I'm hoping that things have slowed down here for a while. This is a photo heavy post!! I'm trying to catch up on blogging and I am so behind on reading blogs too.
First off, thanks for all of the prayers for our friends and neighbors that were affected during the tornadoes. The clean up is beginning but still a long way to go for so many of them, not only here in our little county but several states. One sad thing that breaks my heart is that Hunter doesn't have school tomorrow because they are having a funeral for one little girl that lost her life in the tornado, along with her grandmother. They are expecting a very large crowd so they are holding it at the local high school. She was only 14 yrs old.
Here are two quilts that I delivered this morning to the quilt shop. The first one is an Evening Star that measures something like 110x118! It was her first quilt!!! She was certainly brave to make her first one that big! It is beautiful when it is all spread out but I just didn't have to room to do that for the photo. It is quilted with the Chantilly Lace design.

Here is the second quilt! It is a simple patch quilt but man was I in love with those fabrics!!! Such a wonderful variety of Civil War Reproductions. She wanted this one done with a stipple/meander design. It measured 88x97.

Here is a closeup of the fabrics! The whole time that I was quilting it, I kept thinking about how pretty it would look on my bed! :)

Look how close that I came to running out of thread on it!!!! I was getting nervous! I have a thread order placed but it will be a few more days before it arrives. Oh BTW...the little project that the thread spool is laying on it a little table topper that I have been working on when I have to sit down and take a break from the quilting machine. It isn't finished yet, it still looks like it does in this photo. :(

I ordered a few things a week or so ago! Just things that I eventually want to work on when I get the time. I'm hoarding!!! LOL! The first one is Hawaiian Delight, it is a paper pieced pineapple quilt. The middle one is a set of 3 tablerunners that I would like to get done sometime before next Winter! I'm sure that will not happen but at least I can hope, right? I ordered these from one of my favorite places,
Laundry Basket Quilts. I have several patterns from there that I just keep putting back to do later. The last one on the end is called, Hugs & Kisses, by
Jaybird Quilts. I thought it was so cute! A few weeks ago when I was down at the quilt shop, I saw so small calicos and I thought of this pattern. I didn't get the fabrics that day, I wanted to get the pattern first and then make my final decision on the fabrics.

So today while I was at the quilt shop, I picked them up!!!! I couldn't resist them! I picked up a fat quarter of every bright one that they had. Now I just need to start collecting calicos until I have enough to make the quilt. See the pillow form in the background?? I picked that up at Walmart today because I want to make a pillow for my back to use at Church. We go to this little old tiny country Church that I love with all of my heart, but those old Church pews are NOT comfortable! I noticed the other day that several people there had pillows behind their backs so I decided that I would make one for myself. I probably will not get it done before next Sunday but you can bet it will be moved closer to the top of my list. :)

After I got home, I started digging through some of my scraps and found this "vintage" piece of calico. The word "vintage" makes me feel old since these were the fabrics from my childhood. Friday I will turn "40" and my kids are giving me a hard time about it. :) Anyway, I need to look through mom's fabric because I think that she still has some that I can use in my quilt.

I also ordered this fabric so that I could finish a quilt that I started some time last year....maybe. I glanced back through my blog a little but I couldn't find it, I know it is on here somewhere because I saw a photo of it the other day and that is what reminded me to look for the fabric. See, I had just enough fabric to finish the quilt and was going to be cutting it close and wouldn't you know....I cut the last few blocks of the navy fabric the wrong size!!!! So I ordered this and I plan on finishing it real soon....well....after I get more of these customer quilts finished. I have some more beautiful ones coming up!!

And in between quilting this is what we will be doing......painting!!!! Actually Richard will probably be doing more of the painting than I will. He painted the master bedroom a few days ago and I painted my metal bed today. I'll post photos of that as soon as I get it all cleaned back up and things put away in there. He didn't paint down around the floor or the very top of the wall near the ceiling because we will be putting up the wood trim in there in a few weeks. The big buckets in the photo are for some of the other rooms. One 5 gallon bucket is ceiling paint. I'm sure that is not enough but at least that will get us started. The other 15 gallons are all the same color beige and that will go in my hallway, living room, upstairs balcony, and my sewing room. I dread all of that painting and I'm not even sure if that will be enough.

And now I will leave you will something that I don't get to see that often anymore....my boys together! Andrew goes to college and works so much that he is just in and out most of the time, but here they are up in Andrew's room. Andrew is helping Hunter with his homework! :)

Giggle...as you can see, Andrew's room isn't painted yet either! I do have the curtains bought for his room but they are not up yet. I'll hang those after it is painted. It is on the second floor and we live out in the middle of nowhere so it's not like anyone can see in there. :)

I guess that is all for tonight!! My plans for tomorrow are to go grocery shopping and then load on another customer quilt!!!!