I did sew Hunter a "Transformers" pillowcase a few minutes ago. He loves it! We picked up the fabric today also.

As you can see, we still don't have any SNOW! I guess I am being a child, but I want snow!
****Extra**** 2 pillowcases for the boys DONE!
I am half way finished with my list, but now I will slow down, because the other 2 won't be fun. I so dread the Village Sampler, but I would love to have it done so I don't have to think about it anymore. The quilt is actually pretty, I just don't like working on it. It's 3pm now, so maybe I will have a chance this evening to work on another one...
I bought a few yards of each of these fabrics for borders. The green is to border the "Thimbleberries Month-by-month sampler" The middle fabric is actually dark brown, but doesn't look like it in the photo. I got it to border my "Cowboy Boot and Hat" quilt. And the blue print...well, I'm not sure yet, I may use it for my Blue quilt that I am going to make.
That is all that I bought today. I just really want to get some of these things finished and ready to be quilted. I still need to clean the house up more today and I think my MIL is coming tomorrow. Hopefully, I can get back to sewing after all of that.
Quilt 3 ~ Martha Washington's Star~~ Goes to my sister, Chantal. I can't remember how many quilts that I have given to her, but I can tell you this is NOT the first. She has several.
I still have a few more that I need to pick out, but I will quit for tonight, I am getting nervous, these are hard to give away. :)
Richard left for work a little after midnight last night and I am very used to staying by myself at night. But last night, I had no lights and the phone was out also. I lit a fire in the fireplace and that helped out alot with the light. The boys and I slept in the living room. I just dozed on and off all night, just didn't sleep much at all. Then around 4am I was hit in the face hard with something and at first is scared the crap out of me. I couldn't see and I wasn't sure what was going on. Well, Ida Belle turned the Christmas tree over again!! And it was the top of the tree that hit me. I was ready to kill her!!! We had already decided when she did it the first time that we would wire it to the wall, but just didn't get around to it after the electric went off. But you can bet that it is wired to the wall now! My tree, well..........it looks like crap! It has been turned over twice, so you can imagine.
I sorted through a tote of fabric this evening. For what reason, I don't know. I think I was just hoping that I would get inspired, but it didn't happen. At least that tote of fabric is all neat now. Maybe I will try again tomorrow.