Mom, the boys, and I left around 8am this morning for our day out. Stopped at Hardee's for breakfast and then on to Ashland. Our first stop was the hunting/gun store. We were in there forever. Andrew and Hunter were going crazy and Mom was looking at pistols. She gets out and walks alot in the woods here so she wants to get a small pistol later. From there we went on to Hobby Lobby. I could spent tons of money in that store. I saw some fabric that I liked, it had a cowboy western theme, one had cowboy hats and I think there was like 6 differnt fabrics in that line. I didn't buy any of it, because I wasn't sure as to what pattern I would do. So now I will have to find a pattern then go back down and get what I need. But it was sooooo me. The only thing that I bought was this stencil for my cowboy quilt. I had no intentions of handquilting it but when I saw this stencil I thought it would be perfect for the borders. It is about 7 inches wide.

After leaving Hobby Lobby, Andrew wanted to stop at some pawn shops to look at guitar amps. So we ended up stopping at two of them. He saw several that he liked but didn't decide on a certain one. Finally on the way home we stopped at McDonalds. Oh, and the post office, so Maureen your charms are in the mail.
Finally, I got back home and stopped to pick up the mail. I got my horse quilt pattern today that I ordered last week.

Since we have 5 horses, actually 4 horses and a mule, I thought it would be nice to make the horses the same color of ours. On Jim, I will have to make his ears longer, but I don't think that will be a problem. I haven't really looked at the pattern real well, but I think I saw on there somewhere that the blocks were 20 inches.
I should start recieving my other quilt books that I ordered from Ebay in this week. I think in all I ended up buying 13!!!!! I know, I know, I will never make that many quilts, but I just love looking at them. Oh, and I bought a darning/free-motion foot for my machine, so I can practice my machine quilting.
I don't know what has been wrong lately, but I have really been slacking with my blog and my quilting. I can seem to get in the mood to quilt, but hopefully it will hit me again soon. I really need to get some of these done.
Oh, and when we pulled back in the driveway this afternoon, the horses were back out again. We have horses on both sides of the driveway and it was Storm and Beauma, and this time Autumn was out with them. They had tore the fence down, right beside the driveway. Autumn had a small cut on her leg so I guess she is the one who got in it first and tore it down. We jumped out and they were easy to catch this time, I just opened the gate and they walked right in. Of course, they couldn't have done that the other night when it was just me and Hunter here. This time Andrew fixed the fence and they are fine. Sometimes they are a little trouble but I would never get rid of them for nothing in this world. They are my babies...