Thursday, January 31, 2008
Maybe I'm Crazy...
So this morning, you know I locked my keys up AGAIN!! Cost me $85 to get it unlocked! I still haven't told Richard yet. I know he won't get mad, but I just don't want to hear "I told you so" He is such a good man, never really gets mad about anything but teases me alot when I do something dumb!
I felt miserable, but you know how we mothers are, always think of the kids first. Now the boys are not anywhere near as sick as I am but I didn't want them to get this bad. Took them to the doctor where my sister works at the pediatrician's office. He checked the boys and gave them some anitbotics. Then he looked at me and said "If I write you a prescription for antibotics will you take them?" Well Duh! Of course I would take them! So he checked me, wrote me a prescription and never charged me anything! How great is that???? He said my sinuses were terrible, my chest congested, throat red and ear infection in both ears! Hopefully in a few days I will be fine.
Took the boys to Pizza Hut for lunch. They love the buffet bar there and with them going to school we don't get to stop there very often. Came home and hit the couch for a couple of hours. Richard came home and built a fire in the fireplace for me, I was chilling something terrible. He even offered to run back to town for something quick, but I just fixed some quick hot ham and cheeses. Then I finished cutting my strips and have them all ready to go.
I am feeling restless! I feel too bad to sew very much but then again I am bored too death! Mom is leaving in the morning. I haven't been out there for a couple of days. I don't want her to get sick. If she gets sick they will send her home and she can't get back on the boat until she is better. So if she caught this from me she would loose alot of money on her paycheck. So I am staying home and she is staying at her house and we are talking on the phone. I think she said she has to be at the dock around 8am and of course will be gone for 28 days. So you all have a month to hear me whine about my mom!!!
I Could SCREAM!!!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I'm ready to sew!
I fell asleep on the couch this afternoon for a couple of hours and I still feel like crap! But hopefully in a few days I will be back to normal. I didn't even fix a big dinner this evening like I always do. We had "chicken tenders" I think the family finally realized that I was sick. You know how they are, everyone can get sick except for mom!
Speaking of moms...Mom leaves out Friday morning so you all will have to listen to me whine for the next month. I hate to go out there and visit with her and take the chance on making her sick too. That would be terrible for her to get sick while on the boat and not be able to get off.
Here is another photo of Donkey. He is sleeping on a couple of quilts that I have stacked on the back of the couch.
I guess I will probably iron a few more scraps tonight. I would love to get these scraps under control. I use alot of scraps in my quilts but I have never gone through them and cut them to size. So the scraps are about to take over!!! Someday I will be organized....maybe...
Anything Goes!
Now I have been sick all night and morning and actually after getting to boys off to school, I went back to bed and slept until 10am. Now that is something that I never do. I know you don't want to hear me whine, but I feel terrible. Actually, it is 1:30 and I am still in my nightgown. I need to get my butt in gear and shower and start dinner soon. Anyway, back to quilting....I don't really feel much like sitting at the machine today so I thought I would try to get my strips ready. Since my fabric is stored in the bedroom and hubby goes to bed around 6pm I went in sat on the bed with my scissors and started cutting off fabric. I pulled out a tote and cut 2 strips off of EVERYTHING in it! I will try to cut them to size tongiht if I feel better. I cut enough for 78 strips, so I still need 50 more. I didn't really feel like sorting through my fabric so I just decided that "ANYTHING WOULD GO"

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Scraps, Scraps, and more Scraps!!!

I know this is a short post but I think I will go on to bed in a few minutes.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Guild Meeting Monday

After the meeting, I stopped by Pamida. It is like a generic Walmart with NO fabric. They do have a few threads, needles and scissors but that is about it. They were having a going out of business sale. Right now things are only 10%-30% off. The only thing that I bought was this set of needles and measuring tape. I'm sure the needles probably are not that good but what I wanted was the 120" measuring tape. It only cost me 99 cents.
Here are some of the scraps that I cut up last night. It will be a slow process but I will eventually get them done.....maybe! I didn't have big enough pieces for any strips so I just cut squares of different sizes. The smallest that I went was 2 inches and the largest was 5 inch charm sqaures. I still have tons more to do but if I do a little bit at a time maybe it won't be so overwhelming.
Oh and as you can see Donkey is all comfy in his new home. I can't believe how attached that I have gotten to this cat in the few days that he has been here.
He has found a favorite place to sleep....on my end table. When he jumps up there he scoots my table topper, I'm just waiting for the lamp to hit the floor.
Oh and you all were right, they do love fabric and quilts. He kept trying to play while I was cutting my scraps. Mom and Chantal finally came out this evening to see him. I think they were trying to wait until he calmed down a little first.
Featured Quilt Of The Week ~ 4

