Yesterday Richard and I had a wonderful day together! After we got the boys off to school, we headed to Ashland KY and Huntingtion WV. Richard had a bearing to break on one of his sawmills, so we headed out to look for another! While we were in Ashland Richard drove by the park and all of their Christmas lights were on display. So we stopped and had a nice walk through the park. Even though it was day time, it was very lovely and we had a nice time. We plan on taking the boys back down sometime before Christmas and let them see the displays when it is dark. In the end we didn't find his bearing, but did end up finding it online so we will have to order it. Thank God, he has the other sawmill that he can use until this bearing comes in.
After we got back home, the sweet hubby that he is, got me a nice warm fire going in the fireplace and headed out to work in the cold. I jumped in and straightened up the house and got to work on some quilting! I've had a lot on my mind the past couple of days and I had not been quilting. Nothing bad, actually some good things going on, my mind has just been in a whirlwind! :) So I figured I had better get my butt in gear and get some quilting done! I have some customer quilts that need to be finished before Christmas and a few things of my own too.
I got the big strips cut and sewn together for the Nascar quilt, now I just need to add the long strips to connect them all together! I don't usually make custom quilts for people, just quilt THEIR quilt tops! But I had the lady at the bookstore in Van Lear, Ky ask me if I could make a Dale Jr, #88 quilt for her so that she could give it as a gift for her daughter at Christmas! So I need to get it finished. I hope to get the top completed today and get it quilted within the next few days.

I have one quilt on the frame now, so hopefully it will be quilted and off the frame in a day or so and I can load this one on there. The one I have on the frame now is a king size quilt. It is beautiful! It is ALL hand pieced, I will post a photo of it when I get it finished. That is what I love about quilting for others, I get to see their beautiful work.
I will leave you with this photo of Smokey snoozing yesterday! He really needs a haircut! :)

Almost time to get the boys up for school. I can't wait for them to start their Christmas vacation, I just love when they are home and we can spend some nice quality family time.
Well, I am very glad that you and Richard had a great day together! Ya'll were due one! Keep sewing! I can't wait to see more of your work!
P.s. yars ago, I was in a store and overheard 2 Moms talking. One Mom was saying in a really nasty loud voice how she couldnt wait for school to start back to get rid of her kid. She was sick of him...the VERY sad part was her child was in the buggy hearing the whole thing! I LOVE having my kids at home!!
Time spent with your husband is always a good investment in a marriage (I think). The boys will enjoy looking at the lights I am sure.
Take care and have a productive day.
Enjoyed seeing you on facebook,
Glad you and Richard got to spend some quality time together.
love and hugs Gina xxx
Sounds like you had a great day! I really like reading how much you enjoy your family.
A day with the DH is always great isn't it!
Sounds like you have a lot of pre Christmas quilting to get done! :O)... I cannot believe how fast December is going!!
Glad you and Richard got to spend the day out. I love seeing the lights in Central Park, I know the boys will love seeing them. Hope you finish the quilt today, I am hoping to finish one myself. Hope Richard gets the part for sawmill before Christmas. They are a sawmill a mile from us and that is hard work.
If it's my quilt that is on the frame - post a picture - I can't wait to see it!!!!! LOL. Can you tell I'm impatient, even though I said it could wait until after Christmas???????I hope you are feeling better now, and as soon as I get in a trip to Wal-mart for the backing, I'll send you the chicken quilt. Hugs to you all!
I'm looking forward to school vacation, too. I always take that time off from work, and it is so nice to not be rushed with the kids in the morning or in the evening, but to have all day to enjoy each other (and get on each others' nerves!).
What a nice day you had. Any time spent with my honey is wonderful, so I know you must have had a wonderful day!
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