Friday, Richard surprised me with a little day trip! BTW...this post does have some antique quilts in it. :) I thought we were going to get some plants for the garden and we did but we made a pitstop first. Richard and I got married at a little historical place here in KY that is not too far from where we live now, about 40 minutes actually. It is called Mountain Homeplace. We got married in the yard of this historical home 14 yrs ago.
Here is a photo of us on that day...
I took many photos today so I will have to break them up into a few different posts. I hope you enjoy them and they do have quilts in a few of the buildings. :) This is another photo of the house with the barn in the background.
Hunter standing in front of the house. We were married in the side yard. Hunter had never been here and Richard and I had not been back since the wedding. We were actually the first couple to ever be married there. Now the guy said that they have 20+ weddings a year.
Another view of the outside...
Inside the house is some wonderful antique furniture and some quilts.
A beautiful quilt on one of the beds...
The fireplace...
I just loved this quilt...
Another one....
The old stove in the kitchen...
They also had a loom set up in one of the rooms.
I had such a wonderful day and did not even know where we were going until we pulled in. That made it more special. Much more to come....I have more quilt photos, animals, the old Church and much more.
I've been prepping a bunch of hexies. This is what I have been doing for the past few days while spending some time on the couch. Most of these are thread basted but the past few days I have been glue basting them. The glue basting goes much faster. Sadly I have several different hexie and EPP projects going at the same time.
Today is Award's Day at Hunter's school so I will be going to that. Love my boy and so proud of him. Things like this are very important to Hunter so I try my best to be there. I know this is a short little post but I will leave you with a photo of Leo! :)
I pieced one more star. I'm still not sure how far that I will go with these. Maybe a table runner or a lap quilt.
Here are two stars that I made from the same fabric. They look totally different. That is one thing that I like about fussy cutting them.
I'm thinking that I may need to take a break from my hexies for a week or two. I'm debating on how that I want to finish it and that got me stressed out. LOL! I have most of the sections peiced and now they just need to be sewn together. It's the edges that I'm not sure about. I'm not sure if I want the sides straight and the top and bottom shaped like the hexies. I don't even know if I want to hand quilt it or machine quilt it. I will figure it out, I'm sure but right now I just need to walk away from it.
I worked on a few Windmills also. It felt good to get back to these.
I ended up piecing 18 more of them.
Adding 18 more of them now takes me to a total of 126! Sounds like a lot but I actually need 402 more of them!!! For what I have planned I need 528 of them.
I also pieced a few more of these tiny 4 patches. They finish at 2". I have 100 of them done and I guess I will work on these on and off for a bit or just use them as a leader/end project. These are for a long term project and I need a million more of them.
So it's Memorial Day weekend, I know a lot of people have cookouts and such but we are not doing anything really. Richard and Andrew are working all weekend. Hunter has a friend staying over and I'm just hanging out. LOL!
I've been playing with a few more stars while working on my hexies. I figure I will just throw a few of these in between my hexies once in a while. They are fun and don't take near as long as the Lucy Boston blocks.
It is fun to see the designs that the fabric makes in these shapes.
I figure I will fussy cut some and then just piece some that are not fussy cut as I don't have a ton of fabric that can be fussy cut. Most of mine is just random prints.
So it's Friday evening and I am home alone. :( Richard and Andrew are both working and Hunter went fishing out on the lake after school with my BIL. Hunter has 3 more days of school left! I love having him home. It is hard to believe that he will be in the 8th grade this fall.
I got to babysit Addison for an hour or so last night! We all spoil her. I snapped a few photos of how she melts these big tough guy hearts. Here she is with Andrew...
And with Richard... (yep I know, I need to trim the strings on my pillows. LOL)
Sadly they hogged all of the time with her and I didn't get to hold her much.
Prayers for my little 6 yr old nephew, Gabe. He crashed his motorcycle and injured his knee. Nothing is broken but he has a bruise on the bone and some muscle issues. He can't stand to walk on it at all. He and his brother are little daredevils! Hopefully it will not take him too long to heal.
