Monday, January 21, 2008

Cat Update!

Took Hunter to the doctor this morning and they are scheduling him an appointment with another doctor to have to precedure done. So hopefully within the next week or so it will all be done. I explained to Hunter what they were going to do, and lets just say he's not exactly excited about it.

After the doctor visit we ran by the animal shelter. Richard was with us, since his coal truck broke down and he was home before I left. So I made him go with me. I told him he might have to call 911 if I got in the animal shelter and had a panic attack! :) There were several cats there and Hunter picked a different cat than he did last night. I don't know, I was a little confused, but it was what he wanted. The one he decided on is not a kitten and it is still a boy, and it is gray striped. We didn't get to bring it home today, because he has to go to the vet on Thursday to be neutered. They have manditory neutering. I have to pick him up at the Vet sometime Thursday afternoon. And Hunter is still set on naming him DONKEY! So I guess that is what it will be.

Like I said, there were a ton a cats there and I guess I was a little overwhelmed. This is a big step for me even getting a cat. We went in that room and she started letting them all out. So there was about 20 cats running around!!!! I was afraid I was going to flip out and embarrass myself, but Richard kinda kept them off of me. I didn't pet the cat at all at the shelter, because I was getting very nervous, but I think when he gets here and it's just us, I can handle it just fine.

After that, we ran and picked up a litter box, litter, a scoop, cat food, and a couple of little toys. So now we are all set and waiting for Thursday. My baby is sooooo happy!!!


Hazel said...

I've had my cat for 13 years ,it's the best cat I only see it once a day when it is hungry ,suits me find. Now I swear it knows when my hubby pulls in the lane way ,the cat sits at the door and meows till hubby comes in then will keep it up till hubby pays attention to him .I'm sure Hunter is very excited waiting for his pet ,unfortunately the cat will probably run and hide for a few days maybe you could warn Hunter of this ahead of time so he isn't upset if it happens .Cats are pretty independent ,not at all like a dog .

Amelia said...

I agree with Hazel about Donkey wanting to stay hid for a day or two. Just show him where the litter box is stashed, his food and water bowl..he will come around. A kitten might adapt quicker than an adult cat...depends on the personality of the cat. If the cat had been an outside that he doesn't make an escape out the door when it is opened.

Jen said...

I still love Donkey as a name. Please, please please tell me they're going to knock the poor kid out for this procedure. He's got every right to be freaked out...grown men probably wouldn't handle it as well as he's going to.

Anonymous said...

I love the name he's chosen for the cat, it just cracks me up, too cute.....

Deb A said...

Kristie, when I got my 2 cats as kittens, I kept them in one room for a day or two to start out (bathroom...but it was just me in the house at the time!). Maybe keep it closed up in Hunters room so the kitten isn't so overwhelmed... and that way Hunter can have some one on one time with the kitten and you can adjust slowly to having a cat around? Just a thought.

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

It's so true that we (Moms) will do anything for our kids, don't you think so? Great job on making your baby so happy.

Moneik said...

I'm so proud of you Kristie! It takes courage to overcome our fears and your son will be ever so greatful! Hope he does okay with the procedure. We'll be thinking of you all.

Unknown said...

It sounds that he might forget about the doctor in his excitement for the cat, which is good.

Maureen said...

Good luck with the cat...I wish I could give you some advice but I only know about dogs! I give you credit for going to animal shelter and not having a panic attack! Wow Donkey for a name...I'm sure the cat won't care.

Sorry Hunter has to go through this sugery! Hope all goes well.

Take care!

Maureen said...

Okay...I meant to say that Donkey is an unusual name but the cat won't mind and Hunter likes it!

Cindy said...

Can't give you any advice on a cat because I've always just had dogs. I would think it's going to take a couple of days for it to feel comfortable in his new home but he'll come around. All of a sudden one night without even knowing it you'll be petting the cat and all will be well. You're a great Mom.

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

In answer to your question...of course I'm planning to do the one in April. I've loved this all the way thru...
Are you in on the next mystery?
I hope so....

Gina said...

I'll be thinking of Hunter over the next few days. I'm sure he'll be a very brave young man.

Well done for braving the animal shelter. I'm proud of you. I'm not a cat lover so I would have struggled ina room full of cats aswell.

love and hugs xxx