I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had a great Christmas! I'll show a couple of photos of our Christmas and then move on the house update and quilting.
Christmas Eve we went to Richard's sister, Vanessa's cabin for dinner. His family met for dinner and gift exchange. Richard's grandmother was there, she is 91 years old and he is very close to her.

After dinner we headed back home so that Hunter could get in bed before Santa came. Hunter was up this morning by 6am! Andrew had to work a 12 hour shift last night and didn't get off work until 8am this morning. He has to work tonight 8pm to 8am. So here are my boys! Hunter was excited to get to open the gift that Andrew got for him. This is Andrew's first job so he was very proud to get to buy things himself.

We had a wonderful day together. I fixed dinner and my sister and her boyfriend came out for dinner. I got a nice call from my brother and mom too. We will have Christmas with mom and my brother will be there too, next weekend after she gets home.
Here are a few photos of the house progress...everything is sooooo dusty out there right now with the construction still going on. First off is the light that will be over my dining table. I know it would look so much better if everything was painted but paint is just not in the budget right now. :(

This is the light that will be over my kitchen island....that is not there yet! :) My upper cabinets, island and all the doors are not done. So after we hung the light I am very anxious to have my island built. You can see in the background where the recessed lights are that will be in front of my upper cabinets. I still need to put the covers on them....I just haven't had time yet. Oh and you can see that I have a ton of dishes on my counter that needs to be put away. I'm just trying to unpack most of the kitchen stuff before I put it away so that I can better organize everything.

This is the bathroom sink and all of the mess on the counter is the shower head and faucet that Richard was installing. See all of that dust in the sink? I still need to take the shopvac in there and clean it a little better before I get the walls painted.

Oh, I actually didn't mean to load this photo on here but it's here anyway! LOL! This is just the kitchen BEFORE I used the shopvac to clean the dust out of the cabinets. :)

This is the ceiling over the living room. You can see the area down there where the white is showing...Richard still needs to put the trim up there where the ceiling angles. It looks much better in person, this ceiling is 22ft high so the wood doesn't make it look closed in as it might if the ceilings were lower. Oh and you can also see where the ceiling fan/light will be installed.

This is the guest room where I am storing all of the stuff right now until I can sort through it and put it all away. I've run out of boxes! :( I think I have been to every business in town bumming their old boxes. :) BTW...this photo was taken several days ago so there is much more in the room now.

Now on the quilting! The other day I needed to take a break from working so I sat down in my sewing room. Laying on the table in front of me, was my Courthouse Step quilt pieces. I've had this thing sewn into 4 sections for a while. I just haven't taken or had the time to finish it. I layed it out on the floor to see how it would look, and this is it. There are a total of 224 of these little blocks. Now I have a question...after I get the four sections sewn together...do you think it will need a border or not????? If you look close in the upper corner, I have a fabric laying there to see how it would look.

Here is a closer look at the border fabric. It has a small stripe in it, and if I use it, I want to miter the corners. Without the borders it will measure 84 x 96, with a 6 inch border it will measure 96 x 108. So what do you think????

I would love your opinions on the border. I just have too much on my mind right now to even really think about it very much. :)
Merry Christmas!