The name of the quilt is "A Quilter's Snowflake" I got the pattern from a quilting magazine. My mom had the magazine at work and he asked if the quilt could be made. He said he didn't care about the price but he needed it KING size. So this quilt measures 110x110 and I had the top completely cut out and sewn together in a week. Needlesss to say he paid very well, and I was in a hurry for the money. :) The fabrics don't show very well in the photo but it is a eggplant, both fabrics have a small design in them.
My friend Sandy longarm quilted it and did the binding for $50!!! I supplied the batting and backing. I thought that a great price for a king. So from start to finish this quilt took 2 weeks. He and his wife were very pleased with the quilt. He even came back later and bought a quilt for his daughter.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Monkeys, Quilt Blocks and Scraps

I found a yahoo group today that is for my Brother Embroidery Machine. That is the only machine discussed is the same model that I have! I was very excited to find it. I have been reading over alot of the past posts and have found alot of interesting tips.
Also if anyone is interested....I read on Bonnie Hunter's (Quiltville) Blog that she wants to do a quilt with everyone on Super Bowl Sunday! It is a lap size Bargello! I'm not sure yet just depends on what I have going on that day, I may do it.
Tomorrow morning I have a guild meeting at 10am. Sandy called earlier to discuss some of the things that we would be going over. It really shouldn't be a very long meeting.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I Love My Donkey!

Anyway, he now has a little blue cat collar on with a bell. This way I can hear him coming just in case I am in one of my moods and I will know where he is at all times. So far I have done great with him. I noticed Richard watching me pet him and smiling at me. He said he never thought he would see me pet a cat. That makes me feel great!
Haven't really sewn much today. I have been working on my sock monkey tonight while we have been watching a few movies. I almost have him done. Hopefully, tomorrow I will have a photo to post of it. That will be one more thing off of my January's To Do List. That will only leave one more project on the list that I wanted to finish for January and that is my Village Sampler and I can tell you right now THAT project will NOT get done this month!!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
My Christmas List Is Getting Shorter
After arriving back home and putting away all of my things I embroidered a couple more fleece throws for Christmas. If I get all of these done before the Christmas Season, then maybe I won't be so stressed out at Christmas.
This first one is for my SIL. She loves anything Disney, so I thought this one would be perfect for her.

I still have several more to go, but they are quick and easy to do. I found these fleece throws at Walmart on clearance for $3, so I really don't have that much invested in these gifts. That is my favorite part of it.
Probably won't get anymore sewing done tonight. I rented the movie "Scarlet" and I have been watching it. Last weekend I rented "Gone With The Wind" and this is the sequel to it. Richard is already in the bed, since he has to get up at midnight and go in to work for a few hours.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Donkey is home!

I had a few of you to ask about Ida Belle, the puppy. Well, she has been outside for several weeks! She was driving me crazy in the house. She is soooooo hyper and this little house is not big enough for her. So now she is very happy outside with Fred, the Bassetthound.
I started the car this morning to let it warm up. I was going to make a trip to town for Dt Pepsi and a few other little things and pick up Donkey on the way home. Well as long as I have had this car this is the first time that I have ever locked the keys in it. So my car was sitting in the driveway with the motor running and all the doors locked. I called the locksmith he wanted $85 just to drive out here, not counting the cost for unlocking it. I called Richard and he said "Bust the window out!" Now how dumb is that??? That was the only set of keys that I have. My keys have a sensor on it and you have to have it copied at a dealership and it cost around $75, so I just never got around to having it copied. Andrew mentioned that my EX-SIL husband had a master set of keys to unlock cars. We called and he was out here within 30 minutes. It took him about 15 minutes to unlock it. He didn't want any money, but I did finally manage to get him to take $25. It's funny how I still get along real well with my ex-inlaws, just not my ex-husband. So by the time all of this was over I was just too nervous to go to town. I called Richard and he picked Donkey up from the Vet for me when he got off from work.
I didn't do alot of sewing today, the boys didn't have school today because we got 1/2 inch of snow! Yes, you read it right 1/2 inch and they canceled school. So we just sit around most of the day. I did manage to finish two more Christmas gifts. These are 2 more fleece throws for my niece and nephew. I think the Mickey and Donald are my favorite of the two.
Don't know if I will get any sewing done tonight, I am thinking of sitting down and reading for a while. I have a big fire going in the fireplace and it is very cozy here, so I think a good book would be perfect.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Christmas Gifts and Monkeys
Peeble's was having a big clearance sale so we stopped by there. It was 50-70% off and then mom had a coupon for an extra 20% off. I bought a few clothes for the boys and mom bought her a couple of new dresses for church.
After Peebles we drove on to the bookstore. There is a bookstore there that sells new and used books. I trade my old books that I have read for used ones that I haven't. You trade 2 for 1, which is fine for me. I had a store credit of $86. I ended up with 22 books and mom got 6. After getting those I still have a store credit of $35. I have a ton of books that I haven't read yet, I just wanted to get the ones that I had read out of my way.
When we got back home, I put another fleece throw in the embroidery machine. I like the fact that you can put it in there, push a button and walk off. I ran the vacuum while it was embroidering. This is another Christmas gift off of my list for 2008. I did this one for my SIL, Bridget. I know that I use this design alot, but it is one of my favorites.