#3) 3 yards Marcus Brothers Fabric....Strawberries, Blueberries and Chocolate by Judie Rothermel. Navy Blue 3 yards $20 SHIPPING INCLUDED
This is one that I don't care if I sell or not. LOL! I love it but I've had it for a while and will probably never make it, but I do love it so much. :) Anyway...
#4) Appalachian Memories Quilt. This pattern is hand embroidery and piecing. The blocks are just so detailed. The quilt measures 74x92. $15 INCLUDES SHIPPING
The back view of the pattern...
#5) Follow-the-Line Quilting Designs, Volume Two. Full-Size Patterns for Blocks and Borders by Mary M. Covey. $15 INCLUDES SHIPPING.
The back view...
#6) Fanciful Quilts to Paper Piece by Wendy Vosters. 95 pages. Like new, no creases. $12 INCLUDES SHIPPING
#7) Quiltmaker's Fancy from the editors and contributors of Quiltmaker Magazine. 16 Traditional Quilts for all skill levels. Like new, no creases. $12 shipping included.
#8) From the Cover...15 Memorable Projects for Quilt Lovers. Quilter's Newsletter Magazine. Like new, no creases. 109 pages. $12 shipping included.
#9) A Shortcut to Drunkard's Path. Easy Applique Curves. Like new, no creases. 79 pages. $12 shipping included.
#10) Perfect Piecing by June Tailor. Transparent Quilt Block Foundation Sheets to Mark and Sew. *These are blank sheets to use in your printer. Non-woven for clean tear-away. 25 - 8 1/2 x 11" sheets. 25 total. $8 shipping included
The back view of the package...
#11) Fat Quarter Fun by Karen Snyder. No creases, like new. $12 shipping included.
#12) Pineapple Stars by Sharon Rexroad. Great book. Like new, no creases. $12 shipping included.
I had a dear friend gift me a small pack of 60 degree diamonds for paper piecing. They measure 2" per side. She also sent along the acrylic template. She tried this design and did not like the process of it so she just passed them on to me. :) This was my first star! I like how it turned out but it does take a little more time trying to make sure things line up correctly. It's not perfect but close enough for me.
I also did something a little different than I do with my hexies. My hexies, I stitch baste them. I tried the glue basting with this star. This is my first time doing that. I'm just hoping that if I made a ton of these the the edges and points would still be stuck and not a big loose mess. I'm not sure if this is a future project or not but I want to finish my hexie quilt first before I more on to something like this.
She also threw in this Clover thread/yarn cutter. :) She said that she thought it was just too heavy for her. I just need to find a cord or chain to put it on. I think it is cute!
Hunter had his appointment with his ear specialist yesterday. All is well and he should be fine for another 3 months. :) He was a little light headed and had a headache when we left the doctor's office but that is to be expected when they have to clean that much stuff out. LOL! Poor guy...he has always had such dry ears. Today the doctor told me to put a few drops of Olive Oil in his ears a couple days a week.
I finally got my Jacob's Ladder blocks assembled!!!
I finished sewing the last 27 blocks and then pieced them into the quilt top!
These are 9" blocks in assorted navy prints with a solid cream background.
I still need to do some final pressing and then add the border. I am going to used this navy for the border.
I also did a few more hexie sets. I'm getting closer on this and I can't wait to start assembling these into a quilt top.
I decided to get out and take a walk thinking that it might make me feel a little better and I ran on to this! Another blacksnake! This time he was going up a tree. There ended up being 3 of them going up the same tree. They ended up probably 25-30 ft up and I guess it was mating season. :( I don't like them!
I also have to post this photo of Richard. :) I walked into the living room and caught him trying to nap on the couch. :) He sure looks guilty in this photo.
That is all for now. Hopefully I will get time today to sew the border on. :)