I finally got this baby off the frame! I call it, Civil War Wreaths. It is one of my favorites, maybe because of the red. I love red!!! I had Richard and Hunter hang it from a beam over my living room so that I could get a photo of all of it.
A photo of the back. A simple panto of leaves.
I also pieced 24 more bow tie blocks! I think I have 511 of them finished. That's all....getting the boys out the door this morning for school and work and then Richard and I are heading out to buy him new shoes. Shoes don't last long when he is on his feet all night long. His nursing job requires him to wear white shoes. They have to be mostly white and that is harder to find nowdays. He also has to wear solid white scrub pants and top. Do you know how hard it is to keep them looking white?? :( Kristie
I loaded a quilt on the frame to be quilted. I haven't machine quilted since before Christmas. I was having some machine issues and I just got aggravated and didn't want to mess with it anymore. I finally decided to bite the bullet and work on the machine. It is doing okay, but I still have to watch for skips and such.
I really like this quilt, it measures something like 80x100. I have about 1/3 of it quilted. I can't wait to get it done. Not sure what I will do with it, either put it on my bed or fold it up and put it in the pile.
The lighting wasn't the best up there this evening but you can see a little bit of the quilting.
Here is a photo of the backside of it. I am using Hobb's 80/20 batting and Madeira thread. I hope to get it finished within the next couple of days.
I am still piecing on all of my other projects too. :) I made 32 more bow ties the other day. I have some of my churn dash blocks sewn into rows and so on. 21 years ago today, I gave birth to my first born son, Andrew. I remember that day like it was yesterday. At the time, I was in a bad marriage but that just pushed me closer to my son. He was my best friend. I wouldn't change anything about that part of my life as I have Andrew from it. If you have read my blog for a while you will know that my boys are my life. I love them with all of my heart. I am so proud of Andrew and the young man that he has become. I have had many thoughts over that past few days leading up to his birthday of him being born and growing through different stages of his life. I gave birth to him 2 weeks before I turned 21 and he was the best birthday gift that I could have gotten. I love him dearly. Those eyes and smile still light up my life. I thank God everyday for letting me be his mother.
I guess that is all for tonight. Richard is working. Hunter just went to bed as he has school tomorrow and Andrew works in the morning but he went out to dinner and a movie with some friends. Kristie
I finished up ALL of my Churn Dash blocks! :) I have 30 of them for a 5x6 setting. Here are half of the blocks up on the design wall. I will start sewing them together this evening as Richard is working tonight. I'm still not sure what I will use for the border yet.
This is the stack of the other 15 for the bottom half of the quilt.
A couple of days ago while at Walmart shopping for groceries and household supplies I found the clearance isle. I usually don't tend to spend money on things that are not absolutely needed BUT...I couldn't pass these up! I found 2 Fiskars Rotating Cutting Mats for the cost of....
See that sticker???? $2.00!!! I grabbed both of them as fast as I could. LOL! I know that some people do not like them but I had one a few years ago and it worked well for me. These usually run around $30 so I was a really happy girl when I found these.
Along with sewing on my Churn Dash blocks I have pieced over 100 bow tie blocks for the month of February so far! I'm hoping that I can keep up the pace and reach my goal of 1080 3.5" bow tie blocks before the end of the year. I would love to have it pieced and quilted by the end of December but I'm not sure if my scrap basket will hold up until then. :) Most of them are Civil War scraps but not all of them. I am mixing in some fabrics that blend well with them. I'm loving working with these 2" pieces.
Well...I guess I am off. I have a few things to finish up in the house, like laundry before I head up to the sewing room for the night. I am one that loves to stay on schedule and Church was canceled again this morning due to the road conditions. That really messes with my day as I enjoy going to Church. :( I am sooooo ready for SPRING!!!
Everyday I struggle with Adult ADD this affects everything from my housework to my quilting. The past several days have been a big struggle to keep on track with everything. In my housework I am constantly making lists and I also do that in my quilting but this time you can really tell that I have bounced from project to project. I think all of this snowy weather has had something to do with my change in mood. First off, I worked on these blocks. I cut them out from my scrap basket a few months ago. I have 19 blocks finished and need a total of 30 for the quilt that I have planned. The rest of the blocks are cut out, I just need to sew them together.
I finished appliqueing another Dresden. I think this is block 9 or 10. I have all of the blocks pieced they just need to be appliqued to the background. I need to do a total of 20 of them, so this should make me halfway.
I played around for a new quilt for Andrew's bed. I am working on my Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt for Hunter and wanted to do something for Andrew too. I love this block but it measures less than 8" so I would need a million of them for his queen size bed. I love the block but I hate making them so I moved on to something else. I do think I will piece about 4 of them to make a little table topper for his nightstand.
Still playing around with the same blues, I pieced this block. I enjoy piecing them, they are quick and easy.
I have more cut and ready do sew!
While working on all of the above projects, I pieced more bow ties for my leader/ender project. I have 378 of them and for the quilt that I want to make I need around 1100.
I also pieced a few apple cores.
While pressing my bow ties I found that I had mixed up a couple backgrounds. I started to rip them out but just left them. I don't figure that in a quilt of 1100, 3 inch bow ties that you would even notice them.
When I came down stairs from sewing this evening this is what I saw....Richard snuggled on the couch with one of my quilts. :) I love this quilt....and I love him. :)
The weather here has been horrible. Hunter has only had 5 days of school since before Christmas break!!! I figured that they would have school Monday but I just looked out and it is pouring snow....again. :( Kristie