Anyway, I guess that is all for tonight! I need to finish some laundry before bed!
I guess that is all for now. I have been working a little bit on my Civil War Diary Quilt, so I will post about that later.
She had baked me a cake and tried to decorate it like a quilt! Now, how sweet is that?? It brought tears to my eyes that she would even think to do that! I loved it!
I had a wonderful birthday! Thank you all so much for the gifts and birthday wishes!
Oh by the way! I have Hunter trained! You can ask him how old his mommy is and he says... "26" Richard laughs at me, but we won't tell anyone that I really turned 36! :)
Mom has to watch my nephew in the morning and I have to take Donkey to the vet. I will also be taking the new puppy for a check-up! Mom will be busy with the baby and Chantal has to work, but that is okay, I don't mind spending time with the little cute thing. Donkey needs to got the the vet, I noticed today when I cleaned his litter box that he was passing blood. He was wormed when he had his neutering done at the vet and his food has not changed so I think I will take him to see what is wrong. He acts fine, still running around playing and all but he shouldn't be passing blood. I told Richard, it would be my luck here I just got brave enough to touch a cat and now he may be bad sick!!! Hopefully I will find something out tomorrow!
She is so cute! Right now she only weighs about 1 1/2 lbs and was born in November. So she should only weigh around 3 to 3 1/2 lbs. They still haven't named her yet, but she is just so darn cute! Richard told me not to get any ideas on getting another one.
I cut out my pieces for my Baltimore Blues March block, but I haven't got it together yet. So many pieces to it and I just got too tired to mess with it. So maybe tomorrow I will get it together.
I'm sorry that I am so far behind on commenting on everyone's blogs. I guess I was getting lazy and now I am so far behind I will never get caught back up. So I will start in the morning with everyone's new posts. Sooooo sorry!