Here is another block for my Civil War Love Letter quilt! This one makes 60! I need a total of 121 so this is pretty much the halfway mark!!!!! It sure feels good to have that many done!!! I just won't tell anyone that I sewed the block together wrong! hehehehe!

Last night I made another hat for a friend of Richard's! Now how bright is this baby??? My eyes actually started hurting while working on it!!!!

We have made a little more progress on the house. The photos are a little dark but it was raining when I took the photos. We are putting the rafters up over my sewing room. In one photo you can actually see the pitch of the roof, which will be a barnstyle roof. I am standing in the edge of the woods taking the photo. The opening on the bottom floor is for the french doors that will be in the master bedroom. The upstairs section on the left is my sewing room! Hopefully we can get more done over the holiday weekend.

And last but NOT least!!!! I recieved my Booty Swap quilt in the mail this morning!!! It is BEAUTIFUL! I just can't tell you how pretty this quilt is! She does amazing work! This will be perfect in my new house!!!!! This was made by
Lisa, she is a wonderful person and we have became good friends. We find that we have alot in common. Amazing how quilting can bring people together! The quilt measures 16 inches square so you can imagine how small the pieces are. THANK YOU so very much, Lisa, I love it!!! Oh, and don't worry, I'm not going to leave the big pins sticking in it, I was just trying to get a good photo of it, she made a nice little sleeve on the back! hehehe!

I hope to get some sewing done tonight, after everyone goes to bed. Probably won't get much sewing done tomorrow. Tomorrow is my weekly shopping day and then tomorrow evening we have to drive back into town. Hunter wants to joing Cub Scouts!!! So they are having sign ups at 5:30pm, we are going out to dinner and then stopping by Richard's grandmothers for a visit!!!!!!