Our weekend started Friday evening by going to the high school football game. It was the last home game of the season. Hunter and several other kids were being "recognized" during halftime for scoring so high on their CATS and MAP testing at school. Hunter and I were ready to go when Richard got home, he had just enough time to eat and change clothes. Little did Hunter know that Andrew was going to be there too! I thought Hunter was going to cry when he saw his brother at the game, he misses him so much. I don't think Andrew would have missed it for anything, he is proud of his little brother too.

I woke up Saturday morning and felt like poop! :( I think I may be getting a cold or something. I've not really done anything this weekend other than lay around the house. I had so many quilty things that I wanted to accomplish this weekend but that did not happen. Why is it that when you have something that really needs to be done and finished you find every excuse in the world not to do it? I had planned on binding that Camo crib blanket, making the two matching pillows and making the bumper pad for the crib. Anyway, none of that happened! :( I figure that I really need to sit down and concentrate on cutting and piecing that bumper pad. I don't think it will be hard but I don't want to mess it up. I just didn't feel like I could concentrate on it this weekend. So what did I do??? Something really dumb!!!
I started on my Red/White quilt!!! I know it was very silly of me but I did it anyway. I wasn't even ready to start it, I don't even have all of the fabrics yet! How silly is that? I have a ton of other things that need to be finished but crazy me started this thing. I didn't actually get very much of it done. I need 128 of these blocks and I think I only got 32 of them done. I promise that this will NOT turn into a UFO! I really like this quilt and I planned on making it AFTER I got my holiday sewing done.

Here is a photo of the quilt that I plan on making.
I did end up making 9 of these bowls! I took the photo before I finished the others. I plan on filling them with some of my homemade Goat Milk Soap and giving as Christmas gifts this year. I guess I will make up about 20 of them.

So that is about all of my weekend so far. I think we are having some good friends coming over in a little while for a visit, so I had better spruce up the house.
Your red & white quilt will be so beautiful! I hope you're feeling better! :)
Love those blocks Kristie! and a big Woo Hoo- Way To Go Hunter! and yay for Andrew for being a great big brother!! So Sweet!
Hope you are feeling better! I have been on the couch since Wednesday!! I guess I have a virus..I get a little house cleaning done then I have to lay down again:( No sewing here:(
Give yourself permission to rest. I was sick three days and when I started feeling a little better I jumped back into things full speed. Next day I was worse and spent another week recovering.
The red and white is beautiful. Sometimes you just need something new and different to work on, don't you think?
Love the idea of the bowls to gift the soap in, but that sure adds to the work load. I think I'll stick to gift bags for my soap. : ) Not nearly as pretty or clever, but much less stressful!
Get some rest! Of course starting that new red and white is just like chicken soup for a quilter. :) Bernie
Your red/white quilt will be beautiful! Those bowls are so neat and you're going to make Goat Milk Soap? That sounds neat!
Hope you are feeling better!
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