Still taking it easy and not doing too much. Here is my progress so far on this hexie quilt. It sure seems like I should have more done. LOL! These are 1" hexagons.
I have a few hundred more prepped but I'm needing more variety in it. I know this looks like a lot of hexagons but there are several of each. I really need to try to dig though some scraps to add some variation.
A pic of my 1919 Singer Red Eye. This is one of my favorite machines and it sews wonderfully. I've had it for a while but I had Hunter to bring it downstairs for me and put it on the old school desk so that I could see it better. :)
My baby boys turns 13 today! Shew...time flies! With 4 ultrasounds they told me that I was having a "girl" imagine my surprise when he came out a "boy" LOL! I thought Richard was going to pass out!
Here he is at 11 months old, trying to look sweet. :)
This in one of my favorites...oh how he loved that horse. I still have it.
Here he is at the age of 3. We were heading out to watch Richard ride bulls....shew...I'm glad those days are over. That made me nervous but of course Hunter loved it.
And last but not least...we lost our little Jazzy last night. He had a long history of seizures and had not been feeling well this past week. Hunter was pretty emotional last night. I felt so sorry for him. Shew...the boys loved Jazz so much and I do hate that he is gone but man he was a 4lb firecracker that at times made me want to pull my hair out!!! LOL!
I guess that is all that I really have to blog about today. I think I'm going to head back to bed, Richard just left for work. Oh and say a little prayer for Andrew today. He is traveling and that always worries me. He is on his way to the beach with his aunt on his dad's side. He had vacation time and she invited him to go, all expenses paid so he was excited to go. LOL!
It's been a few weeks since my last post. I've been a little bit out of commission healthwise but hopefully I'm on the mend now. I've missed posting and reading blogs. This past weekend my SIL was here and she is a new quilter. Actually, about a month or so ago she we here and I taught her how to sew some hexagons. She has been sewing away and honestly doing a great job. She brought her hexagons over on Saturday and they look wonderful. Her stitches are tiny and you can't even see them at all on top. I wish that I had taken a photo of them but maybe next time. How can I tell that she is going to be a quilter? She is already thinking about her next project. LOL! She made a beautiful blue jean quilt last year but this time she wanted something to keep her hands busy so my sister suggested that she ask me about hexagons. She has been working on the at work during her downtime and also during the evenings after work. It is addicting....her other 4 coworkers have also started working on hexagons after seeing hers. That's just how it goes. So while she was here on Saturday we were discussing future projects and I think she is thinking about an Orange Peel but we also got my blocks out for my little applique baskets that I haven't worked on for a long time. Seeing the blocks again really makes me want to work on them again. I only have 67 blocks finished and many more needed. Maybe soon I can get back to those.
Saturday we had Hunter a small birthday party. He will be 13 on Tuesday. It's hard to believe that he is that old. That is my other SIL in the photo too, not the one that is quilting but Richard's sister, Vanessa. Anyway, I think he had a great time.
Here is my precious girl, Addison! She is so precious. They took her a few days ago and got her little ears pierced. She will be 3 months old in a week or so. Can you tell she is ready to celebrate the 4th of July? :) That is one of the bows that I made for her too.
That's all for now, I think I am going to head back to bed for a bit as Richard just left for work.
Let me catch you up over the past few days. First off, my mom went to an estate sale a few days ago. I don't think she even bought anything for herself but she did pick me up some fabric! :) She said that most of it had been picked over but she brought me home 8 yards of fabric for $1 per yard! It was nice to add this to my stash.
We had some bad storms that passed through we also lost power for a few hours. After the storm we walked around to look for damage. We had heavy rain, high winds, hail and lightening. Our garden got pounded but it looks much better today. As you can see the potatoes and beans look rough here but as I said they look better today. The corn...not so good. :( We did take the hoe and pulled more dirt up around them, they do look better so I'm hoping that more of it comes out of it.
I think we lost a little corn but nothing major.
We had a couple of trees that blew over. Here is one, it wasn't really too big but the other one was a big one.
Andrew hit a deer last night on his way home from work. He is okay, thank God! It did kill the deer but his truck wasn't damaged too bad. It busted the headlight out and broke the brackets that hold the grille in. I don't think he is going to turn it in on his insurance because his deductible is higher than what it will cost him to do it himself. He and Richard are going to change out the headlight and fix the grille. I love that they are "handy" men. :)
Here is my tub of prepped hexies! There are around 400 in there. This should keep me busy with my hexies for a while.
Here is my latest progress on it! This will be a corner and the bottom will also have the colored hexie border just like the side.
Addison turned 2 months old a couple of days ago. Here is her 2 month photo that my sister snapped. Doesn't she look so stinkin cute with that little rotten smile? She melts my heart every time that I am around her. She also had her shots yesterday. :( She did fine just a little cranky afterwards.
Hopefully I will have more progress to show in the next post!
This is what I have worked on since yesterday. You really can't tell much about the design of it right now but once I get more of them sewn you can tell more about it.
I had to stop working on them because my hands were starting to cramp up.
For some reason I thought yesterday was Saturday! LOL! I don't know why but I am all messed up with my days. I really didn't do anything yesterday other than work on my hexies, fix supper and do a little laundry. I had a doctor's appointment on Monday to a specialist that I have been waiting forever to get in to see and wouldn't you know...they called and rescheduled it for the 11th. I was so depressed over it that I just cried. I have a ton of things going on healthwise and I was hoping to get in to see this doctor and get some answers to a few things. This is a photo of my daily medications...I have to get off some of this junk. It would be nice if I could take the money that I am spending monthly on medication and buy fabric with it!!! LOL!
I mentioned supper earlier...I fixed lobster tail for Richard and Hunter. Andrew was working and I hate seafood of any kind. Richard loves seafood and Hunter does too but this was Hunter's first time eating lobster tail. The bad part is...he loved it and I can't afford to buy it all of the time. The good part...I bought 4 of them on markdown for $2 each!!!!
I didn't feel the best in the world yesterday so I spent lots of time on the couch prepping some hexies. I glue basted 240 of these babies!!! Have I mentioned how much that I love glue basting these instead of using the thread? LOL!
And I will leave you with a photo of my beautiful little niece Addison. I got to babysit for a few hours the other day. She is such a joy.
Now if I can only sew these hexagons together as fast I can glue them. :)
This is my second post from the Mountain Homeplace and there are lots of quilts in this one too.
Here you can see the old Church in the distance.
I mentioned before that Richard and I got married in they yard of the old house but Richard mentioned that it would be nice to go back for our 20th or 25th anniversary and remarry in the old Church. :)
Hunter enjoyed every minute of the tour. He just loves anything to do with history and he also loved the fact that we married there too.
They had small quilts displayed on the walls of the Church. I think it was just patterns from that era or something. I really don't remember what she said.
I will try to finish up the other photos in a 3rd post but for now I will leave you with these photos of Richard and Hunter. After leaving the Mountain Homeplace we drove out by the lake spillway area and did a little walking around. We climbed up on these rocks, it was nice and relaxing. I didn't climb up as far as they did but it was nice. Richard was acting silly in this one.