Friday, November 30, 2007
Richard's Bad Luck...
Got up at midnight to get Richard up for work. This being Friday and the fact that he had worked long hours all week, he was very tired and wanted to sleep an extra 10 minutes. He leaves the house at 12:30am so this gave him 20 minutes to shower and eat breakfast. I packed his lunch and he was headed out the door. I kissed him and told him to be very careful and not to drive fast. His reply was "I'll have to drive fast to get there by 1am. So he left and I headed in to check on the boys before heading on to bed. I heard his truck coming back. I went out in the driveway in my nightgown, he said he had a flat tire for me to go back in before I froze too death. After a minute I heard him yell, I ran outside just in time to see his truck rolling down the hill!!! I wanted to cry!!!! Not because of his truck, it is an old truck that he drives to work and working around on the farm, but it was headed straight for the sawmill!! It got a few feet from the sawmill and then went to the right. Because of the flat tire it pulled the truck to the right and right in to several trees and a wooden deer blind that they hunt out of. As you can imagine he said every bad word in the English language. He went down there and backed it back up in the driveway, aired the tire up and left for work. It caved in the front fender and the right door. I would take a photo but he just got back home and it is dark outside. But it could have been worse...someone could have gotten hurt, it could have hit the sawmill, or it could have really messed his truck up alot worse than it did. Needless to say, I did not go back to sleep, I was just too nervous. I did finally take a nap around 2pm.
Now we have settled down for the evening. We have a nice fire going in the fireplace, just finished dinner and are getting ready to spend some family time watching movies.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Power Outage!

Today we had a scheduled power outage in our area so that they could replace some poles. So our electric was off for a few hours. I couldn't sew so I cleaned and reorganized my sewing area. It sure looks alot neater. Afterwards I sat down to read a nice historical romance novel. It is a really good book about the Norse and Scottish. I read about half of the book before Richard and the boys got home. I will probably try to finish it tonight.
My mom got some really great news today. I really can't say much about it yet but I can in a few more days. But I have been so HAPPY all day. She is really excited too! It is a GREAT thing.
I guess that is about all for today. The boys are fighting, as usual so I had better get off of here and make them stop before they drive me crazy.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Guild Meeting Monday

Oh and here is a quick photo of Hunter during his fiddle practice this evening. Andrew was sitting there beside him playing his guitar, but you know how 14 yr old boys are, they don't want their photo taken. I'll have to sneak and take a photo of him when he is not expecting it.

We also learned how to make a "ruched flower" It is very different from what I am used to. We made a practice flower today and I would show you all but it really doesn't look that good. We are doing a block challange using this method. They also gave us some challange fabric that has to be used. The fabric is WAY out of "Comfy Zone" It is a dark purple with metallic gold lines going everywhere. Anyway, I guess within the next few days I will be practicing making these. I may have my hair pulled out before it is over with. We don't HAVE to make the blocks for the block challange, but I do think I will try.
Don't think I will sew alot tonight, I will probably be cutting more pieces.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sunday's Sewing Progress

Block One Of My Jewel Box

Right now I am going to straighten the house up and will probably do more sewing this evening. Have to get up early in the morning to take Ida Belle to the vet for her shots.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Don't you just hate when...
Cutting Plans For Tonight
I spent the morning shopping. Ran to Walmart for a few groceries and puppy supplies. Then had to stop by the auto parts store for oil and oil filters. When I got back home Richard changed the oil in my car, his truck and the sawmill. I jumped in cleaned the house and I have dinner on now. Just fixing a quick chicken stirfry then we will settle in for the evening. We rented some movies to watch tonight and while we are watching those I plan on cutting out pieces for a new quilt.
Earlier today I picked out fabrics from my stash for a new quilt. I am going to start working on a "Jewel Box" I made one several years ago and I loved it. I am using assorted scraps and colors. I plan on mostly cutting tonight and sewing on it tomorrow. But I know I will have to try out a few tonight just to see how it will look. I already have my fabrics and cutting mat on the coffee table waiting for everyone else to come and settle down. Hunter is in his room watching TMNT, Andrew is at his dad's tonight and Richard is down at the sawmill.
I called mom today on her cell phone when I got back home. I asked her what she was doing and she replied "Buying a car, I think" Talk about shocked, I was. She and Chantal were out test driving a new Chevy Impala. She has been wanting a new car for a while but last she mentioned anything about it she said she was going to wait until Spring. Oh well, I hope she gets it. They already approved her for it now all she has to do is decide which one she wants.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Our Newest Member Of The Family

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Potholder Project
I cleaned the house up today even though we are having dinner at mom's tomorrow. I guess sometimes you just have to break down and clean your own mess up. I rented some movies while in town and I guess we will watch those as I do some cooking. I don't have a whole lot to do. I think I am making Mississippi Mud Cake, Pea Salad, Banana Pudding and Cherry Cheesecake. I think those are the only things that Mom trusts me with. :)
I did make these two potholders today. I have another bowtie one quilted I still need to add the binding on it. I thought I would make a few for myself and some as gifts.

