa and her family came down for their visit, she fell in love with him. He is very sweet!
Well, I'm off to clean the house for the weekend!