After the meeting, I stopped by Pamida. It is like a generic Walmart with NO fabric. They do have a few threads, needles and scissors but that is about it. They were having a going out of business sale. Right now things are only 10%-30% off. The only thing that I bought was this set of needles and measuring tape. I'm sure the needles probably are not that good but what I wanted was the 120" measuring tape. It only cost me 99 cents.
Here are some of the scraps that I cut up last night. It will be a slow process but I will eventually get them done.....maybe! I didn't have big enough pieces for any strips so I just cut squares of different sizes. The smallest that I went was 2 inches and the largest was 5 inch charm sqaures. I still have tons more to do but if I do a little bit at a time maybe it won't be so overwhelming.
Oh and as you can see Donkey is all comfy in his new home. I can't believe how attached that I have gotten to this cat in the few days that he has been here.
He has found a favorite place to sleep....on my end table. When he jumps up there he scoots my table topper, I'm just waiting for the lamp to hit the floor.
Oh and you all were right, they do love fabric and quilts. He kept trying to play while I was cutting my scraps. Mom and Chantal finally came out this evening to see him. I think they were trying to wait until he calmed down a little first.
If there is a quilt or fabric around, they will find it.......and claim it for their own? Does he have claws? We had to have our cat declawed in front because she was shredding all the drapes. It was quite a shock to walk in the room and find her hanging from the threads!
You did get a bargain in getting the long measuring tape at just 99 cents. I think I paid three times that price - or it seems like I did - but that has been many moons ago!
Donkey is settling in great. He will be just like one of your boys - only furry!
Great to see Donkey settling in. I love your bargello. That is one I haven't attempted yet.
Kristie your bargello is just beautiful. Glad that Donkey and you are getting along with one another.
In answer to your question...Yes! I got that mat at joanns. It was a bit under 40 bucks so when I used my coupon it was around 25. It's very very nice. I'm thrilled with it especially after the one I had been using. It was in terrible shape. I love those Jacob Ladder blocks and mine are a bit different from yours I think. I just fell in love with yours....
Regina in MI
I, too, have been trimming scraps into squares and strips...took me days on and off, but I feel great getting it all done. You'll get there eventually!
Glad Donkey is settling in! How exciting that your aunt is going to join your quilt guild too! I love the colors in your bargello quilt.
Love the bargello; this is one of my favorite types of quilt.
Donkey looks like he's made himself at home, glad that you are enjoying his company.
Your bargello quilt is lovely. I am starting one for my son. I hope his comes out as nicely as yours!
I also love the bargello quilt- the colors are really lovely and just sort of flow.
I also think Donkey is a GREAT name for a cat!
oh I love the bargello! I would stashdive for those colors, BUT, I have ::hanging head::: at least THREE bargello projects going! One panel I made for a jacket, decided they weren't MY colors..and there it hangs with all the other strip panels put together waiting to be cut up again! I hope to finish one up this weekend with Bonnie. :::crossing fingers:::
Ohhhhh that Donkey is a cutie!! You got lots of comments on the bargello because it's AWESOME!!!
I understand when you say you are nervous to show other quilters your work. The Bargello quilt looks beautiful.
Your bargello is beautiful! I loke the way it looks when the stips are cut into different sizes, but I am sticking to the same width on the BargelloBowl one. Maybe next time I'll try that - or the Twisted Bargello everyone is talking about on QuiltvilleChat. Hope you make great progress today.
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