Have a great Thanksgiving! -
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Heavy Hips Harvey

Here is my finished tablerunner. I ended up sewing the binding on last night. Got up this morning an cut the threads and took out the basting tacks. It looks terrible in the photo, but I promise it doesn't look that bad. The green is actually a moss colored cotton.

Monday, November 19, 2007
My new Tablerunner

Not really sure what I will work on next. But before I start any major project, I need to sew my borders on to my cowboy quilt. I've been looking through my patterns and books but nothing really pops out at me. I'll find something.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A little bit of sewing
Well, maybe tomorrow won't be better. I have two doctors appointments in the morning. One is for my thyroid and the other is my wonderful and exciting yearly exam. Don't you just hate those. And that doctor's office is soooooo slow. I hate going over there and sitting half the morning.
My brother's ex-mother-in-law died yesterday. They said that Thursday, Tammy (my ex-sister-in-law) found her in the floor. Tammy said she couldn't get up and was bleeding from her ears. She asked her what happened and her mom said that she fell. Tammy said that she was carrying a load of clothes in the basket down the stairs and fell down eleven steps and hit her head on a table. By the time she got to the hospital she was braindead. They had her at the funeral home today, my mom, sister, and my brother went for visitation. Mom said that Shane, my nephew was in really bad shape, he is taking it very hard. John and Tammy have been divorced for years and both have remarried, but Tammy, her new husband and Shane all lived with her parents. So Shane was very close to her. I guess that just goes to show that a person never knows from day to day what will happen.
I guess that is about all that I have to talk about tonight. Hopefully, I will get a couple of sewing days in this week before we have to start cooking for Thanksgiving.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Finally, they are done!

Plans for a new Quilt Frame
I have been looking through my books and magazines trying to find something to start next. I know I have several that I need to finish, but I really want to work on something new. Within the next few weeks I hope to get some of my baby quilts quilted. Since they are small I can get those done on my machine.
A few weeks ago, I was looking at some quilt frames on the web and if you really know me you will know that I am very CHEAP. So my plan was when we get the new house finished I will be buying a home quilter. Anyway I was complaining about the prices and Richard said..."Baby, if I had a pattern for one I would just build you one" Well, that was the wrong thing to say to me because I found a pattern and it cost me $20. I looked it over and compared it to the other frames and it has what I will need, so I was very happy! Richard, I'm sure wishes he had not opened his mouth. The pattern is for 10', 12', and 14' frames. It even has a price list with it and everything can be bought at your local hardware store, Lowes, or Home Depot. I added it up and his cost for making it was less than $220. With us having a sawmill and using our own lumber it will cost us around $130. I think that is great! So the more that I save on my frame, the more I can spend on a new machine! Which I do want to make sure that I don't skip on any special features that I will need on my frame.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Still working on IT.

Went to school and had Thanksgiving Dinner (lunch) with Hunter today. We had a great time. There was a little girl that sat with us, she writes Hunter "Love Notes" all the time, she kept telling him she was going to marry him. It was so funny! Andrew is in the 9th grade and they were having their Thanksgiving Dinner there today too, but of course, Mommy can't go eat with him. He would have died if I showed up for lunch with him. I guess, when you are 14 Mommy's aren't very cool.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Only 3 more to go!!!

Richard did not work today. He built a small garage/shed to park our new riding mower under. He built it on the back of our other outbuilding. It is big enough for the riding and push mowers, the tiller, and a few other smaller things.
Wish me luck on my blocks tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
4 More Cowboy Boots Today

Trying to decide on what to work on after I get this top together. I know I have several that need to be quilted but I plan on getting a quilter in the NEAR future, so I will quilt them then. I have a ton of tops that need to be finished, but sometimes you just are not in the mood to work on UFO's. I have two tops, YBR and my Month by Month Sampler, that need to have borders added. If I get to go shopping this weekend, I will buy fabric for those.
Sandy, the guild president, called me this afternoon. I missed our BOM meeting yesterday and she was concerned. I actually forgot about it. I don't think she was that concerned, I think she was just bored. We talked about everything which was nice. Our next meeting in two weeks, we are making a tote bag. I will go to the meeting but I'm not sure if I will make the tote or not. I just made one a few months ago, but I will probably just go and help out. We will also be drawing names for Christmas at that meeting. The price range is around $15. Not sure what I will buy but I do think that I will make a set of coasters to throw in the bag. And my plans are to make a fabric gift bag. I have that pattern somewhere, I need to dig it out.
Wish me luck on my blocks for tomorrow...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Cowboy Quilt Progress
Here is a close-up photo of one of the hats...

