Richard was home from work today so I didn't get as much sewing done as I wanted to. There was not enough coal for him to haul today, so he had the day off. We do need the money but it was nice to have him home catching up on some of the things here!
I did get more of the blocks cut out for the Turkey Tracks quilt. My plan was to just cut out all 42 blocks, put them in a shoebox and they would be ready to piece when I got a few other things done. know me....I get sidetracked very easily! I wanted to finish my red and white quilt first but I didn't even work on it today. I ended up piecing 2 more Turkey Track blocks! This only makes me 3 of them so far and I still need to cut a few more out.

Do you remember my "Tic-Tac-Toe" quilt that I was working on a few weeks ago? I wasn't thrilled with the blocks after I started it, but I didn't want it to end up being a UFO, so I decided to make 9 blocks, add a border and make it a lap quilt. I made 2 more blocks today, now I only need ONE more block and I can add the border!!

Hopefully, I can finish the other "Tic-Tac-Toe" block tomorrow and I will have to dig in my stash for border fabric. Oh, and I also worked on some small 9 patches today, while piecing these blocks. I have a quilt in mind for the 9 patches when I get enough of them made.
Have a wonderful day!
They all look great!
Kristie, the turkey track pattern is so it hard or just time consuming? Sure do like how yours is turning out.
Turkey Tracks look great. Been a good day to quilt since it has been cold. Tic Tac Toe blocks look like they might confuse me.
I am really loving the turkey tracks blocks! I worked at a quilt shop about 2 years ago and a lady had made a quilt with the "tic-tac-toe" blocks. She used 30's fabrics, and when it was all put together and quilted, it turned out really nice! I remeber thinking that the blocks kinda look like a spider!!LOL! But they make a pretty quilt! Enjoy your day, I have been "working" at my son's school book fair all week so no sewing for me!:(
I love the turkey tracks. Nice work. Seeing how much you get finished gives me motivation to get to my own sewing.
I like those Turkey Track Blocks!..they make up real nice...
It's nice you got to have your honey home with you today!!
I haven't seen the tic tac toe blocks before... curious to see that quilt put together :O)
I know all about getting sidetracked! Your blocks look great, though, and I look forward to seeing the finished products.
What do you mean you didn't get alot done. You got loads done.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
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