Another week has gone by since my last post. Things have been really busy around here, family stuff, house stuff and some quilting stuff. LOL! I'll start with the family stuff first. Mom is home so I have been spending a little time with her. I hate when she is gone. I know she has to work but I just don't like her being that far away. She had to fly back home this time so she was pretty tired.
We had our little county fair/festival this past weekend. That is always a busy time in our little town. The main day is on Saturday. Andrew had been there all day on Friday (he doesn't have school on Fridays) and again most of the day on Saturday. He was actually doing some of his community service hours that he needs for college. So on Saturday, Hunter went in with mom about 2pm and Richard and I worked on the house for awhile before we headed in later that evening. When we did get there it was nice...most of my family was there....Mom, Hunter, Andrew, Chantal and her boyfriend, Ronnie. I missed my brother he was in there a little earlier in the day. After we got there we walked around a bit and then we took Hunter and Andrew for pizza. I was so tired afterwards, my hip and leg was killing me.
This is what Richard and I were working on before we went....the main bathroom cabinets!!! It's hard to tell much about them right now but we wanted them to be a little rustic. If you are wondering why there are parts that don't have stain on them yet....these are some of the boards that I had been staining for the upstairs ceiling. So now I have to go back over the cabinets and stain all parts and then add an extra coat. Richard also did a tongue and groove with the boards so that they would fit together perfectly. The big cabinet on the end will hold the hot water heater and then the cabinet above it will just be for storage. I don't have the sink, mirror, and light fixture installed yet but I have them and I'm hoping to get them installed soon.

I layed out a piece of our tile to see how it will look with the cabinets and the tub. We bought them a couple of weeks ago. We got a great deal on them because of an overstock. I think they will look great once we finally get the walls painted a lighter color. That dark green sheet rock in there looks horrible.

And here is a photo that I snapped of Richard mixing the bucket of drywall mud to get started on Hunter's room. The first coat is on and dry, now just waiting to get time for him to add the finish coat. It is hard with him going to school 5 days a week. When we do move in, the house will NOT be finished but we would like to have Hunter's room completely finished. He is so excited about moving in.

On to a little quilt stuff....I made this little hot pad/trivet out of cotton clothesline and some strips. Got it finished and threw it in a box and plan on saving it to use in the new house.

I also got in 2 rolls of batting!!!! I'm hoping those will do me for a while. I have a ton of tops that need to be quilted and also I get a few customer quilts along.

Finished up the binding on this customer quilt. I will be delivering it tomorrow. With downtown being so busy with the fair I have several things to do tomorrow. I need to deliver this quilt, mail out 2 more, grocery shop and get new tags on 2 vehicles! Shhhh....don't tell anyone but I am the world's worst at remembering to update our tags every year! LOL! Richard noticed yesterday that the tags had JULY!!!! :)

Anyway, still having a little trouble sleeping! :( I would say that 95% of my quilting stuff is already moved out in the new house. All that I have in here is one sewing machine, iron and board, and a few scraps. sleepless night I got the big idea that I would make a HUGE tablerunner for my kitchen table in the new house. When we move in, mom is giving me an antique table that she has. I plan on extending it out to the max size so it will measure 54x78 or something close to that. Giggle....I called and woke my sister up late one night and had her to measure it! :) So here it is...

I don't have the blocks sewn together in this photo but you get the idea. I still have to quilt it. But I ended up making 40 of these 6 inch blocks but only used 32 of them in this runner. I will use the other 8 to make a smaller one. This runner ended up being 24x48. I made it from leftover scraps from my Courthouse Steps. BTW...I am still trying to get all 224 of those blocks pieced into a quilt top!!! :(
At least if you are not sleeping you are getting lots accomplished!
You need a little something going on in your life--can you sense the sarcasm in that?
That is a beautiful (and huge) table runner.
You remember when you asked about any xmas present ideas. Well I think I will do some of those hot pads. I have that cotton clothesline and I know how to do that after making the basket :O). I have a few people I could do those for on my list! Thanks!
You have been keeping busy! Love cabinets in the bathroom and the tile. It's moving along! :)
You really have been keeping busy! Great runner. I love traditional blocks!! I just don't know how Richard does it.
You have been busy! I love that runner! It will look soooo nice on that table!
Chantal is a very good sister to get up and measure a table for you;)
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