Finally tonight, I got these two boot blocks sewn together.

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Month By Month ~ Quilt Top
This pattern is called, "Month By Month" it is a Thimbleberries pattern.

Block ~12
Mom watched Hunter and took Andrew to a school dance for me. I very seldom leave the boys anywhere, but I just didn't want to have them around that. Hunter and mom had a blast and Andrew seemed to have fun at the dance. I think she was glad to have the time with them since she has been gone for a month.
I finally finished my last block for my sampler quilt. This is the November block. I didn't exactly do them all in order, but that doesn't matter, they are all done. Now all I have to do is border each block with assorted strips. I still have to cut them from the fabric left over.
Hopefully I will get to cut some of my strips tonight. I think I have to cut 48 strips. Then get them all sewn together. Not really sure what I will work on when I get this top finished. I may try to get some of my smaller things quilted.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Fall foilage

It has been a very long day. Chantal always takes Andrew to school for me on her way to work, since she works right across the road from his school. She was running late this morning and called because she had a flat tire. I had to go in to town today anyway so I picked her up and we rushed to school and then I dropped her off at work. My car started overheating and I didn't know if I would make it back home or not. I had to pull off to the side of the road just every little bit to let it cool down. Finally the 20 minute trip home ended up being an hour. Got home and couldn't find my house keys. I had to go to Richard's tool building and get a screwdriver and pry the lock on the back door. At last I was home!!!!!! By the time I got home and in the house I was soooooooo nervous I didn't do anything but just sit there on the couch. Richard is going to fix my car in the morning. He said the water pump went out on it.
Mom is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I walked out there this evening to see her for just a few minutes. I didn't want to stay too long, I know she is very tired and needs some down time. When I got out there she was just getting home and was unloading her luggage out of the car. I will go back out there tomorrow to spend so more time with her.
Hopefully, I will get my quilt top finished sometime this weekend.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Block ~11

I have my tops that I have finished packed and ready to take to show her when she gets home. Then I guess I will let her rest up for a few days and then we will start making our list for Thanksgiving dinner.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Hubby got a new toy!
Hubby came home from work today with a NEW riding lawn mower! He unloaded it out of his truck up at the top of the driveway and started it up. I didn't have clue as to what he was doing or what he had. It has a 20hp motor so it should be pretty nice. I know right now we don't need to cut the grass this time of year, but he bought it on a end of season sale. Of course, he acts like a little kid at Christmas!

Can I do it???....Yes, I can!!!
you could whip out a Yellow Brick Road lap size in a day with borders on it even right? Oh so perfect to branch into a larger size to practice stippling!!
Challenge...... Giggle, Giggle, Giggle.
So I read it and thought....Hmmmmmm....... I went on outside to feed the horses and decided "Heck, I can do that, I think!!!" Finished feeding and back in the house I went. I dug out my greens and started cutting. I had all of it cut out and the blocks sewn together by noon. Took a break and then had my rows sewn together by 1:30pm. There are 42 blocks in it. And I would have had the border on it but I need to buy fabric for it. I didn't have enough to do the border.

Oh, if you look in the background of the photo you can see Ole Jim.
Anyway, thanks Jen for the challenge. I think sometimes we all need to have someone light a fire under our butts to get us going.
I'm tired and no more sewing for me today. I need to clean my house now.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Blocks ~9 and 10

Today is my Aunt Deb's 50th birthday. I forgot until I was talking to mom earlier. I tried to call to wish her happy birthday, but she was not home. Maybe I will try again later. Mom will be home on Friday!!!!! I can't wait, I miss her so much when she is gone. She will be home for 28 days. We will have Thanksgiving together but she will have to leave back out a few days before Christmas. That is killing me. I have never spent a Christmas without my Mom. I will make sure Chantal spends Christmas with us, she has never been away from Mom during the Holidays either. She is only 23 and is single so I truly don't want her to be alone. But I know it will be just as hard on Mom. She will be on the boat, with no family only 8 men to cook for. How lonely is that???
The boys go back to school tomorrow and I will miss them. I so enjoy having them home with me. We always enjoy our time together, even though they fight. I actually can't wait for their Christmas break. And during the Winter months they are out of school alot due to the weather.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Block ~8

I will make sure I get the fabric that I need out of the bedroom tomorrow before he gets home and goes to bed. I spent most of having "special time" with my boys, they are out of school today and tomorrow. And I also cleaned the house. I did some much needed cleaning, like dusting cobwebs. Seems like those things appear faster than I can get them down.
Anyway, hopefully tomorrow I can get a couple more blocks finished.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Block ~7

A Productive Sunday