Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
A Bathroom Post...
Since the 3rd bathroom is upstairs and not seen by all, I really wasn't worried too much about putting it together. Actually, in my mind, I was thinking CHEAP AS POSSIBLE. My main bath will be done in BONE and since WHITE fixtures are generally cheaper I wanted to do #3 in white. So I bought the tub and shower unit in white and it will work fine. Oh did I tell you that this 3rd bath only measures 6ft x 9ft so it is not real big. So I bought this plain white toilet...

Got a great deal on this porcelain sink. (I borrowed this photo from another website, but it is the same sink)

All 3 pieces for.............$215.00!!!!
I was soooooooo happy! I think Richard just wanted to go home! LOL! He just kept saying "whatever you want, baby"
Oh, did I mention that I returned my kitchen sink too! LOL! I got the same sink at a different place for $30 cheaper! I also picked up 2 of these hollow core doors at the surplus for $10 each. They measure 36x78. I plan on using them in my new quilting room for a sewing table.
Now we are home and soooooooooo tired! I didn't realize how stressful this could be. But anyway we will be going soon to pick up the Sheetrock and all of the drywall supplies. That is when the big mess begins! He has been working on the plumbing this week and almost has it all finished.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Catching Up...
I ordered some thread last week. I was getting rather low on quilting thread so I got a few more spools and cones. These first two are 5000 yard cones of Madeira thread. I really love how this thread quilts.
This first box has a ton of fabric samples. Some of them are upholstery samples. I hate to throw them out but I'm not sure what to use them for.
I will post more tomorrow, I have to run into town now....
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sewing right along...
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Prayers for Mom...
I just hate to see her in that much pain, not sure how she will handle having it done again. I'm just so mad and upset right now that it is hard to think of anything else. Let's just say....I went off at the physical therapist office today! She stopped in there to nicely let them know what the doctor had said and that she would not be there tomorrow and one of them got a very rude attitude about it all and I went off on him!!! I'm still jerking mad!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Shawl for Mom
So after I got back home today I started sewing her shawl together. I cut it out the other night but just hadn't had a chance to sew it together. I have a customer quilt that I need to load on the frame but with Hunter being sick he is keeping me busy. So I needed something mindless to work on. LOL! Anyway, I plan on loading that quilt on Friday and getting it done.
I didn't actually use the pattern in the book because I needed something that would go together a little faster so I did a simple churn dash block. This is one of my favorite blocks. As you can see it is not quilted yet and since it measures only 24x72 it will not take but a few minutes to quilt it. After the quilting is done then I will sew the pockets on the ends, do the binding and it will be ready for her to use.
I've had these fabrics in my stash for a long time so I didn't have to go out and buy anything for it. I plan on using the green for the backing too.
Well, I'm tired. I think I will give Hunter is medicine and go to bed...
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Quilting is Finished
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Why O' Why??
This morning while in town, I picked up the March/April 2011 issue of McCall's Quilting. After thumbing through it, I found something that I really want to make!!! I think this would be the perfect thing for my mom! Since she had her surgery, she chills a lot and of course can't move her arm very well to get a jacket or sweater on, so this would be perfect for her. I just wished that I had found this pattern sooner, so that she could have had it when she first had her shoulder surgery done.
It is a QUILTED SHAWL! How neat is that?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Civil War Quilts and Fabrics

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Quilting Right Along...
Yesterday I took mom back to the doctor. He said she was doing fine but still can't lift over 1 lb!! He said lifting a gallon of milk could tear the whole thing loose. It has been 10+ weeks since her surgery and she has really had a hard time with it all. Today I have to take her in for physical therapy. She dreads it everyday and it is so hard when she comes out and I see her crying because the therapy has hurt so bad. Just breaks my heart but I know she has to do this to get it stronger. A few times she has had to stop them because the doctor said that they are pushing her too far and could end up hurting her shoulder again.
So yesterday while we were out, I picked up two fabrics for my stash. The one on the left is a Peter Pan fabric that was marked down to $1 per yard. I got what was left on the bolt which was 1 3/4 yards. Don't have a clue what I will use it for unless I just cut it up small and use it in some of my scrap quilts as background fabric. The writing is actually blue but looks purple next to that purple fabric. The purple...well, I just liked it so I got it to put in my stash!
Better get back to quilting this quilt before I have to take mom for therapy!