I guess that is all for tonight, I need to finish this load of laundry and then I think I will try to sleep for a little while. I have to get Richard up at midnight so I might get to sleep for a little over an hour...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
An Evening Of Sewing

I sewed 8 more blocks tonight. That makes a total of 16 blocks. I don't have them all sewn into rows yet, actually I have a section of 8 sewn together, but the ones that I did tonight are not.

Last but not least, here is a photo of my little one, Hunter. He fell asleep on the couch this evening, sucking his thumb. He has never sucked his thumb...

Monday, January 21, 2008
Cat Update!
After the doctor visit we ran by the animal shelter. Richard was with us, since his coal truck broke down and he was home before I left. So I made him go with me. I told him he might have to call 911 if I got in the animal shelter and had a panic attack! :) There were several cats there and Hunter picked a different cat than he did last night. I don't know, I was a little confused, but it was what he wanted. The one he decided on is not a kitten and it is still a boy, and it is gray striped. We didn't get to bring it home today, because he has to go to the vet on Thursday to be neutered. They have manditory neutering. I have to pick him up at the Vet sometime Thursday afternoon. And Hunter is still set on naming him DONKEY! So I guess that is what it will be.
Like I said, there were a ton a cats there and I guess I was a little overwhelmed. This is a big step for me even getting a cat. We went in that room and she started letting them all out. So there was about 20 cats running around!!!! I was afraid I was going to flip out and embarrass myself, but Richard kinda kept them off of me. I didn't pet the cat at all at the shelter, because I was getting very nervous, but I think when he gets here and it's just us, I can handle it just fine.
After that, we ran and picked up a litter box, litter, a scoop, cat food, and a couple of little toys. So now we are all set and waiting for Thursday. My baby is sooooo happy!!!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Featured Quilt Of The Week ~ 3

Have I Lost My Mind?????
I have noticed over that past several months that alot of people on these blogs have cats. While I always think they are so pretty and loving, I always wonder how I would react to touch one. The thought of touching one made it hard to breathe and my heart would race.
Last week Hunter asked if he could have a kitten. I instantly said NO, and he cried. That broke my heart. I remembered all of the fun times that I had as a child playing with mine. So I sat him down to talk to him. My question was...we have horses, a mule, pigs, chickens, and dogs, why do you need a cat? Well, his only answer was that he just wanted one. So this has been on my mind ever since. So this evening, I started looking on the internet at our local animal shelter. They have several cats, but he wanted a kitten. The cost is $25 for a male and $40 for a female. They have had their shots and have been spayed or neutered. I discussed it with Richard and he said "You know that I will never tell you no about anything like that, but don't get one if you can't touch it." So, I sat here thinking about it. Now don't laugh, but I called a friend that lives about 3 miles away that has a cat. They know how I am and they laughed when I said "I was just wondering if I could come over and pet your cat" I guess I should have explained it better first. Anyway, a quick trip to their house and I sat there for a while before I could touch it. Then after about 20 minutes...I DID IT!!! (but very quickly ) :)
I came staight home and called the warden at the shelter (he is a friend of Richards) he said they still had the kitten that Hunter had picked out so I guess we will pick it up after his doctor's appointment in the morning.
Here is the photo that I got from the website of the kitten that Hunter will be getting.

