Well here it is 5:45am, Richard just left for work and I will be getting the boys up for school in about 45 minutes, so right now I am having a little bit of "me time" Just watched the news and they are giving high winds 50-60 mph winds for today. So living up here on this ridge line, I will probably lose power. I am thawing out some chicken breasts for dinner, I will fix those a little bit early in case the power does go out.
Anyway, after the boys leave for school, I will be heading to mom's to help her today. She and Chantal got the wallpaper done in her kitchen and it looks beautiful! I will have to take a photo and post it. I'm sure I could probably find a before photo too, to show you the difference. So today we will start painting in her living room. In there she will have 2 different shades of taupe, lighter one on the top part of the walls and darker on the bottom. And then she has some big white columns that sort of separate the living and dining room and the kitchen and family room, they will be a lighter shade of taupe. She in all there are 3 shades of taupe. I think today we are going to concentrate on the living room. It will take forever to move her stuff out. She has a curio cabinet that has a ton of figurines in it. She will be moving those because they are very delicate and I'm afraid I will break them. And then there is the problem of moving the piano! Not sure how we will move that thing, it is HEAVY! In the end, it will look very nice when it is finished.
On to quilty things...I am still pressing my strips for my PINK bargello. Still only have the one block finished but have several of them pressed and ready to recut and sew into blocks. I'm not a big PINK person, but this one is starting to grow on me. :) I think Chantal will be surprised when she finds out that it is hers.

On one of the Yahoo groups that I belong to, we are having a Secret Sister swap. We will be swapping 6 times a year. Here is what I received from my Secret Sister!

She really must have paid lots of attention to what I like! :) A beautiful Brown scarf! It matches my coat perfect. Brown is my favorite color too! Since my blog name is Quilting Cowgirl and you all know how much that I love my horses, she sent 3 fat quarters. They have cowGIRLS on them. Now how perfect is that??? And some yummy hot chocolate, which is already gone! :) I don't have a clue who my Secret Sister is but THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! I really love my gifts! They are just perfect for me!
Now on to farm happenings.....I sat yesterday and planned my vegetable garden for this year! Lots of fun! We plan on raising a larger garden this year. I want to "can" a lot of vegetables and freeze a bunch too. Can't be too prepared! Oh and we will be getting 4 more pigs in a couple of weeks. Of course, we will fatten them up and butcher them ourselves. The boys really enjoy it when we do it ourselves and I think it is good for them to learn things like that too. And I know that lard is not exactly the healthiest thing, but I plan on making lard from the fat too. I usually freeze about half of the fat and make more lard when I run out of the first batch.
Oh and last but not least....we are getting ready for a colt to be born around the end of March to the first of April! One of our mares will be giving birth then. Can't wait for that to happen! So we will be removing her shoes and putting her up in the stall soon, getting her ready!!!! I just hope she gives birth during the day, because I just love being there with them when they give birth. I can't really explain it but just like us, they are so proud!