I'm not even sure where to start! I have been in the bedroom cleaning my fabric mess! Anyone want to take pity on me and quilt some of my tops for FREE??? Giggle...I found 77 quilt tops!!! Yes, you read it correctly....77!! I'll have to tell the story behind that. See I few years ago we decided we would build a new house. I decided then and there as soon as we got in the new house I would buy a quilting machine. So instead of sending them off to the longarmer to be quilted I just started piling them up for me to do when I bought my quilter. Then we decided we would buckle down and pay off our land first before starting the house, so more time and more tops started piling up. so now we are building our house but honestly we are doing it all ourselves and paying for it as we go so we will not have a payment when it is finished but it is a slow process. It will probably be another year or so before we have it finished. So now I have 77 tops piled up waiting to be quilted. I would say 20 or more are baby quilts, so I could do those on my little machine and get those out of the way. I'm thinking that may be a project for Winter, to get some of these baby tops out of the way.
I had to laugh at myself, I have fabric stuck everywhere....I even found some in a suitcase!!! :)

Here are a bunch of quilts that I have in a wardrobe. I got all of them out, refolded them and put them back. I think there were 15 quilts in there.

Here is the pile of quilts that I usually have stacked agains one wall. Hubby calls it my wall of quilts. I threw them all on the bed, refolded them, and stacked them back up. I don't have a clue how many are there, I didn't even count them. But there is another stack behind these that you can't even see in the photo!

This is a tote full of seersucker and other odd fabrics that were given to me. I wasn't sure about quilting with the seersucker, but I asked a couple of people and everyone seems to think it will work just fine. So back into storage it all went. There are several yards of each of them.

This is a tote full of "everythings" I just started throwing bits and pieces of everything in it. I finally sorted through it and ended up with the photo below.

Here is what I ended up with after sorting through the tote. Just mostly solids with a few other odds and ends.

This is an old Army trunk that I bought several years ago at a thrift store. Open it up and there are 27 quilt tops in it.

Here is is opened. I counted 27 tops here. I also have tops in a huge box and another cabinet. So in all I counted 77! I'm sure if I kept digging, I would find more.
Another tote of yardage, I think there is a total of 3. This is not counting my fabric that is under 1 yard. I also found 19+ backings! I don't think I got a photo of that, but I didn't realize I had that many. Storage is so limited and I have everything in totes, I think I just go buy backings instead of digging for what I do have.
And I ran on to this. This is a quilt that I started hand quilting a few years ago and put it back in a box. I left it out so maybe I can get to work on it soon.

This is a photo of the top of my closet. 1000+ Historical Romance novels that I haven't even read yet! I plan on sorting through them in a few days since I have boxes of them stacked in the corner too. Just don't have room to store them all. But I do read, so I don't want to get rid of all of them. Giggle...and to think I bought a new book last nigh! CRAZY!

I think before I start on new projects I will quilt a baby quilt or something. Like I said there are several of those and little by little that will take my stack down. I plan on donating most of the baby quilts anyway. Most of the baby tops came from UFO's that I didn't want to finish so I would make them crib size and call it done. I figured that would be better than not getting them pieced together.
I think all this has something to do with my OCD! Or at least I will blame it on that. I never buy just one of anything. Didn't realize that until the other day, hubby mentioned it to me and after we started talking about it, it is true! He laughed because I found some little wire baskets on clearance the other day and I thought they would be great for scraps or blocks so instead of buying one, I bought 9!!!!
Well, break time is over so I really need to get back to cleaning!!!!! If you don't hear from me for a few days, you'll know I'm buried under the mess!!!