Sunday's Sewing Progress
I really haven't accomplished alot today. I started to dig out more fabric for my "Steps To The Alter" quilt, but I was just too lazy to go in there and do it. I have my fabric stored in totes, due to lack of space and I just wasn't in the mood to have to move everything around. I did cut out a little more on my "Churn Dash" The fabrics don't really show up very well in the photo, but it is a taupe color. It is very muted, but I just fell in love with the fabrics. So right now I have a total of 8 blocks finished on it and still only 4 blocks for my STTA quilt.

My New Sample Block

Right now it is so cold outside so we are just trying to stay warm, we have a nice big fire going in the fireplace and it feels very cozy in here. Maybe I will sew a bit in a little while.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
More Fabric....
After Tracy left we headed to Ashland. Sears had a wood planner on sale. I called and they only had one left and the sale went off today. Richard wanted it for Christmas but they were out of stock so we ran down to pick it up. He is like a little kid playing with it.
While we were out, I picked up a little more fabric. I couldn't help it! These first two in this photo I only bought 1/2 yard of them. I will just add them to my stash to mix in with all of my others.

Now we are watching "Good Luck Chuck" it is soooooo funny! I think I will cut out more of my "Steps To The Alter"....
Friday, January 18, 2008
First Christmas Gift For 2008 Made!!!!

Anyway after supper Richard, Hunter and I settled in to watch a few movies and I just never did get around to cutting out my blocks. There is always tomorrow night!!! Hopefully tomorrow after I pick up Andrew I can come home and clean the house and start cutting tomorrow evening! I still need to pull the fabrics for this quilt but that shouldn't take too long since I am just using scraps.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
It's Started!

Whooooo Hoooooo!!!!

I really wanted to get this top finished this month, so hopefully I still can. We were expecting snow here today, but we only got a little bit of sleet. The boys are home from school today so we have had lots of fun. I cleaned my sewing area today and ran on to this block, I needed to recut part of it, so I finished it up to get it out of the way.
I want to start a new quilt, but I know with so many UFO's that I really shouldn't. But sometimes I think you need to start a new one. I just can't really get in the mood to work on some of my UFO's. I've been looking through some of my patterns, and can't decide on one just yet. I'm thinking of another "Stairway To Heaven" but not completely sure yet. I made one several years ago and it is one of my favorites. It is a scrap quilt, so that will make it easy, at least I won't have to buy any fabric for it.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Another Great Mail Day!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
A Day With Mom And The Boys
Andrew needed new shoes for school. I don't know what it is about boys but they are very hard on shoes. So this was the perfect day to go shopping, I would not dare try to pick his shoes out by myself. He is 14 and you know how 14yr old boys are. I called mom and she wanted to go too. She came out and picked us up and we headed to Paintsville.
First stop...the shoe store. After 45 minutes he finally decided on a pair! Mom had already given up on him and headed to the clothing store next door. After that we went to Big Sandy Furniture. Mom is looking for a new couch and chairs for her family room. She just bought a new set for her living room a few months ago. It is soooooo nice, but it is mostly for looks, they don't even sit on it. So after walking around the store forever she narrowed it down to 3 different ones. She told them she would call them back in the morning and let them know. But I know mom, there is no way she will decide that quick.
We did a little more shopping and I bought me a quilt magazine. I have a million, but they are just like fabric, you can't have too many of them. I also picked up some more fabric and stablizers.

Monday, January 14, 2008
A Great Snail Mail Day!

So a big THANK YOU to both of you wonderful ladies. It really means alot to have great friends like you.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Featured Quilt Of The Week ~ 2

Christmas at Mom's
Everyone loved their scarves, so that made me very happy. Here is my brother John and his wife Kellie, with their quilt. They seemed to really like it. It is actually red, but for some reason it looks pink in the photo.

This is another photo of mom with her quilt and Chatal with her scarf. I had actually gave Chantal her quilt on Christmas Day, when she was at my house.
So today I gave 2 bed size quilts and 6 scarves for Christmas gifts. It is hard sometimes to give away quilts but when they are well recieved it makes it all worth it.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Making More Gifts.

Friday, January 11, 2008
Friday Night Spent Sewing!

And this is a throw that I bought for Andrew. It has his name and music notes. He really loves to play music so I thought this would be perfect.
So this is all for tonight. I still have to cut the fringes on these. But I will do that tomorrow. And I also have a few more scarves to make, but I will try to get those finished tomorrow.