Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Another Quilt Book!

I know I need another quilt book like I need another hole in my head, but I just couldn't resist! This is "The Amish Circle Quilt" by Rosemary Youngs the same author as the "Civil War Diary Quilt" It also has 121--6 inch blocks in it. While at mom's we found it on the internet on the EdwardRHamilton website for only $4.95!

I had nice visit with mom and Chantal! I am going to miss mom so much when she leaves again Friday. Those 28 days that she is gone feels like 28 months! Anyway, we had a great time and I think Hunter really needed to get out of the house, even if he was naked!

Now we are back home and I am watching American Idol with the boys! No more sewing tonight but hopefully, I can get another block or two done tomorrow!


Nancy said...

Kristie, I'm just doing some catching up on blog-reading. Glad to hear that Hunter if feeling better now after his surgery. And so sorry to hear about your horse. Glad you have your computer back!

Moneik said...

I'm sure you really enjoyed the time with your mom. That looks like an interesting book.

Nancy said...

Kristie, back again --- Quilting friends of mine say that if you order books from Hamilton from the catalog, rather than online, the shipping is less. When you get that book there will probably be a catalog in it. I haven't tried that, but they say you can put a book you find online on the order form in the catalog or newspaper you get from them.

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

I would need a ka-zillion lifetimes to complete all the projects you have in mind to do.

I'm dizzy just thinking about it.

Jen said...

OMG, if you start BOTH of them we're going to have to have you committed!!!