I got a new book in the mail the other day. It is an older Judy Martin book, I've wanted it for a long time but just now got around to ordering it. I actually ordered it from Walmart.com I didn't realize that they had quilt books until lately. It was free shipping to the local store so I did that and picked it up in there. Anyway, I love this book! So many wonderful patterns in it.

I finished the binding up on my Country Wife quilt...finally! It is now folded and put away. Feels good to have another one COMPLETELY finished.

I am now working on the binding for Hunter's Halloween quilt. I just started the binding on it this evening. Since the quilt measures 61x78 it shouldn't take me too long. Not sure why I made it such an odd size.

Hunter had a doctor's appointment early this morning in Ashland which is about 90 minutes away from the house. Nothing major really, just an appointment with his ENT (Ears, Nose, and Throat) Back in 2009 ( I think ) he had to have a little procedure done. He has eczema in the ears. Weird, I know. He doesn't have it any other place on his body except for his ear canal. He has to have special ointment put back in his ear canal everyday. Anyway, back when he had the first procedure done he had to be put to sleep to remove all of the build up, that is when we first found out what the problem was. Now it is not much of a problem, he has that ointment that I put in and it keeps is moist in there like it should be, but he did have a little bit (very little ) back next to the ear drum. They took care of that today and also did a hearing test to make sure that none of this had damaged his hearing. Happy to report that he scored in the "high normal" range on that.
So after his appointment we drove across the street to the park! Not a good photo I took it through the windshield. No photos of him playing at the park we got excited and left the camera in the truck. It was still a little cool so we didn't stay that long.

After the park we stopped at Big Lots, Walmart, Victoria's Secret, and the grocery store. Picked my sister up a birthday gift at Victoria's Secret. She likes their perfume so I hope she doesn't read my blog before Monday because that is what I got for her. Monday she will be 27!
I am sooooo tired! Driving and shopping just wears me out! :( I don't like to do either one of them.
Richard is off on Fall Break this coming week so I'm hoping that we can get some stuff done on the house.
I snapped this photo of Hunter Thursday after school. He was so tired. I think he looks so cute, I'm sure he didn't rest real well because every time that I walked by him I would give him kisses. :)

That's all for tonight. I need to get in the bed soon, I have a busy weekend ahead. Lots of quilting......hopefully!
Hunter is so cute!! Glad all is well with his ears. I had been fussing at my DH for years about his hearing. He finally got tested and now has hearing aids. He is amazed at what he can hear now. I told him it was similiar to when I had eye surgery ( after being extremely nearsighted my whole life), I could actually see LEAVES on trees! It is so wonderful what they can do now.
Thank God Hunter's hearing is great!
Sounds like a fun day shopping and spending time with your son.
That log cabin book looks great. Log Cabins are one of my favorite blocks.
Very full, tiring day. I don't enjoy shopping either, unless it is a quilt shop!
I want to see the Country Wife quilt all spread out.
Hunter's Halloween quilt is awfully cute!
Sweet little Hunter!! Give him all the kisses that you want!
Sounds like you had a fun busy day. I do NOT like shopping either..except maybe fabric shopping!!
Enjoy your husband being home and your new book!
Glad Hunter's appointment went well. My aunt made the quilt on the cover of Judy Martin's book, and it is so amazing. She won best of show in a quilt show this year. She said it is much easier to make than it looks - which is always a good thing!
What a nice "happy news" post. Have a terrific weekend!! :)
I have that book, too. Love it but have yet to make a log cabin quilt AT ALL..... one of these years!
Yikes I can't imagine having eczema in my ears I have flair ups on the inside of my elbows and behind my knees but that would drive me crazy in my ears. Glad to hear that its not affecting his hearing. Your right he does look cute sleeping. Are you using a pantograph with your quits?
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