Yesterday didn't go as planned, but that's how it goes. My plan was to get Richard out the door to work and Hunter to school then head upstairs and load a quilt on the longarm. Before I even got upstairs mom called and said that my sister, Chantal was sick and she was taking her to the ER. I watched my little niece, Addison while mom took her. Long story short...Chantal has been having issues for over a year with her gallbladder and kept putting off having surgery but I guess we all tend to do that. They wanted to do surgery this morning but ended up doing emergency surgery yesterday evening and she came home last night. To add to the story, she messaged me at 2am to tell me that Addison was vomiting all night. :( Not good at all! She didn't show any signs of being sick yesterday. I hope Chantal doesn't catch the virus because I'm sure it will not feel good to be vomiting right after having surgery.
So this morning Richard is already out the door and Hunter is getting ready and I am upstairs working on a new quilt block! YAY! I'll post a pic of it tomorrow.
Since I don't have many pics to post this morning I will leave you with a pic of a quilt top that I pieced early this month. This is a huge quilt top measuring 100x100!
The lighting was not good when I took these pics but I will try to get better ones when I quilt it....who know when that will be. LOL!
I pieced this baby quilt over the weekend. Andrew's first cousin on his dad's side has a baby girl due any day. I still have a good relationship with most of my former in-laws and family. LOL! Anyway, his cousin Chris is just a couple years younger than Andrew and he's such a nice young man. I wanted to make a quilt for the new baby. I think they are inducing her on Thursday the last that I heard.
A dear friend of mine sent me the Wing Clipper Ruler for flying geese. I really wanted to try it out so it was the perfect time to make the baby quilt. So much easier than the old way and they could put pretty close to perfect. I put my back out over the weekend so it was slow going for me. I got it pieced and quilted it yesterday morning. I will send it by Andrew to the new baby when she arrives.
I posted a pic of it on FB yesterday and my SIL's mom (my brother's wife) asked me to make TWO of them for her. She needs them as gifts later this summer for a set of twins...a boy and a girl. So it worked out well for this pattern. :)
Sunday, Andrew turned 26! Oh my where has time gone? Shew.... hard to believe. I'm so proud of the young man that he is. He works 100 hours a week and I've tried and tried to get him to cut down some. He works hard and saves almost every dime. :) He and his girlfriend, Hannah were here Sunday evening after work. I made him a Key Lime Pie. That is his favorite and I make it every year because that is what he wants. I also made chocolate cake for the ones that didn't like pie. :)
I mentioned that I put my back out. I've been on the couch with a heating pad for a few days now. I did get that baby quilt quilted but then I was back on the heating pad for most of the day. It's getting a lot better...not perfect but better every day. So yesterday while on the couch I was on Pinterest way too much. LOL! I have so many customer quilts and so many quilts that I want to make and not enough time to do it all. I'm sure we are all like that.
Oh I started a new applique quilt. I'm just going to work on it between customer quilts. It is a purple tulip design. The blocks are 22" so they are big. I have one pressed on the background with heat-n-bond but haven't stitched it down yet. I'll post a pic of that tomorrow.
Before I close I want to thank everyone for the wonderful comments about my published quilting. A few of you were "noreply" so I couldn't respond. It was a fun experience that I really enjoyed.
I'm excited to say that I had the honor of quilting this beautiful quilt that was published in the April 2019 issue of American Patchwork & Quilting!!!!
The awesome Tara Baisden of Quilter's Ridge designed and pieced it. :) Let me just say that in person the quilt is even more beautiful. American Patchwork & Quilting is hosting a sew-along on FB if anyone wants to join. :)
Yep! It's there in the fine print. :) I have to say that this was very exciting to me! Of course, when the magazine came out I bought 5 copies! LOL! Richard and I were in Walmart when we first saw the magazine on the shelf. There was an employee standing there and he said, "my wife quilted a quilt in this magazine" LOL! He was proud LOL! That lady just looked at him like, "whatever" LOL! Her expression was hilarious.
Here is the cover of the April issue. If you don't have it, you need to pick it up! There are several very pretty quilts in that issue. :)
Soooo....I'm off...Richard just left for work and Hunter is still in bed. He didn't have school today because of flooding. I'm heading upstairs to load a quilt on the longarm.