We I have made 8 more of my string blocks! So that takes my now to 36 of them and 88 more to go!!!! :( They are very fun and easy to make! Mindless sewing! Anyway, I have decided to add two more quilt projects to my list for 2010! The first one is this quilt, Diamond String with Lattice! I figure I should have the blocks done by the end of 2010 using my scraps. I am running low on strings right now, so I will work on them as I add to my string tote from cutting out other projects! It will get done sooner or later! :)
The second thing that I want to add to my list is this quilt! I have shown it several times and I just love the scraps in it. It is called "Grandmother's Choice" or at least I think that is what the pattern is. There are several patterns with that name.

I am happy with what I got done in 2009! I did start several more quilts but in the end, I completed 13 more quilt tops and COMPLETELY finished (quilting and binding is finished) on 30 of my own quilts!!! Yep! 30! So that makes me feel pretty good! And I also did several customer quilts too.
That is quite an accomplishment in doing 30.
Your celebrating is about like ours...very low key...watching some football and going to bed early.
Take care.
Kristie...sending you wishes for a blessed and happy new year...
You've really accomplished a lot in 2009! Me...not so much, but watch out 2010!
Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I heard a lot of snoring coming from the living room while I was on the internet. That's how we spent New Year's eve. We both were up early and worked hard on New Year's eve day.
Today we will both spend it in the garage, cleaning and decluttering, and hauling out. We are preparing for an electrician to come run some electrical for 220 for our onew compressor. The clean new space will make us both happy...Louie, for his new compressor, and me, for orderliness!
Have a wonderful day, whatever you do!
We stayed in too! I was glad to have all 3 kids home with me. My first 2 are getting older so we will see how many more New Years Eve's they spend with Momma! You really got alot done in 2009! Can't wait to see what projects you do in 2010! I'm praying that it is a great year for all of us!
Dittos on all the new years stuff. I am really liking your diamond. I have been wanting to start a string project and keep getting distracted. I bet if I run cut my foundations, this would be a great way to bust some stash.
Are you planning anything different for the setting/background fabrics?
You were very productive!! I can't wait to see what you can accopmlish in 2010! Happy New Year!
I love that Grandmothres Choice that is just a great looking quilt!
I can't wait to see what this string quilt your doing looks like? If you showed that I have forgotten what it will look like...
30 quilts that is amazing!
Wow 30 quilts that is a LOT. I would like to ask you a Happy New Year.
.sending you wishes for a blessed and happy new year...
Work from home India
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