Well....I did get my frame moved in the house on Sunday afternoon. Since then I have been trying to get things put back in place. I've had a customer quilt on the frame since....like forever!!!! Almost finished with it and then when I bring the frame in here and set it back up......MY MACHINE STARTS BREAKING THREAD LIKE CRAZY!!!! :( I could just scream! Anyway, I took that quilt off the frame and loaded some scrap fabric on because I did not want to poke a zillion holes in the quilt. I quilted that scrap and more thread breaks! Now, I knew is was just something simple since it worked fine before we moved it. So after checking again to make sure the frame was level, changing the needle, bobbin, thread, cleaning it and everything else.....I loaded a donation quilt of mine on there!
Now this top was made years ago from flannel scraps, nothing fancy, but it will make a nice donation quilt where my sister works, it is only 52x52. Anyway, don't have a clue what the problem was, but during quilting this, I didn't have any major thread breaks so hopefully the problem is fixed. Now, this will get binding sometime next week.

So tonight, I will load the customer quilt back on the frame and finish it tomorrow morning!!! I can't wait to finish it, I will post a photo of it after it goes back to the customer.
Here are two other customer quilts that I did a while back and forgot to post photos of them. I always try to wait until after they are received by the customer before I do that. These two quilts belong to the same lady, she made them for her grandkids. They are both nice but this first one is my favorite!! Isn't it beautiful????
I forgot the name of the quilt pattern but it measures something like 80 x 102. I quilted it with a pantograph called "petal flower"

This is the quilt that she made for her grandson. I just did a simple stipple design on it, I didn't really know what other design to quilt it with, the fabric has "roses and skulls" on it.

Anyway, hopefully I will have a few more photos to show you in a day or two. Tomorrow is "Friday Night Sew-In" my plans are quilting on another customer quilt and working on my string diamonds! I only need 20 more of those and I will have all the blocks done and I can start with the
The boys finally go back to school tomorrow! I know that they need to get back to school, but I will sure miss them a bunch! I always enjoy having them home.