I have been prepping more hexies to work on while watching tv. I have several that are cut and pinned but now they have been tacked and ready to sew together. If you are wondering why I have a thermometer on the tray...Richard has been sick. He had a couple rough nights but is feeling much better now, just weak and still no appetite. Anyway, this tray works really well when working on my hexies and it just keeps everything together.
I have not posted for a few days and I have been doing very little sewing. I am having issues with my BP again. :( I have an appointment on Friday. This was my BP the other morning and I take 2 BP pills a day.
This was the next day....when my BP runs high like this it just makes me feel like poo.
Today I did sew a few more blocks for the Chevron quilt. I just put the border pieces up on the design wall to see how it was going to look.
I have a few more blocks to make and then I will get it all sewn together.
Here is an up close shot of the fabric.
That is all that I have accomplished the past few days. :( Andrew was supposed to be home Monday but he called and said there was a change in plans and he will be home Tuesday. I sure miss him! Then he informed me that he is going to Nashville this coming weekend to a concert! :( Kristie
The top is pieced and the borders are on!!! Now it goes in the pile to be quilted.
All from tiny pin dots and it measures 48/55.
I have the binding cut I will prep it soon. Glad to have this one completed. This makes 3 baby quilt tops ready for quilting.
Now on to work on another baby quilt! This one will be a chevron quilt in larger polka dots. At this point I don't know how big it will be. I am using a leftover piece of white so I will piece blocks until I run out of the white.
I'm sure I could easily piece this one in a day and I hope to work on it today. Hubby is on call today and if they are going to call they will be calling within the next 2 hours. If he works I should be able to get this finished, if he is home...maybe not! LOL! Anyone else like that? For some reason I find it hard to get a lot of sewing done when hubby is home. I don't get a lot of cleaning done either.
I also finished up a few more hexies. I'm slowly adding to the pile. I am close to the point that I need to dig through my scrap basket and prep a bunch more hexies for piecing.
Andrew called me today! He will be home on the 19th! I am counting down the days. He sent me this photo today that he took while working his shift on the barges. Shew....notice the ice? I can't wait until he gets home.
***UPDATE: Richard was on call and just got the call that the census is up so off to work he goes! That means that I will be sewing today!!!!!!
I finished up all 30 blocks needed for my Colorful Scraps baby quilt. Right now I have them all up on my design wall.
I hung up a couple of the border strips just to see how it was going to look.
So far I am very pleased with how it is turning out.
It is very colorful so I was hoping that by using the white background that it would really pop.
Now I need to sew all of the blocks together and add the border. I am doing a 5x6 setting and adding a single border.
A close-up view of the polka dots.
After I get the top completed, this larger polka dot is up next! :) I have a very simple quilt planned with this fabric that I should easily have cut and pieced in a day.
A few photos that I took of Hunter on Sunday morning before Church. My handsome young man...
Yesterday I did something that I have not done in a long time....I went fabric shopping! LOL! I have pretty much been working out of my stash since 2009 but with my sister having a baby girl in a few months I needed to pick up a few things. I don't have any of this in my stash. I picked up some pink minky to match this quilt. Now it just needs to be quilted and the binding done. I have leftover fabric from the top for the binding.
I'm sure that you can tell that my sister loves pink! I picked this up for the border of my Colorful Scraps quilt that I am in the process of piecing. A hot pink mini dot.
This larger hot pink dot will be a small chevron quilt. I already had the white so I didn't buy it. When I got home I realized that they had cut me more than I asked for, 1.5 yards extra to be exact. I checked my receipt and called back to Hobby Lobby and they thanked me for calling and told me to just keep it after I offered to pay for it over the phone.
I mentioned in a previous post that my sister also wanted a puff/biscuit quilt. These are the fabrics that I picked out for that. She is doing the nursery in owls so I thought this would be nice.
I started cutting out some squares from the fabric and put them up on the wall. It's all very busy to me but she likes this stuff.
I could not sleep last night so I got back up and cut the rest of the blocks. I still need to cut the backing squares which I will probably do today so that I can get started.
I have also been working on these. These are my break from all of the bright funky fabrics. LOL! If you have read my blog for a while you will know that I don't tend to work with modern/bright fabrics. :)
I guess that is all for now. It is another cold day here in KY. Hunter only had 2 days of school this week and that was his first week back after Christmas Break. Kristie
It's a sad day for Hunter as he starts back to school today. :( I think last night he was praying for snow! LOL! Richard worked yesterday so I tried to spend a little extra "Honey Bun Time" with him yesterday. Honey Bun is what he used to say his name was when he was a toddler. He loved honey buns and his name is Hunter so he somehow put that together. When he wanted us to play with him he would walk up to us and say, "honey bun time?" LOL! Anyway, I did get some sewing in during the day when he was off doing his own thing but I sure did enjoy spending the extra time with him. I got a few more hexies finished. This is slowly turning into a larger pile. This is one of my long term projects so I'm not in a big hurry. It is just something to work on to keep my hands busy.
I also got more strips sewn on my papers. I need to sew one more strip on all 30 papers then trim up and surround with white. I have to look and see if I can scrap together enough white to finish up the blocks.
I am currently auditioning borders for this little quilt. Right now I have this blue print hanging up there and it will probably be the fabric that I use. I have enough of it for a border and binding.
