Here is the quilt that I quilted today. It was pieced by my aunt and I think she said it was a gift for her DIL. It was quilted with white Maderia thread and I used the "Verdant" panto on it.

This is the last of my customer quilts that needed to be done before Christmas!!! Woo Hoo! The rest of them are lined up for after Christmas. I still have one more that I have to do the binding on and deliver it on Monday, it is the quilt that I did yesterday. As of right now, I hope to take a couple of weeks to enjoy Christmas, work on the house and move.
In the morning I plan on painting the bathroom. I have the ceiling painted but not trimmed around the edges. So I need to trim the ceiling and paint the walls. The bathroom isn't that big but it will take a little time to paint around the tub and cabinets. I'm trying to get it painted before we install the toilet, light, mirror and floor tile.
Woo Hoo!!! That's great news. It looks great!
Way to go, Kristie!!
what a lovely quilt. Enjoy your Christmas and time for you and your family.
So glad your caught enjoy some time for your self and family.
Happy Christmas,,
I knew you would get all of those quilts done - you are like the energizer bunny!
I knew you could .. I knew you could .. Now with that pressure out of the way, you can enjoy this wonderful Christmas season with your family.
Kristie, I knew you could do it! Good for you. I also got all of the gifts I planned done. I think this is a first for me. We had our celebration today and everyone loved what I made them. Have a good one.
Congrats on getting all the quilts done! Good luck on getting the painting done and I think that you definitely deserve to take a couple of weeks off to enjoy the holiday!!
Great job on getting all the quilts quilted well before Christmas. Enjoy your break and can't wait to see all the new lovely customer quilts next year.
Yeah, glad you got them all done. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
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