I finished up another Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses block. It's not sewn together in the photo but it is now. I was just trying to figure out the best placement for my colors. This is my 5th block.
I had actually forgotten about this hexie project but some of them had been cut and prepped for a while. I was thinking at the time that this would be a lap quilt. I have oodles of them prepped so I will probably sew a few of them together between my cross blocks.
Last week Hunter had an awards ceremony for some state testing. I'm so proud of him. He received an award and trophy. They were also supposed to receive t-shirts too but they had not arrived at the time.
The next day he came home from school with this trophy for being on the Academic Team. He is a good student, just stubborn sometimes but then again he is 11 so I guess that is normal. :)
Here is his Geography project that he had to do last week. He had spent weeks doing his research and getting everything written out. Wouldn't you figure that the night before when he was trying to type and print everything out, the printer decides to die! :( Thank goodness for big brother that was still in town. Andrew ran by Walmart and picked up a new printer so he could finish it. Hunter was in such a panic, I felt sorry for him. BTW....he did an amazing job on his project and the teacher sent a wonderful little note home with him. :)
That's all for now. Today is election day so Hunter is home from school. He had a friend spend the night last night. Andrew is working and Richard is still asleep. He worked last night and works again tonight. I will be getting him up real soon so he can eat and get ready for work! Kristie
First off, I hope that everyone has had a wonderful Mother's Day. I feel very Blessed to be the mother to my boys. They are my world! Last night I was home alone and I took some "me time" LOL! Richard worked last night, Andrew was house sitting for my sister and Hunter wanted to stay with him. My mom and sister left on a cruise to the Bahamas. I sat and watched sad girly movies and cried. I also played around with my Hickory Nut project! Now before you say, "Another project???" I am still working on my Lucy Boston Crosses but I just wanted to try this new template out.
I love this!!! It is a great quilt-as-you-go project! I have tons of leftover Hobb's 80/20 batting that I cut off from the edges when I am machine quilting so this is a great use for them. This template comes in 3 sizes and this one is the "large" it finishes up at around 3.5" For example, the gold hexagon is cut from a 3.5" strip or scrap, so is the piece of batting. The larger hexagon is cut from a 5.5" strip or scrap. Just to give you an idea the larger hexagon which is the backing measures 2" larger than the center. Here is a great tutorial on how the templates work.
Here is one that I was getting ready to sew. I sew them just like I would sew binding. You could also sew it by machine if you wanted.
I thought about whip stitching these together but thought that if I did a blind stitch or ladder stitch then I could make this thing reversible. So I sewed two together and was pleased with how it looked.
Here I wanted to see how they would all look. I'm not even sure what this will be or even how large. You could make coasters, mug rugs, table runners, wall hangings, lap quilts, bed size quilts, just whatever. I figure I will work on them once in a while and I will stop when I get tired of it. LOL!
I showed a few of them to mom before she left and she fell in love with them so we may end up cutting out a bunch of them for her to take back to work with her in a few weeks. :) That would give her something to work on in her spare time. So tonight, it is just me and Hunter. Richard is working and Andrew is house sitting. Kristie
I spent the morning quilting in the woods. It was soooo relaxing and nice.
As most of you all know we live on a farm and Richard has been clearing off more of the property to extend the area for the horses and just give us added usable acreage close by the house. This area is on the side of the house.
Anyway our stud horse, Bullet is in this area so as Richard was cutting and pulling out trees I had to man the gate so Bullet didn't get out. :) So what does a quilter do??? She takes her sewing box with her. :)
Our tractor is down so hubby was using the old farm truck that is just used on the farm and doesn't have insurance on it. Here you can see were he is getting ready to back down through the opening in the woods with a roll of hay for Bullet to help keep him occupied while he works.
You can see him in the background cutting some trees. Nothing here will go to waste. The trees were cut into logs and pulled to our sawmill to be cut into lumber for various projects. The tops and limbs will but cut up for firewood to use this winter.
Here is a view of part of my yard from where I was sitting. You can see the old tractor sitting there. :(
A photo of Bullet eating his hay while a few chickens peck around. I love my farm life!!!
Richard also gave me a hard time because I wore my flip flops instead of my boots! :)
Here he goes by with one of the logs. Bullet didn't even offer to get near the opening. He did come up and check out my sewing box but other than that he ate his hay and walked over the to the creek to drink.
The chickens stayed close by too.
It was a wonderful morning and much enjoyed just sitting in the woods and sewing. :) Kristie
The past several days have been really rough. Richard's precious grandmother, Juanita passed away in the wee hours on May 3rd. She lived a long life of 93 years. She was very precious to him as she raised him. She was a very strong Christian lady that is much better off in heaven than on this old earth. I loved her and I will miss her. I believe in my heart that Richard would not be the man he is today had it not been for her. He is a good man with great manners and lots of old-fashion morals. Remember Richard in your prayers as the next few days will be difficult for him. He stays busy anyway but he is really trying to occupy himself. Men sometimes deal with things like that I guess. It is 10:30pm right now and he is at the sawmill sawing up logs in the dark. He has one of those lights that strap on his head so that he can see what he is doing. Not sure how late he will saw but I will wait up on him. :) I have been working on some handwork to keep my hands busy while waiting and sitting. It is Lucy Boston's Patchwork of the Crosses. I love it so far! This is a long term project as I am slow at hand stitching. Here is one of the blocks. I don't have it all sewn together in this photo but it is now. :)
This is the first block that I completed.
This one will be finished up tonight! :)
Now to dig up fabric for the next block!!! Andrew just got home about an hour ago. He has been gone all week to Charleston, SC. I sure missed him and I thank God for watching over him while he was gone. This was a work related trip for him. He will be off for the next 2 days for the viewing and funeral. I guess that is all for now, I need to unpack his suitcase and do some laundry. Kristie