Here is a close-up of the fabric. It has a tiny bit of yellow in it.
I am feeling the urge to work on my other bow ties. I'm thinking that while I am trying to rush and get some baby things finished, I will use my bow ties as a leader/ender project. Here are a few photos of my progress so far on this quilt.
I am in the process of taking all 1080 of these 3" bow ties and sewing them into blocks to make it a little easier to assemble.
Just to give you an idea of how it will all look once it is finished, here are some of the blocks up on my design wall. I plan on keeping this quilt for myself once it is finished.
I think after Hunter heads to school and Richard goes outside to piddle (he is off work today) I will take a nap. I had a hard time falling asleep last night. My mind just would not shut down. I kept running baby stuff through my head. Trying to mentally make a list of all that I need to finish before her baby shower towards the end of February. It was just silly things like....hmmm....I still need to piece this and I wonder if a minky back would look good for this or how much is minky a yard...just silly things that kept me awake most of the night. Kristie
I'm going to call this little quilt my Ugly Duckling. I'm not crazy about it that is why I only made 65 blocks. Late last night after Richard went to bed I went upstairs and sewed it all together.
Now I just need to find an ugly border fabric to go on it. This will be used on my little antique table that I have on my porch. The current little quilt that I have on it is extremely faded from use over the years. I'm glad to have it to this point. After I sew a border on it, I will put it in the pile to be quilted. BTW...you can see the hair bows that I have made for the baby hanging there too.
I also sewed another strip on all 30 blocks of my Colorful Scraps quilt. I plan on working on this more today as Richard will be working all day.
"Clear the Freezer" for today....chicken. This will be fried chicken along with veggies and bread.
I'll post a photo of my Ugly Duckling once I get the border on it. Kristie
As most of you know my sister, Chantal is having a baby in April. She calls me yesterday and asks if I can make a puff/biscuit quilt. I know these were really a big thing back in the 70's maybe a little in the 80's but I wasn't quilting then as I was born in the 70's. :) So I grabbed some scrap fabric that I could practice with. I was just mostly trying to figure out how much stuffing she wanted in them.
She wants them pretty full with fluff as she plans on using it as a playmat on the floor. She has wood flooring so she wanted something with some padding.
These are only practice pieces so now I just need to find out what colors that she wants me to use in the actual quilt/playmat. Meanwhile, I will get back to working on the polka dot quilt. I haven't touched it since this photo the other day.
It's 6:15am so I've got to get my day started! Kristie
Yesterday I did some digging in the sewing room. I have been trying to find my tumbler blocks for months. I wasn't really looking continuously, but I am pretty good at labeling everything. I have several UFO's and I'm not going to sit here and say that this is the year that they will be finished because I know that is not what will happen. I do have a few that are close to being finished and some that I would like to work on. I pulled out my tub with the Wild & Goosey stuff in it. This tub has lots of crumbs in it that would work perfectly for this project but is this one of those that will never get finished? Should I just make a table runner and toss the crumbs? Should I keep it all and finish it into a bed size quilt someday?
I found a tub of Churn Dash blocks! The label on the tub said, "Churn Dash....Blocks Complete" The blocks are all pinned into rows and some of the rows are even sewn together. So this is one that will be left out and finished as it is soooo close.
Here are some bow tie blocks. These are the blocks that I started before I made the tons of smaller ones in the Civil War fabrics. I never was happy with these with the cheddar background and the brighter scraps so they got put aside.
I have 65 of these finished but I don't like them enough to finish them into a big quilt. So I'm thinking that I will do an 8x8 setting and throw a border on it and use it as a table topper for my antique table that I have on my porch.
I did find my Tumbler blocks! They were stuck in the bottom of one of the tubs. I'm not even sure that I will work on these but I just know that I couldn't find them. I have enough for HALF of a queen quilt.
Something new starting now..."Clear the Freezer" Let me explain. I usually try to keep my freezers full as I tend to panic over groceries. As you know things in the freezer only lasts so long. I have things that I have caught on sale, things that we have grown or raised and things that the boys have hunted. We even have fish that was caught at the lake or our pond. My family are big meat eaters so that is mostly what I have in the freezer...meat. I will start clearing out the older stuff and fixing it as I add more things along the way. First off...boneless pork chops. This is what we will be having for supper tonight.
I'm not a fancy chef just a country wife that needs to stretch the groceries and feed the family well. :) Some days we may even have frozen Banquet Pot Pies but it all needs to be cleared and rotated out of the freezer. So tonight we are having boneless pork chops, veggies and cornbread. BTW....the cornbread is coming out of the freezer too. I make it and freeze it so it is easy to just pop it in the microwave for a few seconds and it is ready to eat. I also pulled out a bag of sausage for breakfast this week. I buy it in a 2lb roll and slice it up and throw it in the freezer. This makes it easy and I slice it thin so that I can stretch it for more meals.
I'm also slowly getting my house back to normal after all of the Christmas decor is down. I remove all of the stuff off of this cabinet so that Hunter can put up his Christmas Village out. He loves it so much but never likes taking it down. :) Yesterday I got all of my stuff put back on the cabinet this was the last thing that needed to be put back.
That's all for this morning. Richard left for work a little bit ago and Hunter is still in bed. He starts back to school on Monday. :( Kristie