I finished this customer quilt up around 12:30am last night. It measures 90x90. With only 5 blocks across, the blocks are big. She loves her quilts quilted "loosely" so I just quilted a big meander.
I have made several quilts using this block in the past and have always loved them. Seeing hers really makes me want to make another one for myself. :)
I love quilting her quilts because everything is so precise. That sure makes me job easier.
The other day while at my mom's I saw that she had this quilt that I had made years ago on her guest bed. I can't even remember how long it has been. I do remember that I did not quilt it. This was before I got my longarm and I am on my second one. I don't even remember the pattern name other than I got it from a magazine.
Looking at it now, my fabric choices are very busy. LOL! Oh well...mom seemed to like it and that is all that matters. :)
Speaking of mom, she retires in about 3 weeks!!!!! She is nervous and excited both, I believe. She will be 65 in a few weeks so I think she is ready and not to mention that the past few years her health has declined just a little. We've talked about it and she knows that it is time to retire. We are excited to get to spend more time with her. So expect plenty of "mom" posts. :) Richard left for work a few minutes ago and I need to jump in the shower because I will be leaving with my sister at 7:30am. My little 3yr old niece has a little dental procedure this morning and they will be putting her to sleep. My BIL works away and will be home today but not in time for the appointment. So I'm going with my sister for moral support. LOL! Then once I get back home, I will hopefully load another quilt on the longarm.
A little eye candy! Here are a few customer quilts that I have quilted the past few days.
First up, is this adorable sheep quilt! They are just too cute! This was a big quilt...queen size if I remember correctly.
Here is a close up of one of the sheep. As you can see they are all fuzzy. They have beads for eyes and nose. Just too cute!
A beautiful hand pieced applecore quilt! Lovely! I am in the process of doing the binding on the scalloped edges.
Then this beautiful umbrella girl! Sorry it's sideways. LOL! For some reason I could not get it to turn. It was a king size.
I have a bunch more coming up this week! I just thank the Lord for the business!!! I love it! So very thankful! It's usually just miserably hot upstairs but the past couple of day we have had a lot of rain so it has cooled down a little. So that makes it real nice. We also had a power outage for a while due to some storms. Had some trees down around the farm and at mom's too. I know this is short but I need to get quilting! Richard just left for work. :)
Yesterday I finished up this beautiful quilt that my SIL, Kellie made. I love this quilt! :)
I forgot the exact measurements but it is a queen size. It is just lovely! Completely hand pieced using the English Paper Piecing (EPP) technique.
I quilted it with the "Mint Julep" design. I love this design.
A close up of the quilting and the minke back. The back is a dark brown minke and oh so soft. I love quilting with minke.
I tried to get her to just let me keep it for myself but she will not agree! LOL!
I trimmed it up and will be doing the binding over the next few days. I am loading another one on the longarm so hope to have it done today. We had a great weekend celebrating Hunter's 16th birthday! He actually turned 16 last weekend but Richard had to work so we had a cookout/party this past Saturday. He really enjoyed it! I enjoyed it as well but was very tired. Yesterday I worked on quilting things and it will be the same thing today. Oh, Oh, Oh....before I forget!!!! My MIL is having to move to a smaller place and when she came over Saturday for Hunter's party, she asked me if I would like to have Richard's grandmother's sewing machine!!!! Ummmmm...YES!!! LOL! I loved his grandmother dearly and so did he. It's not "old-old" but I am so excited to have it. I remember it in her house. It's in a cabinet so I'll have to find a place for it. I'm not sure yet but I may go pick it up later this week or next.
Yesterday I worked on this customer quilt. First off, I did NOT quilt this beautiful hand pieced Grandmother's Flower Garden but someone else did several years ago. She just wants me to bind it. :) She doesn't want the edges cut straight she wants bias binding going around each and every point. I love the look of that but it is a job! Sadly the backing was smaller than the top so I'm not sure what the deal was there exactly and I didn't ask. She just asked me to trim it up a little.
The quilting looks very nice but does not go to the edge on two sides and that is probably where the clamps were on the longarm. I folded it back here so you can see. I'm trimming it even with the backing and binding it. The lady did a beautiful job HAND PIECING the top. I'll post of pic of the whole quilt once I get the binding done.
Here you can see I have my bias binding all cut and ready to go. I also trimmed up the edges of the quilt. This baby is going to take me FOREVER! LOL! It's a huge quilt and as you can see there are a million peaks and valleys.
Actually since I took these pics I have one side sewn down by machine. I hope to get all of the 3 remaining sides sewn today and then do the hand sewing a little at a time. I also hope to get my SIL's beautiful quilt loaded on the longarm today too. Those are my goals for the day but to be honest....all of that is probably not going to happen. LOL! It's 5:30am and I haven't been to bed yet. I'll probably lay down and nap for an hour or so after Richard leaves. He will be leaving in about 5 minutes. LOL! BTW....thank you ladies for telling me how to fix my comments in my email. :)
My Sailboat quilt is off the longarm!!! YAY! I had a couple places that I had to fix due to tension issues but it's all finished now! Of course, I still need to do the binding. I have the binding cut and ready to go on but that may be a week or two before that gets done. I have several other things going on...like some customer quilts that I need to do. In the end I'm very pleased with how this turned out. It measures 73x73.
Richard was off yesterday and he spent it catching up on a few things here at the house. He also picked more berries. :) As off right now I have 8 quarts in the freezer. Blackberries and raspberries! We didn't really have enough of the raspberries to separate them so he just put them in the same bucket. They love cobblers made from them. I love this time of year on the farm.
I also wanted to thank everyone for the comments on my blog. I hate that I can't really respond to them as I'm sure you all know how Blogger is not sending notifications to the email. :( I sure wish they would get this fixed soon.
Richard left for work about 5:30am and I'm having my coffee and pondering on what I need/should do. LOL! My mind says to get started on some customer quilts but my body says go back to bed. LOL! I didn't sleep well last night so I'm leaning towards going back to bed. :)