Since this post, I have not yet had my radiation. I have gone to a different doctor and he, of course, wants to do his own set of tests. At first, he didn't think that I would need to have the radiation, but now he says that he thinks it in my best interest to sooner or later have the radiation. I will be on several medications for my thryoid and other things...bp, etc. Right now the doctor wants to do a biopsy, but it is the needle biopsy. I forgot the medical term for it, but he wants to schedule that after I have my MRI and Ultrasound of the thryoid area.
Now that you know the background of the story, let me tell you what has happened today...I recieved a box delivered by UPS today. I open it up and I am brought to tears!!! Now in this box was a beautiful fabric panel, a wonderful name tag, delicious Godiva Chocolates, a card, and a QUILT!!!! Now I'm dragging this quilt out and start seeing all these names on these blocks and I immediately start crying! My boys are with me looking at everything. Andrew asked "Mom, why did they send you a quilt?" My response "I don't know" I see a label on the quilt, but I am crying so hard that I can't read it, so Andrew has to read it to me. The label reads....
Kristie, thoughts of you in each tiny stitch,
Stippling, Binding, Stitch in the Ditch,
This quilt brings thoughts of love so true,
From around the world, especially for you.
This quilt has been quilted with love
for Kristie Layne of Kentucky in the year 2008
by Hazel, Nancy, Jill, Gina, Maureen, Rhoda, (for some reason I can't connect to Rhoda's blog, but she posts on
Moniek, Michelle, Cindy, and Jen.
Top Assembled and Quilted by Jen
Binding by Cindy.
Now how sweet is that? The card said that they decided to make this for me as a comfort quilt. I have cried and cried. I have never in my life had anyone to do something so precious. I hope you all realize how much I love this quilt. I called my mom to tell her, we were both crying on the phone, she can't wait to see it.
Now, I don't usually post any photos of myself because I am so paranoid about how I look. I have gained alot of weight in the past two years due to my thyroid. And you can see in the photo how thick my neck looks. I have 3 tumors in it so I guess it has to be big. There is a big difference in this photo of me now and the photo at the top of my blog, which was only about 2 years ago. But hopefully, after I get all of this taken care of with my thyroid, I will loose this extra weight. But here I am sitting proudly with my new quilt. And no, I don't think I had brushed my hair, I had only been up for a few minutes and I still have my PJ's on. :)

You are so very welcome. When Jen asked me to make blocks for you I never hesitated. If anyone deserved to be wrapped in our love it's you. You brighten my day when I read your posts. Days when you're down I wish I could be there to wrap my arms around you and now in some little way I am. I don't think there has ever been a more beautiful picture posted on someones blog as you smiling with your quilt. Enjoy it and remember no matter what you're wrapped in our love.
I'm so glad you got the quilt :) I hope all goes well and know that you are cared about.
Glad you safe from the storms.
You are very welcome and I couldn't think of a better person to give a quilt to. You brighten our days with you humor and stories of your family and quilting. I'm so glad that we were able to do this for you. May you always have a hug from all of us and may you quickly get the relief you need. I think your picture is beautiful and I'm so glad you shared it with us. You're a great blogging friend and I'm so glad I've gotten to know you in the past year.
I'm so happy that you love it so much! You've become such a great friend, I couldn't think of anyone who deserved a quilt more. We can't be there in person so we wanted to make sure we could give you a hug somehow. =)
Kristie you are sooooo welcome. You are such a special lady and we all love you and love to read your blog. Know that even though we can't be with you in person we are with you in spirit and sending you lots of hugs. Take care of yourself!
Your picture is beautiful! Your smile says it all!
Kristie, somtimes it's hard to know what to do when you know someone needs some encouragement. This quilt was a labor of love to let you know we care about you and want the best for you. You are a wonderful caring woman. God bless you as you deal with the tumors. Rhoda
You are loved by people - you are a joy to us that share your life thru your blog each day. You are like a sister to some and like a daughter to others.
We love you!
What a beautiful quilt. Those girls sure can keep a secret. As beautiful as that quilt are you. It takes a beautiful person to have so many people love you so much.
Keeping you in my prayers....
Regina in MI
Kristie, you obviously are very loved and from reading your blog over the past month, I can understand why. What a precious gift!
Hugs hun and keep us posted on what develops!
Your post made me cry. What a beautiful thing for people to make the quilt for you. I absolutely love reading your blogs and think you are a wonderful sister, daughter, mother and wife. How lucky your family is to have you in their lives. Good luck with your health issues.
Kristie you are so welcome like everyone else I love reading your blog and wish you the best with your health .Thats a great picture of you and your quilt ,please use the quilt and remember there is many people who consider you a great friend .
First of all, I want to say how proud we all were to make this quilt for you. You have become such a good friend to all of us. We all look forward to reading what you are up to, up on that Mountain top. You touch so many lives, and we wanted your life to be touched by us.
Did any of us, when we started our blogs, think for a minute that our hearts would be so touched by people that we may never meet in person, or see, or touch? Still, our hearts are connected.
It was a pleasure to help in making your quilt. I am so glad you like it. Jen and Cindy did most of the work, and for that, I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
Kristie, you are a beautiful girl. You were two years ago, and YOU ARE TODAY! True beauty comes from your SPIRIT, PERSONALITY, and SOUL. People do not remember us by WHAT we look like, they remember us by how we made them feel.
We are all so glad that we have met you, and we will always be here for you.
Love, Michelle
I am not surprised that they made this quilt for you and you look grrreat. I think you are a gem.
What a touching story - you look wonderful in that picture ! So glad your friends thought of you and made that truly special quilt. Keep us informed how you get on and keep your chin up love !!
Kristie, how blessed you are to have such caring thoughtful friends, and what a gorgeous quilt and quilt owner.
Glad to know that you and your family are safe.
Kristie what a lovely surprise to receive, what a blessing to have such caring friends.
Aren't love quilts like receiving an unexpected hug??? How wonderful for you. Hugs and best wishes and prayers to you with your upcoming treatment.
That was a wonderful gift that came at the right time it seems.
I pray that you will recover quickly.
What a wonderful gift. I hope that your health issues get under control soon. You can wrap the quilt around you like a hug from all your quilting friends. Making me cry here too!!
Wow! You have some fabulous friends out there in the blogosphere. This is a great story and a good reminder that a little kindness makes such a big difference! I hope you are feeling better and that your treatment goes well. Hopefully the love and kind thoughts that went into making your quilt help you feel better!
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